More photos after the break.
Many ways to come down the hill.

Then turn around and climb back up for another run!

And finally: Sisters, in Five Acts

-- Raise fuel economy standards to 35 miles per gallon by 2020;
-- Boost biofuel production to 36 billion gallons a year by 2022;
-- Repeal $13 billion in tax breaks to oil companies to fund renewable energy, biofuels and energy efficiency;
-- Force utilities to raise the portion of power from renewable sources like wind, geothermal and solar to 15% by 2022. Among other provisions.
-- Wastes tax dollars on “green pork” – creating a new slush fund for governors and local officials in the form of billions in tax credit bonds, with only the loosest restrictions on how that money can be spent. For example, such bonds could be used to help complete an “indoor rainforest” project in Iowa, which is stalled for lack of local money, or to purchase hybrid snowmobiles for ski resorts in Aspen.
-- Creates “forestry conservation tax credit bonds” that appear to be a specific tax earmark. According to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, this $500 million provision applies to only one parcel of land in Montana that is owned by a large private timber company.
-- Repeals the domestic manufacturing deduction for five American companies that explore, extract and refine oil and natural gas – forcing these companies to pay more taxes than other American manufacturers. Raising taxes on domestic oil and gas production reduces incentives to produce here in the U.S. and could lead to increased oil imports, and higher oil and gas prices.
-- Creates dozens of new, often duplicative government programs.
-- Authorizes funds for clean and energy efficient technologies in other countries.
Six-term Congresswoman, former Democrat and now Green Party member Cynthia McKinney is coming to Madison and Milwaukee on Tuesday, Dec. 11, as part of her "Power to the People" tour, promoting her campaign to win the Green Party nomination for President of the United States.McKinney? Cynthia McKinney... that Cynthia McKinney?
Congresswoman McKinney will announce her candidacy and hold a press conference at the Madison State Capitol, room 330 SW at 12:30 p.m.Thank goodness for that last statement! But where's Ralph Nader when we really need him?
Rep. McKinney was the first African-American woman from Georgia elected to Congress, serving six terms in the House. Prior to completing her most recent term, she introduced articles of impeachment against President Bush charging him with manipulating intelligence and lying to justify the war in Iraq, failing to uphold accountability and violating privacy laws with his domestic spying program. The articles also included charges against Vice President Cheney and Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice.
"Like Robert M. LaFollette Sr., Rep. McKinney has abandoned the establishment parties and chosen to run for president as a progressive, independent of the two-party system," said Ron Hardy, Co-chair of the Wisconsin Green Party. "During World War I, that establishment demonized Fighting Bob La Follette; today, during the Iraq War, Rep. McKinney is their target. We welcome her into the Green Party, to join us in our efforts to bring democracy, nonviolence, and justice to our country."
In addition to McKinney, other Green candidates appearing on the Wisconsin Green Party's presidential ballot will be: Jared Ball, college professor from the District of Columbia; Jesse Johnson, filmmaker and film company owner from West Virginia; Jerry Kann, child welfare non-profit administrative assistant from New York; Kent Mesplay, air quality inspector from California; Joe Schriner, journalist and author from Ohio; and Kat Swift, non-profit bookkeeper from Texas.
[Distribution of this release by the Wisconsin Green Party does not imply endorsement of any candidate for the presidential nomination.]
The Studio of Classical Dance Arts, LLC is proud to present “The Story of the Nutcracker”, a one-act ballet. The hour-long ballet will be performed at Racine’s Park High School Theater on December 8 and 9 at 2:30 pm. This annual family friendly production is in its second year and includes a cast of 42 students ages 6–18. Tickets are available at The Studio during regular studio hours and at the theater the day of the performance. Ticket prices are $8 for adults and $5 for children 12 and under. For more information please contact The Studio at (262) 633-4450 or online at classicaldancearts.com
Fine Fare Foods, 1819 Durand AvenueAnd the four cited for non-compliance are:
Christiano’s, 2054 Kearney Avenue
Open Pantry, 2731 Durand Avenue
Walgreens, 3825 Durand Avenue
Pantry Plus, 2056 Taylor Avenue
Pick ‘N Save, 2406 S. Green Bay Road
Speedway, 2110 S. Green Bay Road
Clark Station, 5302 Washington Avenue
Walgreens, 4810 Washington Avenue
CVS, Pharmacy 1122 West Boulevard
Lee’s Deli, 2615 Washington Avenue
Plaza Smoker Shop, 3701 Durand Avenue
S & H Petroleum, 3818 Durand Avenue
Dan's Liquor, 1856 Taylor Avenue
Cigarette Outlet, 5108 Washington Avenue
Racine Considers Run for GovernorNo, they weren't talking about us, but rather Vermont State Senator Doug Racine, a former lieutenant governor of the Green Mountain state, who is considering another run for the State House.
Setting a Strategic PlanThere also will be case studies and a panel Q & A.
Legal and Tax Issues
Risk Management and Insurance
Banking and Financial Issues
Moving Product Logistics
Political and Cultural Nuances
Robert L. Anderson, District 2, incumbent
James E. Kaplan, District 4, incumbent
Sandy Weidner, District 6, incumbent
Aron Wisneski, District 12, incumbent
Ronald D. Hart, District 14, incumbent