Meet the carvers HERE.
ExposeKenosha posted Joe Barr's photos of the event HERE.
VIDEO of carvers in action, by John Polodna, is HERE.
China blogger beaten to death
(CNN) -- Authorities have fired an official in central China after city inspectors reportedly beat to death a man who filmed their confrontation with villagers, China's Xinhua news agency reports.
... On Monday Wei Wenhua, a 41-year-old construction company executive, happened on a confrontation in the central Chinese province of Hubei between city inspectors and villagers protesting over the dumping of waste near their homes.
A scuffle developed when residents tried to prevent trucks from unloading the rubbish, Xinhua said.
When Wei took out his cell phone to record the protest, more than 50 municipal inspectors turned on him, attacking him for five minutes, Xinhua said. Wei was dead on arrival at a Tianmen hospital, the report said.
... An international press freedom group, Reporters Without Borders, protested the killing.
"Wei is the first 'citizen journalist' to die in China because of what he was trying to film," the group said in a statement.
US concerned for Saudi blogger
WASHINGTON (CNN) -- The Bush administration has brought its concerns about the detention of a well-known blogger to the Saudi Arabian government at "a relatively senior level," State Department spokesman Sean McCormack said Thursday.
... Fouad al-Farhan, 32, was arrested December 10 "because he violated the regulations of the kingdom," a spokesman for the Interior Ministry told CNN Wednesday.
In an e-mail posted on his Web site since his arrest, however, al-Farhan told friends that he faced arrest for his support of 10 reform advocates the Saudi government accuses of supporting terrorism.
In the e-mail, al-Farhan said a senior Interior Ministry official promised he would remain in custody for three days at most if he agreed to sign a letter of apology.
Al-Farhan, who blogs at alfarhan.org, is one of the few Saudi Web commentators who uses his own name, according to the U.S.-based Committee to Protect Journalists.
Once again, Ken Hall has resorted to cheap tactics and mudslinging to try to distant himself from opponents. He tried similar tactics in the County Executive race last year.
The process asks for 100 signatures, which I surpassed and stand by 100%. Mr. Hall , in his first campaign for County Supervisor misled the people of his district that I endorsed him by placing my name in an endorsement ad, which I had previously told him after a visit to my home that I would not endorse him.
As in his failed bid for County Executive in which he employed similar tactics, the people of the 15th District will not tolerate such disrespect for the political process.
I can only hope that the County Clerk does not fall for such cheap tactics. Rest assured, if he is successful in this stunt, I will not go away and will continue to run with a write in campaign.
My only hope is that the people that signed the nomination papers are not disenfranchised by Ken Hall.
“On behalf of the qualified electors in District 15 and Racine County and in order maintain the integrity of the election, as prescribed by Wisconsin law, I have submitted a complaint today to County Clerk Joan Rennert contesting the sufficiency of Brian Dey’s nomination papers for the District 15 County Supervisor seat,” said Ken Hall, incumbent County Supervisor for District 15 in a statement released today.
The complaint alleges that the nomination papers certified by Mr. Dey contain 9 invalid signatures including duplicate signatures, signatures signed by persons other than the elector, invalid addresses, and other irregularities. Mr. Dey’s nomination papers list 103 nominating electors, but when the irregularities are taken into account, these papers are unlikely to meet the minimum standards under Wisconsin law for Mr. Dey to earn a place on the ballot. The minimum standard is 100 valid signatures from eligible electors.
“Accountable government begins with respect for the election process and its laws. This matter is up to the County Clerk to decide, but serious candidates easily avoid issues like this by planning, scheduling, and doing the work needed to gather far more nomination signatures than the minimum in order to ensure they actually do qualify for the election ballot,“ stated Ken Hall.
Santa seems to have overlooked an important stop in Racine – the old, wonderful and historic Olympia Brown Unitarian Universalist Church building. Santa understands OBUUC's heritage, the use of the flaming Chalice, and celebratory use of candles, but is concerned about the potential risk of fire.
Therefore, Santa (the Board of Trustees, and the Finance and Building Concerns Committees) has identified the purchase and installation of an active fire and smoke detection system as the recipient of the annual congregation Christmas gift. The integrated system is expected to cost about $5,000 installed. Elf Rich Wilson will be available and providing contribution forms and envelopes at both services on Sunday, Jan. 13.
You can also forward your contributions (checks only, please) using U.S Postal Mail services to:
Attention: 07 Christmas Gift
419 6th Street
Racine, WI 53403
Please enter "07 Christmas Gift" on your check memorandum line. Please help protect this wonderful and historic building.
Comfortably resting … Santa