Among the highlights:

Dey's objections to the current board's making the superintendent decision have been known for some while. Dey says he was willing to go along with the current board's picking the new superintendent back in December and January, "when it appeared we could get this wrapped up by April. But when we saw that the board was not meeting deadlines, that was the point that I and Carlsen should have bowed out. There's no rush, (Interim Supt. Jack) Parker is willing to stay through August.Brian,
The lack of integrity demonstrated by this note is simply breathtaking!
ORIGINAL POST: Brian Dey, a member of the Racine Unified School Board since 2005, did not run for re-election this year (choosing instead to run for the County Board, a race he lost). Nonetheless, until the new board members are sworn in on April 28, he is still a member of the board, and its superintendent search committee.Bill,
While I owe you no explanation, I do owe the public that elected me. Hence, the public notice of my withdrawal. This Board has worried more about its image with staff, than the public it represents. It's about time someone publicly scrutinizes the actions of this Board and its ineptness. There is a clear difference between you and I. You owe your allegiances to the special interests that put you there, i.e. RAMAC, Johnsons. I owe mine to the general public.
Bill Summary: The bill allows most cities, towns, villages, and counties to create regional transit authorities (RTAs), which are public bodies corporate and politic that are separate governmental entities.In other words, there are no anticipated costs for RTAs because the RTAs will set fees to cover the costs. So what are the fees? "Indeterminate."
Fiscal Effect: The bill does not directly impact the Department, and therefore the Department assumes that it will have no state fiscal effect. The Department assumes that political subdivisions eligible and electing to create RTAs will incur one-time costs related to activities necessary to form the RTA, e.g., drafting and adopting authorizing resolutions. The Department assumes that the one-time costs associated with creating RTAs will differ among local units of government, but has no basis for reliably estimating the amount of those one-time costs. Therefore the Department has listed the local government fiscal effect as "indeterminate". However, because the bill provides that RTAs, once legally formed, may set fees and charges for functions, facilities, and services provided by the RTA, the Department assumes that RTAs will set fees at levels sufficient to cover their costs and will have no net annualized fiscal effect.
The Board of Education met this evening in closed session for more than three hours to review the feedback regarding the Superintendent Finalists that was received from the meetings with staff, students, union leaders, parents, and the community as well as the Monday evening forum at the Golden Rondelle. The Board also reviewed other information that had been received concerning the candidates, and during the meeting additional questions were raised that the Board feel must be answered to be able to decide how to proceed. The Board will release information regarding the next steps in the Superintendent search process as soon as a decision has been made.Let's summarize: The Board met in closed session. It still has questions. No decision was made. It will tell us when they make a decision.
* Expresses concern for the citizens who have been gravely affected by the violence in this region
* Calls upon all parties to cease hostilities immediately and uphold human rights
* Urges the governments of Chad and Sudan to abide by promises not to support insurgent groups and to recommit to inclusive negotiations towards regional peace
* Urges the government of Chad to restore its political legitimacy by improving accountability, provision of basic services, and respect for basic human and political rights
* Encourages the United States and international community to support multilateral peacekeeping missions in Darfur, Chad, and Central African Republic and to play an active, constructive role in a comprehensive peace process to stabilize the region
Dr. Craig Bangtson: F (because that's the lowest grade I'm allowed to give)One school board member put them in the same order after the presentation, with Purcell clearly the front-runner. When I teased a Unified principal that Bangtson would be her new boss, she said, "Don't even joke about it."
Dr. Barbara Moore Pulliam: B
Dr. Carlinda Purcell: A
Dr. Craig Bangtson, former superintendent of Bartow County Schools in Cartersville, GA, and former superintendent of Grayson County Schools in Leitchfield, KY;
Dr. Barbara Moore Pulliam, assistant professor, College of Education, University of West Georgia, Carrollton, GA, and former superintendent of Clayton County Public Schools, Jonesboro, GA;
Dr. Carlinda Purcell, former superintendent, Montgomery County Public Schools, Montgomery, AL, and Warrenton, NC.