It was 35° or so in Monument Square Saturday night, when about 35 high school students -- mostly from Walden III but also a few from Horlick -- demonstrated their concern about global climate change with a candlelight rally.
Not wishing to interrupt the Christmas carols being sung at the other end of the square, the kids stayed quietly across Main Street, at the entrance to Sam Johnson Parkway -- holding lighted candles and a few hand-written signs warning about the increase in CO
The Racine demonstration was entirely peaceful; the students held their candles and signs up for passing motorists to see, and engaged in conversations with many stopped at the stoplight, and with a few pedestrians who walked over to ask what was going on. This was local high school students' second rally on the issue since October, a protest held in conjunction with similar events worldwide organized by 350.0rg. Their Oct. 24 rally here joined 5,200 others, in 181 countries.
Tonight's candlelight "Vigils for survival" around the world will be followed by the ringing of church bells, the beating of drums and the blowing of horns -- all for 350 times -- on Sunday, led by communities of faith: "Churches, mosques, synagogues, temples, and all kinds of spiritual groups are invited to 'sound out' the 350 call to action led by the World Council of Churches."

Glad to see some follow up to the initial 350 rally... nice work youth of Racine! Keeping the enthusiasm and momentum going for a sensible and just climate treaty will pay of in the end...
ReplyDeleteWhat it means to us here in Racine if something with teeth passes is:
energy efficient appliances/homes/automobiles (similar to energy star furnaces), clean air, clean water, tooling/machining contracts for new innovations, and lower utility bills!
Good to see... Keep it up! You all rock.
Yes, but who can afford the new energy-efficient appliances and other techno-toys? Unless the government pays for them or gives us subsidies to offset their cost, most of us will be even worse off than we are now. Although the kids mean well, I wish they'd been protesting against the grinding poverty which afflicts so many of us or the thoroughly-unnecessary Near Eastern and Central Asian wars into which the rich drag us whenever they want higher profits. (Memo to the good but naive youngsters: we need fuel assistance to promote warmth in our homes and an end to oilmen's foreign wars. Otherwise, you kids could wind up feeling pretty chilly when the twisted twits in Washington bring back THE DRAFT.)
ReplyDeleteTrust me--I lived through the Vietnam War and witnessed our draft boards in action. Unless a kid's parents were rolling in loot and could hire well-connected attorneys, he'd be headed for Canada or carnage. Anyone who doesn't think that the caviar crew won't send less-privileged people off to Asia to be ground into hamburger hasn't studied history.
ReplyDeleteAlthough there MAY be some evidence for the existence of man-made climate change, there IS plenty of proof that poverty and richmen's wars cause human suffering galore. Until the final word is in and we know that man-made climate change exists, we'd better fight our real enemies, the boardroom business bullies who bring us economic misery and foreign wars for their fun and profit. (How I wish those good but misguided kids were protesting against the troop surge in Afghanistan or the poverty right here in Racine!)
ReplyDeleteMore and more climategate proves the books have been cooked. I would also ask the kids what would have to happen to reach the magic number of 350.
ReplyDeleteMyself I am looking forward to the tax on cows and pigs to the US having a one child policy.
Welcome to the Brave New World
ReplyDeleteStudents shivering through a rally against global warming, as average temperatures drop, and scientists are exposed as fraudsters.
ReplyDeleteThis climate change stuff has nothing to do with the climate, and everything to do with global wealth transfer.
Poor deluded kids...
What if you naysayers are wrong? Seriously, what if you are wrong. The consequences would be deadly for every living thing on this planet.
ReplyDeleteIf the kids who participated are wrong, as you suggest, we are out the effort to reduce utility bills as a consequence.
Which consequence do you want to live with no matter who is wrong?
Think before engaging in dialog. The life you threaten might just be your own. I am not kidding. This issue has consequences far further than your anonymous rantings here. Do your own homework on the subject. I have. Don't just believe what information justifies your preconceived notions on the subject.
I was once a skeptic too. But the evidence is overwhelming.
"energy efficient appliances/homes/automobiles (similar to energy star furnaces), clean air, clean water, tooling/machining contracts for new innovations, and lower utility bills!"
ReplyDeleteCap and trade will skyrocket your power bills (from Obama himself)huge job losses if Doyle's Green Jobs bill passes at lest 30,000 jobs lost in Wisconsin.
The coming EPA tax on Cows and pigs will raise food prices as will Cap and trade due to higher costs to harvest crops and transport food.
Can YOU afford a 25% jump in your energy bill,in your food bill? Will you be one of the many who will lose your job? Looking forward to the State using remote devices to raise or lower the heat you pay for?
Join the army if you need money, food,or place to sleep. If you dont like direct combat go into logistics. More people have died in the city of new york in 2006 than soldiers in the past 9 years
ReplyDeleteHOORAY for intelligent, informed young people who care enough about the future of the planet to TRY to interest others in global ecology. C'mon you grouchy posters, 100,000 Copenhagen students cared enough to protest, and you want to down our hometown young adults who care enough to keep trying?
ReplyDeleteKeep up the good work, Joe & friends, and thank you!
HOORAY for intelligent, informed young people( Believe in Al Gore no matter what it takes) who care enough about the future of the planet to TRY to interest others in global ecology( Even if they have lie about the decline). C'mon you grouchy posters, 100,000 Copenhagen students cared enough to protest (The riots the shouting down those who may not believe), and you want to down our hometown young adults who care enough to keep trying ( I would hope smart enough to look at all the facts not just the lies that climategate exposed) ?
ReplyDeleteKeep up the good work, Joe & friends, and thank you open your wallets for the new taxes and higher costs !
When old appliances/cars/consumer items break and are replaced, those in the market will buy new energy efficient models... nothing to clever or conspiring about that really..... or is there?
Energy efficient appliances, fine.
ReplyDeletePerpetuating lies by the elitist lefties. Not fine.
"Can YOU afford a 25% jump in your energy bill,in your food bill? Will you be one of the many who will lose your job? Looking forward to the State using remote devices to raise or lower the heat you pay for?"
ReplyDeleteNo, I cannot. Already lost my job, searching for a new one. I think government control of my thermostat is BS.
How about letting a real "free-market' dictate how things happen if we're all so keen on pursuing strict capitalist policies. No subsidies, no passing off negative externalities to the tax-payers, a flat-tax, no corporate tax breaks, no federal insurance.. if the risk is too great.. than find another way.. that's the american way.
BUT- Status quo isn't working. People are suffering while others are taking advantage of the system. (ie. heat on at 85 degrees with windows open cause its subsidized.. wtf? I pay my utilities and my dang house is at 61 degrees.. I wear a sweater.
So yes, We need things to CHANGE. At least now we can have a conversation (vs. 2 yrs ago), and from some of these conversations will come viable solutions..
no matter what.. keep exchanging ideas.
Once again - this carbon cap idea is NOT about the environment. It is using questionable science to rationalize the greatest transfer of wealth FROM you, and me, and the rest of the developed world - to the developing world.
ReplyDeleteWealth, jobs, our very future - and it is all being given away by Obama.
anon 11:55
ReplyDeletegot 5 minutes?
The reality is that most people that support climate change solutions support local food production, "human scale" development of cities, energy independence, environmental justice, and see a new "industrial" revolution.. (like the dot.com thing in the 90s) and yes, they are truly concerned about eratic weather patterns and human survival... and?
great. kuddos and ditto.
The problem with Walden among many things is that the teachers infiltrate the minds of these students with left wing propaganda.
ReplyDelete"environmental justice" are you talking about the billions of dollars counties like,Sudan, Cuba,Zimbabwe and others want us to pay them for the crimes "we" committed (and they can put is Swiss bank accounts)?
ReplyDeleteOpen flames do what for carbon?
ReplyDeletePlease don't post links. Express your own thoughts. If you can't articulate your views, take a writing course at Gateway.
ReplyDeleteSince its people that causes the carbon issue and counties like China (the land of human rights) call for a open child policy around the world, I think we in this county should lead the way by randomly killing children until each family only has one. We will talk the organs of the dead kids and sell them to help pay for the damage to the climate.
ReplyDeleteThink of the good this will do.
to 8:19
ReplyDeleteand the problem with Lutheran HS is is that the teachers infiltrate the minds of students with their RIGHT wing propaganda. So please... you have your institutions that cram down your agendas too.
1:05 - I'm glad you agree with me on Walden.
ReplyDeleteThat is what the parents expect when they are paying for it.
ReplyDeleteanon.. 8:32
ReplyDeletenegative externalities.
not talking about anything oversees... look at what the vinyl industry has done to folks in the Louisiana Delta. Remember when mining companies were dumping toxic waste down the mine shafts in northern WI and the low income rural communities and Native nations united... Look at where unwanted industries that emit harmful byproducts set up shop.. not in the suburbs... Check out where the oil refineries are. Now we export our toxic waste to 3rd world nations.. we've outgrown our own 3rd world citizens....
Oh wait.. cancer and degenerative diseases are a liberal conspiracy... that's right.