August 3, 2010

Johnson Wax gets a cameo on 'Mad Men'

SC Johnson, actually Johnson Wax, had a cameo in the first two episodes of the new season of "Mad Men." 

The award-winning show about a New York ad agency in the 1960s twice mentioned Johnson Wax and its "Glo-Coat." The show's lead character, Donald Draper, created an innovative TV ad for the self-polishing floor wax. 

The TV ad features a boy who appears to be imprisoned in a Wild West jail cell. He's actually in a kitchen. "Footprints on a wet floor — that's no longer a hanging offense" is the spot's punch line.

Earlier in the episode it's explained that the ad is groundbreaking because it starts out looking like a movie before it becomes an ad. This type of storytelling wasn't done in advertising at the time. 

In the season's second episode, which aired Sunday, Draper receives a message from a Johnson Wax executive about "Glo-Coat." 

A quick search of YouTube shows Johnson Wax was pretty innovative with Glo-Coat advertising back in the 1960s. Here's a few of their TV commercials:

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