The event, called Grill'n for Peace, is a fundraiser for a local group that feeds the needy in Madison once a week. Details HERE.

MEANWHILE, our Racine peace sign photos have joined thousands of others on the blog and website of two Wyoming folks (by way of Madison) who are attempting to collect one million peace sign photos. Zoey Lily and Lolo wrote about their inspiration:
Snowed in on Jan. 1, 2008, in the Middle-of-Nowhere Wyoming, we decided that collecting One Million Signs of Peace for a website would be a fine New Year's Resolution. Crazy? Probably. Possible? We think so! Since then, people from all over the world have sent us their Peace Sign Photos, Peace observations, and "go for it" encouragement. We've also added Clark, our resident guru and Real Life Superman to the mix. 'Tis awesome, and we thank you all!The screenshot above is from their photo site. Go there and look at more than 2,500 pictures they've already collected.
And when you're done there, check out this site: P.E.A.C.E. Scooter. It chronicles the journey of a young woman, Alix Bryan, who spent the summer criss-crossing the U.S. on a small motorscooter, a Buddy 125cc with an engine smaller than your lawn mower's. (It's a clone of my beloved Vespa, if you must know.)
Alix's goal was to travel 9,000-plus miles, drawing a huge Peace sign on the U.S. map tracing her route. She started in June at the White House, and finally reached Crawford, Texas, in October. Her mission was, and is, to collect one billion definitions of the word peace, by talking about peace everywhere she went. She, too, has blogged about Racine's peace sign and posted a few of our pictures. But don't go there for that; rather read and enjoy the inspiring tale of her single-minded journey around the U.S.