Early in his adult life Chris Schmaling realized he loved two careers: law enforcement and business. His choice? Both.
Schmaling, a candidate for Racine County Sheriff, opened the first of two Subway restaurants at the same time he was hired as a sworn officer with the Sheriff's Department. He was just 23 years old.
"When I went for the loan the bank asked, 'How are you going to do both?'" Schmaling said. "I wanted to prove I could do it."
Many days working 16 or more hours, Schmaling built up a law enforcement career while also building his small business. As he learned to be an undercover officer, jailer, patrolman and investigator, he also learned how to manage a staff, work the accounting books and market his business. Both paths paid off.
Schmaling worked his way up to investigator in the Sheriff's Department and helped solve a number of high-profile cases, including the Teri Jendusa-Nicolai abduction. He also opened a second Subway restaurant and built up his businesses to $500,000 a year in annual sales, and then sold the restaurants for a healthy profit when he and his wife were expecting their first child.
Schmaling is now looking to combine his law enforcement experience with his business background as Racine County's next sheriff. He said his background in both areas make him uniquely qualified for the job.
"The Sheriff's Department needs to be run like a business," he said. "If you look at the position of sheriff, they have customers who are paying for a service. Their job is make sure the business is top notch."
Schmaling, the youngest of nine siblings, said the drive to pursue two careers at once came from his father, who was a life-long factory worker at AMC, later Chrysler, in Kenosha. "He worked every day and took every hour of overtime he could get," Schmaling said of his father.
Schmaling's law enforcement career began in jail. After graduating from Bradford High School, Schmaling earned an associates degree from Gateway Technical College in criminal science and was hired on at the Lake County Correctional Facility in Illinois. He watched 20 inmates in an open room with little back up. "There was nothing between you and the inmates," Schmaling said of his first duty. "You learned how to talk to people real quick."
Former Sheriff, now County Executive, Bill McReynolds hired him as a sworn officer in 1995. During the interview, McReynolds asked Schmaling where he saw himself in 15 years. Schmaling's response? "Sitting in your chair interviewing someone like me." As Schmaling recalls, McReynolds chuckled and then offered him the job.
His first work with the Sheriff's Department was as an undercover drug buyer. "My first time out I bought marijuana and cocaine," Schmaling said. 'I didn't have any use for drugs, have never used them in my life, but I fit into the role well."
Schmaling then transferred inside the Racine County Jail and then became a patrolman, where he responded to calls, learned how to collect evidence and investigated traffic accidents. "I wanted to be a cop who could do different things," he said.
Schmaling worked his way into an investigator's job, where he took on several difficult cases. He was the lead investigator on cases against at least three law enforcement officers, and built cases to have all of them dismissed for illegal activities. Those cases drew commendations from local police chiefs and prosecutors.
"I told the law enforcement officers I was investigating, 'I can be your best friend or your worst enemy,'" Schmaling said. "'If you're innocent, I'll work long and hard to prove you didn't do it. If you're guilty, I'll work long and hard to prove you did.'"

Schmaling got to the scene where Jendusa-Nicolai was found just as she was being wheeled into an ambulance. "Her hair was charcoal, wet from blood," he said. "I'd seen a picture of her and she was this beautiful, vibrant woman. When I looked at the woman (on the stretcher), I was asking, 'Could that be her?' She looked nothing like the picture. I couldn't make the ID, so I ran up to her and said, 'What's your name?' 'Teri from Racine,' she replied."
Word of the story spread around the country. The case is remarkable because police located Jendusa-Nicolai alive more than a day after she disappeared. "He'd come to expect we wouldn't find her alive," Schmaling said.
Now, Jendusa-Nicolai is a national figure. She's appeared on several TV shows, including Oprah, and gives talks to young women about early signs of an abusive relationship. She's helped many women avoid serious injury and abuse.
"Teri is a fantastic human being," Schmaling said. "She's someone you want to listen to."
The case also got Schmaling some national TV time. He and Dobesh appeared on Oprah with Jendusa-Nicolai and recapped the investigation that led to her rescue.
Schmaling said his experience on the Jendusa-Nicolai case, and several others, prepared him for the complexities of being sheriff. While there's an administrative side to the job, he said, it's also critical to have a strong officer in the position to ensure public safety. When emergencies arise, Schmaling said, he would be prepared to respond and guide efforts to help people in need.
"You need to have top-level law enforcement," he said. "Racine County's top cop should be held to a high standard."
As sheriff Schmaling said he would use his business experience to find creative ways to save money and improve service. One example: He'd like to allow jail inmates to pay to video conference with visitors. Computers would be set up in the jail and inmates could communicate with their family, friends or lawyer. The county would make money off the service by charging, and save money by reducing visitation hours.
"It'd be a way to streamline and make money at the same time," he said.
Schmaling is also an advocate for installing the Victim Information and Notification Everyday, or VINE, system. The computer system would allow the public to sign up for email, phone or text updates whenever an inmate is released from the jail. For example, the victim of domestic abuse could sign up to be notified when their attacker is released. That would give them time to lock the doors or, if needed, move to a new location.
The state is making the system free to the county, and grants would cover annual maintenance costs, Schmaling said.
He also said he'd support joint-dispatch efforts, and work to build relationships with local, state and federal government agencies to rent out excess beds in the jail.
To get a chance to work on his ideas, Schmaling will need to win the Sept. 14 Republican primary election against Gonzalo Gonzalez, a sergeant with the Sheriff's Department, and County Board Supervisor Ron Molnar. The general election is Nov. 2.
So far it's been competitive race between three candidates who have split support three ways among local conservatives and officials. Schmaling has strong support among local law enforcement, including Sheriff Bob Carlson, and endorsements from all of Racine County's prosecutors. He's up against Gonzalez, who is backed by many local conservatives, including the Ladwig family, and Molnar, who is being supported by McReynolds and several local politicians.
The only specific Schmaling made with his opponents was to note that they're at different points in their careers. While Gonzalez and Molnar are closer to retirement, Schmaling, 38, said he's mid-career and will be held accountable by voters because he'll be looking to get re-elected and continue his career.
"I have to be successful as sheriff," Schmaling said. "I'm only halfway through my career."
Schmaling said he's been a life-long conservative and holds the same beliefs his parents instilled in him. He chose to run as a Republican based on that background. "I'm very conservative," he said.
But Schmaling added he's looking for support across parties. The Sheriff's job is about protecting the public, regardless of their political beliefs. He said one woman asked for a campaign sign for her yard, but then gave it back when she learned Schmaling was a Republican. Wait a minute, he told her, in all of the years of being an officer do you think I ever asked someone what their political beliefs were before helping them? The argument worked and the woman put a sign in her yard, Schmaling said.
Schmaling, who's on a leave of absence from his investigator's job, said he's enjoyed campaigning door-to-door and talking to community groups. This week he met with seniors at St. Monica's, a Lions Club in Union Grove and hit the streets in the Town of Waterford. Even has family has enjoyed the race, Schmaling said. His wife, Jennifer, is his campaign manager. Together they have three children ages 12, 11 and 6. They live in Mount Pleasant.
"Win or lose, I've been flattered by the support," Schmaling said. "I would run again in four years."
But he's hoping to win this year, and feels like police and business careers set him up well to succeed.
"You need more than law enforcement experience to run the Sheriff's Department," Schmaling said. "You need business experience, you have to be good with finances, and you have to be a good cop."
Here's Schmaling's appearance on Oprah:
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Sounds a lot like Mayor Dickert. Dickert touted all of his business experience and you can see how well that worked out us. Experience does matter, but not experience making meatball bombers.
ReplyDeleteYea but dicker is a salesman, this guy is a cop and it seems he has sure earned a Bad Mf'er wallet, someone get him one.
ReplyDeleteI hope he wins and I dont even like cops, biggest laugh for me is Joe Buckley. The guy cant even speak intelligibly and he thinks he's qualified to be the big man. Go polish your Lincoln Joe.
I was in the audience for the Taxpayer's Association Sheriff Debate and all I can say is that this man is arrogant, rude and mean to his opponents. He carries himself as if he is better than anyone else in the room and that he is smarter than anyone in the room. I don't want to give him any more power than he already has, he would be dangerous to us. I am not going to say who I will vote for, but I can say that the other two republican candidates are much more humble than this ego driven man.
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ReplyDeleteDon't confuse confidence with arrogance. At least he knows how to balance a budget.
ReplyDeleteI don't think it's ego at all, being proud of your work record and history is something anyone should promote!
ReplyDeleteIf he was so successful in business, why did he pick the $35/year job for all the millions a brilliant man like him could make selling subs?
ReplyDeleteSchmaling is nothing but a RINO. Fact: he is being support by top Democrats such as Bob Carlsen. If you truly are a conservative you would remeber that Bob was a Republican that turned Democrat to be appointed by Govenor (Squidward) Doyle. His constant personal attacks on Molnar and Gonzalez show one of two things, he either has mental issues or he is a true spineless liberal. Chris Schmaling is nothing more than an opportunistic whore. A man that is riding the tidal wave of support that real Republicans have earned since the attempted takeover by the socialist Obama. People of Racine county please I urge you do not believe this fast talking salesmen. To the heads of the Tea Party movement and the Racine County Republican Party call this man out on the carpet and expose him for what he is. A FRAUD!!!
ReplyDeleteI have not seen any personal attacks except for the ones you have just made. My guess is you've been a subject of an investigation by Mr.Schmaling.
ReplyDeleteI want to see everyone's personel file. Let's see if Schmaling is telling the truth about his history at the Sheriff's Department. Since the unravelling of Molnar's information came out, I would like to see Mr. Gonzalez's personel file also. Since they are all public record, why not check up on what they say is in their file?
ReplyDeleteLet me give my side of Schmaling. I was arrested and Schmaling was the detective. I gave him 10 names to check out who I was with. He didn’t believe me and never asked one of them where I was that night. The charges came and I had to get a lawyer. The case was thrown out. If Schmaling would have done his job and checked out my side. I would not have felonies on my record. If you want someone to do the whole job, don’t vote for Schmaling.
ReplyDelete9:31 boob - how do you have felonies if the case was thrown out. Seems you might be one of the many, many useless thugs Schmaling has locked up in his career!
ReplyDeleteIdiot, even if thrown out, you can still see them on the internet. Oh, I have a clean record, the girl that filed the police report, she has had 13 court cases in 5 years. Right now she is fighting battery and disorderly conduct. I wonder where the problem is??????
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ReplyDeleteFuck this guy still today, corrupt Trump boot licker