The Pantagraph right-sized itself today, cutting 1 1/2" off the width of all its pages ... a cut many Lee Enterprises newspapers are undergoing to save newsprint (i.e., money). The Journal Times will similarly shrink on April 14, according to a memo from the advertising director.
Of course, Johnston and his "presentation editor's" video did not mention that the paper is getting, um... smaller. Instead, the focus was on "we've redesigned the paper without losing any material but giving you everything in a more easier to read format." The video is heavy on "easier to find," "better," "quick and easy" statements (I counted eleven in the 2 1/2-minutes); light on "the page is smaller" (um, none).
Here's the video; see for yourself what the JT may be telling us in less than a month.

Here we go again, with Pete going after the Journal. Sour grapes for being fired.