July 18, 2008

Starbucks closures spare Racine coffeeholics

Relax, caffeine junkies: Your Chocolate Creme Frappuccino, your Venti Misto, your Grande Toffee Nut Latte -- they're all safe.

Starbucks today released its list of 600 stores to be closed, and none of ours are on it. In Wisconsin, only six Starbucks get the axe: one each in Appleton, Eau Claire, LaCrosse, Madison, Marshfield and Wisconsin Rapids.

The full list of places around the country now facing caffeine withdrawal is HERE.

And here's a special bonus for all of you: The Ultimate Starbucks recipe book! Yes, you can make pitchers of all your favorite drinks at home, and also pastries and desserts (Mocha Crumb Cake, Maple Oat Scones!) and sauces (Kahlua Fudge Sauce!). Just download and enjoy. (You're very welcome!)

Athletes take over for Racine triathlons

And the winner! Ashley Jensen, 23, of Kenosha,
winning the Women's Only Triathlon
Saturday morning, in a time of 1.09:44.

Here are the men, starting the Blue Wave Sprint Triathlon

And here, wading out to the buoys for their swim

After the swim, a 12.4-mile bicycle race

Well-wishers along the course

Original post

Athlete/masochists are pouring into town, to take part in this weekend's Spirit of Racine Triathlon events.

Thousands of them! At last count -- a week ago -- some 2,400 were registered, according Jim Walczak, Civic Center executive director, whose Festival Hall is hosting a race expo (and registration for all those athletes) tonight from 4 to 8 p.m. and Saturday from noon to 8 pm.

But the really big event is not the expo, but rather the race -- or races, to be exact. Total registration -- at left are some of this afternoon's registrants -- could hit 3,000.

Saturday features the Women's Only Triathlon, which begins at 7 a.m., and the Blue Wave Sprint Triathlon, which starts at 8:30 a.m. Both include a 750-meter swim along North Beach, followed by a 12.4-mile bike ride ride through the county, followed by a 3.1-mile run from North Beach to the Lighthouse and back.

Sunday is the main event, the Spirit of Racine Triathlon, which starts at 7 a.m. -- pretty much the same as the races above, but more of it. The swim is 1.2-miles, the bike race is 56-miles and the run is 13.1-miles, double out and back and through the Zoo, to the lighthouse and around Shoop Park.

The total prize purse is $25,000!

Making this year's Spirit of Racine Triathlon especially interesting is the appearance of David Thompson, winner in both 2006 and 2007, and a number of potential challengers: Daniel Bretscher, 2008 Morgantown Triathlon winner; Brian Rhodes, 2007 Morgantown winner; Mike Caizzo, 2008's Morgantown runner-up; and Abi Bayley, 2007's Spirit of Racine Triathlon third-place finisher, among other world-class athletes.

More information at the Spirit of Racine Triathlon website.

The truth behind door-to-door magazine sales

"Hey, lady, wanna buy a magazine subscription and help me go to the state tournament?"

If some kid shows up at your door asking that question -- assuring you that he or she lives in the neighborhood, goes to a local high school, plays on the soccer team, whatever -- be sure you've read the following story first.

It's a frightening examination of the door-to-door magazine subscription sales business. Those of us with long memories will remember the event that triggered our skepticism of this industry, the horrifying accident on I-90 near Janesville in 1999 that left seven youngsters dead and one paralyzed.

What Mainstream Publishers Don't Want You to Know About Door-to-Door Magazine Sales, appeared yesterday in the Houston Post. After reading it, you may never want to subscribe to a magazine again.

Feingold listening session in Kenosha on Aug. 4

U.S. Sen. Russ Feingold will hold a listening session in Kenosha on Monday, Aug. 4, at 8 a.m. in at the Kenosha Public Museum, 5500 First Avenue, Kenosha. The meeting will last up to an hour.

July 17, 2008

Mogk schedules listening sessions

John Mogk, one of four Democratic candidates for U.S. Congress in the 1st District, will hold a series of listening sessions in Kenosha, Racine, Rock, and Walworth counties in July and August. Mogk says he believes there has been too much talking in Washington and not enough listening in Wisconsin.

Mogk says he already has heard a recurring issue with voters. “There is a feeling by many in the 1st District that their views and opinions are not being listened to; that our current representative is out of touch. When 85 percent of the country believes we are headed in the wrong direction, there is probably some truth to that.”

He says the issues most important to voters should become their congressman's agenda. Too often there is a disconnect between what voters want and what Congress gives them, he says. “They don’t listen. Voters are asking Congress for real relief from gas prices, but they see oil companies writing our energy and environmental polices. They believe Congress is protecting big oil special interests and not serving the interests of the voters.”

Four sessions are scheduled: July 28 at the Racine Public Library; July 29 at the Delavan Community Bank Centre; July 31 at the Hedberg Public Library in Janesville, and Aug. 6 at Mo’s Café in downtown Kenosha. Each event is 5:30-6:30 pm.

More on Mogk HERE and HERE, or at his website.

Garin gets Dems' top spot on primary ballot

Paulette Garin came out on top yesterday, when the State Elections Board determined the order candidates' names will appear on the Sept. 9 primary ballot in the 1st District's Congressional race.

The order listed is as follows:
1. Paulette Garin, Democrat
2. John Mogk, Democrat
3. Marge Krupp, Democrat
4. Mike Hebert, Democrat
1. Paul Ryan, Republican
1. Joseph Kexel, Libertarian
Damned if I know why Ryan and Kexel will be on the primary ballot, since neither has any opposition within their own party.

The real 1st District news of note is that Mike Hebert is still in the race at all.

Christopher Sodergren-Barr, campaign manager for Marge Krupp challenged Hebert's right to be on the ballot, saying his nomination papers did not have the election's correct date, and his nominee signatures' addresses did not note whether they were in cities, villages or towns.

The State Government Accountability Board dismissed the complaint after a few minutes' deliberation Wednesday. Board member William Eich, according to the Kenosha News, called the mistakes "harmless."

The Kenosha News also reported on the candidates' fund-raising, including a catfight between Krupp and Garin over whether the cost of personal items -- money spent on a dress worn during the campaign, and on teeth whitening strips -- ought to be counted as campaign expenses. If you really must, you can read the sordid details HERE.

Unified's latest (only?) superintendent candidate to meet community

Dr. James Shaw, who far as we know is the only candidate to become superintendent of the Racine Unified School District, will visit Racine Monday, July 28, and Tuesday, July 29, for a series of meetings with community members. Meetings are being scheduled with representatives of the following groups: Students, parents, business leaders, community leaders, union leadership and principals and administrators.

Like the three "finalists" brought in during Unified's first, abortive, search (you remember: the one with three somewhat questionable candidates (HERE, HERE and HERE) and a board pick who left us standing at the altar on June 10), Shaw will also receive the Golden Rondelle treatment -- all by himself. He will meet in an open forum with community members during a reception and question-and-answer session on Tuesday, July 29, from 6 to 8 p.m. at the Golden Rondelle Theatre, 1525 Howe St. Anyone may attend but RSVP's are requested, either by phone at (262) 260-2158 or by email.

Board of Education members will provide forum participants with a comment sheet to gather community impressions about the candidates. These feedback forms will be reviewed by the Board of Education members prior to making a decision.

Dr. Shaw's background is HERE.

July 16, 2008

Optimism reigns as Democrats open Obama HQ

Full of excitement and optimism, some 250 Democrats celebrated the opening of Barack Obama's Racine campaign headquarters Wednesday night.

The former Historic Century Market on Sixth Street was a spacious, hospitable party -- a big table of food and beverages, partisans decked out in campaign wear. Renee Lee of Racine, below, wore a dress with an unambiguous message. Even a few candidates for lesser offices were present, working the floor. And, of course, the requisite sign-in sheets for volunteers of all types.

This is not the first Obama campaign headquarters in the area; nor will it be the last. The first opened last week in Kenosha; coming soon will be full-time campaign operations in Janesville, Beloit, Ft. Atkinson and Whitewater, among others.

That was good news to the assembled Democrats, who appear to be looking forward to November with unusual optimism. State Sen. John Lehman declared, "I've been waiting 40 years for this kind of excitement. You could tell then, during the Democratic primary, that something was happening. Well, we have the same feeling now with Barack Obama. *(See below.)

"Barack Obama is our candidate, and he is going to win ... it's giving me goosebumps," Lehman said, to applause.

State Rep. Bob Turner echoed the same theme, adding, "This is my most exciting moment as a Democrat since JFK. We have the opportunity to transform history." In a not-too-subtle dig at Republican candidate John McCain, Turner said, "Being shot down in Vietnam doesn't qualify you to be president."

One of the highlights of the office opening celebration was a long table, lined with cups with the names of prospective vice presidential candidates. Democrats "voted" for their favorites by dropping quarters in their cup of choice. And the winners were... Hillary Clinton came in first (hers was the only cup I saw with greenbacks stuffed in it); Wisconsin's own Russ Feingold came in second; John Edwards was third, and Bill Richardson came in fourth. The money raised will help support the campaign office.

Michael Gibson and Sarah Wadleigh with you-know-who
Who knew there are so many VP possibilities?

* I went home last night somewhat confused, after hearing John Lehman extol the "excitement" of the Democratic primary "40 years ago." So I sent him a quick note this morning, asking what I might be missing, since all I could recall from 1968 was the assassination of Robert Kennedy and the loss by Hubert Humphrey to Richard Nixon -- hardly the kind of excitement I want again.

Lehman responded: "I referred in my remarks last night to Chuck Fiala and Jerry Maiers opening a Eugene McCarthy campaign center on Main Street that attracted swarms of young, enthusiastic workers. (This was my first experience working in electoral politics at age 22 some 40 years ago now.) The feeling folks had in those days that "we were about to change things" was reflected in the enthusiasm of the folks showing up for the Obama opening. The Wisconsin Democratic primary campaign that year was very enthusiastic and McCarthy "upset the apple cart" and LBJ withdrew. A groundswell of Racine and Wisconsin Democratic activism really did make a difference.

"I am well aware of the fiasco of the Democratic National Convention in Chicago in 1968 and of the HHH ultimate loss to the Republican nominee, Richard Nixon. I am well aware that 1968 is remembered for rioting in the streets, the King and RFK assassinations and much turmoil. But in Racine Democratic politics, the energy and excitement of the Obama event and campaign is the best we have seen in a long, long time. There is a feeling that we may be making history here ... with the election of the "skinny African-American guy with the funny sounding name." You were there last night. Wouldn't you agree that there was a great deal of energy in that new headquarters?"

Well, yeah! And thanks for the explanation, for those of us who weren't here in '68.

You want a latte or a share of LEE stock?

Read it and weep: $2.99 a share (click to enlarge)

At 10:38 this morning, stock in Lee Enterprises, parent of the Journal Times, broke through the $3 barrier. Some 31,530 shares sold for $2.99 apiece, before the stock recovered and climbed 12 cents per share over its opening of $3.23.

There's no special significance to the $3 figure, of course -- not when you consider the stock already has lost 84% in the past year, and 91% over the past five years. But it's still a price I never thought I'd see. Meanwhile, other newspaper companies also are suffering...

July 14, 2008

Madonna wants to come home with you

Yes, we know. The "real" Madonna is on the front pages of the gossip tabloids -- something to do with A-Rod, whoever that is.

This Madonna is a female, 5-6-month-old mixed breed puppy. She is white with black and gray spots. She is an active, wiggly puppy who would do best in a home with children over the age of 6. She would get along with another dog of about the same size or larger who likes to play.

Best of all: she doesn't sing.

She's available for adoption from the Countryside Humane Society, 2706 Chicory Road, or call (262) 554-6699.

Countryside is full of very adoptable dogs, cats and kittens. Maybe it's time you stopped in to take one home today.

Another ozone alert here, through Wednesday

Update, 3/16: Shortly before noon on Wednesday, the DNR extended the ozone alert until Thursday midnight.
The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources is issuing an Air Quality Watch for Ozone for Racine County and nine other lakefront counties, effective 12:01 a.m. on Tuesday, July 15, through 11:59 p.m. on Wednesday.

The watch is being issued because of the forecast for elevated levels of ground level ozone, formed when pollution from power plants, factories and other industrial sources, vehicle exhaust, and volatile organic compounds chemically reacts with hot temperatures, high humidity and atmospheric stagnation.

The Air Quality Index is forecast to reach the orange level, which is considered unhealthy for people in sensitive groups and those engaged in strenuous outside activities or exposed for prolonged periods of time.

People with lung diseases such as asthma and bronchitis should pay attention to shortness of breath, or respiratory symptoms like coughing, wheezing and discomfort when taking a breath, and consult with their physician if they have concerns or are experiencing symptoms. Ground level ozone can irritate the respiratory system, reduce lung function, aggravate asthma and chronic lung diseases, and, over time, cause permanent lung damage.

Bizarro World: Vos, McReynolds oppose governor's spending cuts

Here's some news that slipped past us Friday. County Exec Bill McReynolds and State Rep. Robin Vos, both known for wanting to cut government spending opposed a Doyle Administration plan to do just that (is this bizarro world?). The reason? It was going on in their own back yard.

The state wanted to cut three jobs from the Workforce Development Center and a fourth at the Western Racine County Service Center. Vos and McReynolds had good reason for opposing the cuts. Racine has the highest unemployment rate in the state. Why would you cut its services designed to help people find jobs?

Here's the full release that came out Friday:


Sec. Gassman announces DWD will rethink strategy for job centers statewide

Racine…State Rep. Robin Vos (R-Caledonia) and Racine County Executive Bill McReynolds praised a decision announced by Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development Secretary, Roberta Gassman, to halt her plans to reduce service at the Racine County Workforce Development Center, and others throughout Wisconsin, as part of a statewide consolidation plan. According to the Wisconsin State Journal, Gassman made the statement in an interview on Wednesday.

The decision comes after talks in past weeks between Vos, McReynolds, Gassman and other community stakeholders who have made clear their desire that the direction of the Secretary’s emphasis be altered. At a meeting last week, Vos and McReynolds urged her to reconsider the consolidation. The plan also endured considerable criticism at a Senate Labor, Elections, and Urban Affairs Committee hearing on Tuesday.

“While I am always a proponent of consolidation when it will assure greater efficiencies,” said Vos. “I cannot condone reducing service at Racine’s Workforce Development Center when the city of Racine has one of the highest unemployment rates in the state. Doing so in these tough economic times will do a huge disservice to all the citizens of Racine County.”

Secretary Gassman’s plan would have consolidated 38 state job centers into 12 and would have required the 113 current staff members to travel between sites, leaving certain sites periodically un-staffed. Racine’s Workforce Development Center would have lost three staff to the job center in Kenosha, in addition to a staff reduction at the Western Racine County Service Center in Burlington.

McReynolds noted: “Racine County has a premier workforce development center, and the DWD staff are important members of that team. Losing them would have been a real disservice to Racine County’s workforce, especially its many veterans.” He added: “We owe a debt of gratitude to Representative Vos, who made last week’s meeting with Secretary Gassman possible. It gave us the chance to tell her Racine County’s story.”

Racine County’s model delivery system has been praised around the globe as an example of providing services in a seamless transition so displaced workers are able to get back to work quickly.

National peace march stopping in Racine Thursday

A peace tour is coming through Racine this week. Here's the details from RCPJ:

The "Witness Against War 2008" peace march is organized by Voices for Creative Nonviolence (VCNV). It will begin in Chicago on July 12 and conclude in St. Paul, MN on August 31 in time for the start of the 2008 Republican Convention. Marchers will arrive in Racine on Thursday 17 July, participate in various activities on Friday, and leave for Milwaukee on Saturday 19 July.

Marchers will be the guests of the Racine Coalition for Peace and Justice and of the local community. All are invited to participate in at least a portion of the march.

The agenda for Racine is as follows:

Thursday July 17, 2008

4:00 P.M. Welcome walkers at John Bryant Community Center, 601 21st Street
4:30 P.M. Begin walk to Belle City Senior Center, Goold & Main
6:00 P.M. Meet host families at Belle City Senior Center, 201 Goold

Friday, July 18, 2008

10:30 A.M. Presentation by members of VCNV at Sam Johnson Parkway (in case of rain, Olympia Brown Unitarian Universalist Church annex, 7th & College)
11:00 A.M. Rally at Congressman Paul Ryan's office, 216 6th Street
11:30 A.M. Sack lunch downtown Racine on Monument Square
2:30 P.M. Meet with walkers at Wilson Coffee and Tea, 3306 Washington Ave.

July 13, 2008

Racine woman wins rain garden

Here's a cool prize from the Root-Pike WIN - a free rain garden. Racine's Carol Miller won the unique, and environmentally friendly, prize in a drawing at this weekend's Dragon Boat Festival. Here's the full release:
Carol Miller, Racine, Wins Free Rain Garden in Drawing at Midwest Dragon Boat Festival

RACINE, WI — Root-Pike Watershed Initiative Network announced today that Carol Miller of Parkfield Court, Racine, is the winner of the rain garden drawing held Saturday, July 12 at the Midwest Dragon Boat Festival. The rain garden consists of 70 moisture loving plants native to Wisconsin, 10 bags of mulch, garden hand tools, assistance from rain garden experts, and has a retail value of over $450.

The drawing attracted 133 entries and was part of Root-Pike WIN’s new Rain Garden Initiative booth at the Festival, that included the planted rain garden, rain garden experts and materials on how to build a rain garden and reduce polluted storm water runoff. Root-Pike WIN’s goal is to help reduce polluted stormwater runoff through the installation of rain gardens throughout the Root River and Pike River watershed, which covers an area from New Berlin to Kenosha.

The Rain Garden Initiative is funded by SC Johnson Fund, E.C. Styberg Foundation, Racine Community Foundation, WE Energy Corporation Foundation and CNH America. Twenty-three businesses and individuals sponsored the rain garden exhibit and the WIN Dragons, Root-Pike WIN’s paddling team, which won 4th place in the Jade Division championship round with 1:52.68 minutes. The sponsors were:

· Quick Cable Corporation
· Merchants Moving and Storage Company
· Finishing & Plating Service
· David Insurance
· Wendy McCalvy
· Agrecol Corporation
· Averitt Express
· Newport Builders, Inc.
· Spa at Great Lakes
· Ameriprise Financial Services, Inc.
· Mike & Ann Luba
· Jelly Belly Candy Company
· Susan & Jerry Greenfield
· Reva & Michael Holmes
· Andy Yencha & Heather Couch
· Klema Feeds
· Ayra’s Deli Food Express
· Caledonia Conservancy
· Hall Consulting
· Bill & Linda Sasse
· Sara Wilson
· Roger & Suzanne Chernik
· Warren & Nancy DeKraay

The Rain Garden Initiative has funded 32 rain gardens in Racine, Kenosha and Milwaukee counties in 2008. The program also included free workshops, ongoing advice from experts, and annual monitoring for three years to make sure the gardens are managing storm water runoff.

Rain gardens are just what they sound like, gardens that soak up rain water, mainly from a roof, but also from a driveway and lawn. The garden fills up with a few inches of water that slowly filters into the ground rather than running off to storm sewers. According to DNR, one rain garden on a quarter-acre lot can reduce annual runoff by 25%. By reducing runoff, rain gardens can be valuable part of improving water quality in our streams, rivers and lakes, reducing flooding and replenishing groundwater.

The Root-Pike watershed encompasses parts of Kenosha, Racine, Milwaukee and Waukesha counties, where the organization and volunteers work to protect, restore, and sustain the ecosystem through grant funding of locally initiated projects. The Root-Pike Watershed Initiative Network grew out of a group convened in 1998 by the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources to identify critical natural resource issues in the Root River and Pike River watersheds.

Quilts on Barns: First two will be hung shortly

Jim Limburg, left, and Al Barry, with 'Wild Goose Chase' quilt panel
that will go on Adrian and Richard Kessler's barn on 7-Mile Road.

Anyone who's visited Lancaster County, PA, will remember the country barns, decorated with colorful, round hex signs, a good luck symbol for the Pennsylvania Dutch.

Well, in a few years, travelers around Racine County will have a similar experience -- except our rural barns will be decorated with colorful "quilts."

The first two of 15 barns to be "quilted" this summer will receive their decoration in two weeks. By October, all 15 should be completed ... and project organizers project a similar schedule for the next two years as well.

This project, taking shape as quickly as it has since January, had its beginning when local quilter Kathi Wilson saw an article in a magazine about Grundy County, Iowa, where the idea began.

"I just had to go see it," Kathi says, and so she drove to Iowa. "You're driving along a country road and all of a sudden there's this beautiful quilt pattern on a barn. They're just stunning. I thought, 'this will be awesome in Racine County.' "

She knew she had a great idea, but held back, for two years, also knowing how much work would be involved. (Although she's been a quilter since 2001, Kathi says her real passion is "bringing people together.") Finally, Kathi contacted Lorna Henning of the Racine Arts Council. "She thought it was a great idea, and suggested I talk to Dave Blank of the Racine County Convention and Visitors Bureau. He loved it, asking me, 'Why did you wait so long? We've been trying to attract people out into the county." Right away, he was on board."

And so, work began on what is called the Quilts on Barn project. Starting last October, Wilson, Henning and others came up with the criteria -- mainly an active, wooden barn visible from the road -- and in January they put out a press release, seeking ten barn owners willing to participate.

"It's just been wild, the response was unbelievable," Kathi said. Before they knew it, they signed up the first 15 barns that were offered, and started a waiting list "that will cover next year."

Now comes the fun part, painting the "quilts." Traditional quilt patterns are transferred to a grid so the design will fit on the two 4' x 8'' plywood panels, and various groups have each agreed to paint one, more than 200 volunteers in all. Some of those organizations are Cops 'n Kids, Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, the Norway Garden Club, the Potpourri Garden Club, Racine Montessori School, Allese Orthodontics Appliances. And my three favorites -- how appropriate! -- local quilters from the Lighthouse Quilt Guild, the Rainbow quilt Guild and the First Friday Quilt Guild will each paint a "quilt."

Al Barry is the project's manager, in charge of bringing carefully primed panels to the painters, and then storing the completed panels in a pole barn out in the county. And finally, hanging them on each barn. Right now, he and his crew have seven completed panels ready to be hung, and they're out auditing the barns, to see what kind of ladders or cherry pickers will be needed to hang the "quilts."

The first barn to be decorated belongs to Jean Jacobson, former Racine County executive, whose Norway barn quilt was painted by the Norway Garden Club. It will be hung on July 25. The following morning, Saturday, July 26, the public can watch the second quilt being hung, at Bill and Sandra Swantz' barn at 4603 108th Street, Franksville, starting at 8:30 a.m. At noon there will be a reception at Jacobson's.

By Oct.11, all 15 quilts will be hung around the county, and there a plans for a road rally, a quilt raffle and a reception.

Meanwhile, the already multi-media project has yet another media dimension: Nicholas Ravnikar, Pat Levine and Kathi are making a documentary about the project , having spent March, April and May interviewing each of the barn owners on film. And, of course, taking "before" pictures of each barn, to go along with the quilted barn picture to come.

Raiders open season with a 41-8 win

The Racine Raiders had some frustrations to take out Saturday night after suffering a lopsided defeat to the Detroit Seminoles last week at Historic Horlick Field. Interstate 94 rivals, the Milwaukee Marauders, were unfortunate enough to be the Raiders' opponent.

The Raiders made a statement on the opening kickoff as Rick Hutchins, a high school and college track star, found an opening down the Marauders' sideline and returned the kick 82 yards for a touchdown. New kicker Ben Aguila added the point-after and the Raiders had a quick 7-0 lead.

On one of their first plays from scrimmage, Marauders' quarterback Virgil McNeil threw the ball right to Raiders' cornerback Eric Feest who returned the ball to the Marauders' six-yard line. Raiders' quarterback Shawn Kain found wide receiver Dorian Palmer in the corner of the endzone on the next play for a quick 14-0 lead after the converted extra point.

Both teams' offenses seemed to stall a bit, aided by excellent defense. Neither team would find the endzone again until the second quarter when Kain hit wide receiver Sam D'Alie on a one-yard TD pass. The extra point was good and the Raiders led 21-0 with 4:33 to play in the half.

Several miscues by the Marauders gave the Raiders the ball back and they capitalized on a 25-yard field goal by Aguilar just before the two-minute warning.

Frustration seemed to set in for the Marauders as they decided to run the ball four straight times, including on fourth and three in their own territory, which they didn't convert, giving the Raiders the ball in great field position. With no timeouts remaining, Kain forced a pass into the endzone with no time on the clock and it was intercepted by cornerback Mike Harrison to end the half with the Raiders leading 24-0.

The Raiders were first to strike in the second half when Kain found Palmer streaking down the sideline for a 33-yard TD. Aguilar's extra point landed on High Street and the Raiders led 31-0 with 8:45 to play in the third quarter.

The Raiders would score again on a Bryan Jennings, Jr. one-yard TD run with 3:15 left to play in the third. The run was set up by a screen pass from backup quarterback Ricky Irby Jr. to Jennings that went for 61 yards.

The Raiders would score again just a few minutes later off the left foot of Aguilar, who booted a 42-yard field goal just 30 seconds into the final quarter.

The Raiders' defense tried to hold onto to their second shutout of the season, but the Marauders were able to put together one drive that culminated in a McNeil four-yard TD pass to running back Demetrius Thompson in the back of the end zone with 8:10 left to play. The Marauders went for the two-point conversion and McNeil was able to run the ball in to convert, making the final score 41-8.

The game was taped by Time Warner Cable Sports channel 32. It will first air on Monday, July 14, at 7 p.m. Fans can also check the Time Warner Cable website for additional dates. The game will also be available on Wisconsin-on-Demand, Channel 1111, beginning on Wednesday, July 16.