Architect Ryan Rudie, of Butterfield, Rudie and Seitz, stands before the Access Corridor Review Board Thursday to discuss a proposed grocery store, restaurant and gas station in West Racine. Rudie designed the $4.2 million project proposed by Tom Tousis.
Pieces may be falling into place for a proposed grocery store, restaurant and gas station in West Racine.
The $4.2 million project took a small step toward City Council approval Thursday night when the Access Corridor Review Board took up the project. The board voted unanimously to defer the project to a special meeting sometime before the March 31 Plan Commission meeting.
(Photo-Right: Zak Williams, a spokesman for Tom Tousis's West Racine development, talks with city planner Matt Sadowski following Thursday's Access Corridor Review Board meeting.)
City Planner Matt Sadowski ran through a list of concerns the Planning Department had with the projects ranging from more windows and the placement of doors, to the location of fuel tanks near utility easements and proposed signage. Also, the state may have to review the entrance and exit off of Washington Avenue, Sadowski told the board.
But Sadowski also listed positives. Most materials selected for the 14,000-square-foot building fit with the West Racine design guidelines and the copper, historic-style canopy over the gas pumps fits the need for an architecturally significant design, he said.
Discussion among the board focused more on process than whether the proposed design was a good fit for West Racine. After a flurry of procedural moves, the committee settled on holding another meeting and directing staff to work with Tousis to address their concerns.
Zak Williams, a spokesman for Tousis, said the city's concerns could be addressed with "minor changes" settled in a half-hour meeting.
"Tom feels good about tonight," Williams said.
(Photo-Right: Frank Smith and Alderman Jim Spangenberg, both members of the Access Corridor Review Board, talk after Thursday's meeting.)
Despite the unanimous vote, it's still unclear where the majority of the board sits on the proposal. If Tousis can work out a deal with city planning, it appears he'll have the support of aldermen Mike Shields, Jim Kaplan and David Maack. But it's clear Alderman Jim Spangenberg has not softened his opposition to the project, which he describes as a gas station in the middle of a neighborhood.
Spangenberg also raised questions about additional traffic the development will bring to the corner and the value of the new construction, which he suggested may not be valuable enough to pay off the loans the city took out to clear the site for redevelopment.
"If we wanted a gas station we could have had it five years ago," Spangenberg said.

Maack attempted to serve as the voice of clarity in a confusing discussion over what, exactly, the board could approve or defer. After settling procedural disputes, he seemed to give tentative support to the proposal with the changes recommended by city planning.
Kaplan is clearly in favor. He held up a picture of the empty gravel lot that's now on the proposed site at the corner of Washington Avenue and West Boulevard and said Tousis' project would be a much better gateway to West Racine.
"It's a lot more attractive than an empty lot with a pine tree and a bus stop," Kaplan said.
He added: "This is a wonderful business for Racine. If West Racine doesn't want it, you can come to Douglas Avenue and the Fourth District any time you want."
As a side note, there's a peculiar dispute going on over the estimated value of Tousis' project. The JT, like us, reported Monday that the scaled-down project - it's smaller because of easements on the property - was valued at $4.2 million, which is about $1 million less than the original proposal.
JT reporter Michael Burke then corrected their story the next day saying the new project costs $2.8 million, and attributed the number to Williams. The problem is Williams denies ever saying the project was worth $2.8 million, and the JT now has a story on its site correcting the correction and returning the project's total value to $4.2 million.
Meanwhile, the JT "corrected" its original story by changing the project's estimated cost to $2.8 million, but has yet to change the number back to what it's now reporting is the correct number.
Seems like The city has struck again and hasto defer something for no apparent reason
ReplyDeleteHow was Spanky tonight was his blood pressure up? Why do we keep messing with this guy for Gods sake let him build it already. Are Mike Shields and Jim Kaplan the only Alderman in this city with brains? How come Lord Spanky is so opposed to this guy building in West Racine, seems to be nothing more than a "White Mans" Towerview!
ReplyDeleteAnon 7:50,
ReplyDeleteThat is an offensive statement to those of us that live in WR. I do not understand why Mr. Spangenberg is so against a project like this. I live within walking distance of the site and welcome this development whole heartedly. It seems that this project is moving forward, yes at a slow pace, but none the less it is going forward. My only hope is that the builder doesn"t get fed up with the constant badgering from City Hall and certain Aldermen.
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ReplyDeleteWhere do the rest of city council stand on this issue?
ReplyDeleteSpanky definately needs to be placed on meds. Seems like he lives in an alter reality. Yeah, the more I think about it, he really needs the meds.
ReplyDeleteStop picking on Spanky he can't help the fact that he's the way he is!
ReplyDeleteShields is doing what he always does, helping the underdog.
ReplyDeleteAnd Jim S. is doing what he always does, shielding people from Bullies and Jim is a big bully.
ReplyDeleteYou don't have to be the head of the NAACP to see that someone is getting Fed here!
ReplyDeleteDoes everone that lives in West Racine walk to work? Sure seems that they do because gas is an evil word to them. What do you people want a gravel pit?
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ReplyDeleteso was Tousis even at this meeting?
ReplyDeleteI seem to infer from a comment that he wasn't present.
Seriously. How can one expect him to follow through on anything when he doesn't deem the meetings important enough to show up, he keeps asking for more and more time...
Dear City of Racine,
I will be late with my property taxes. I know you won't have a problem with this, as you seem to give Mr. Tousis extension after extension when he misses deadlines.
Hey anti-intellect, what does not being at a meeting have to do with defering action. One would think, if there is a time line for the option that deferals would only create the need for extensions. Make sense? It does to people with high school diploma's .
ReplyDeleteI now know that Racine values Gas Stations over Green Space and in the name of Tax Base I think every Park needs to be made low income housing, we should at once get a Mercury recycling plant on Lake Michigan, a Tanning factory say next Park High School.
ReplyDeleteAfter all its about Tax base.
By the way Racine, you think this is bad when the Mayor buys up all those homes we could see the same fight at each one, and how are those office buildings doing on State Street
Access Corridor Review Board - seriously? Racine has an Access Corridor Review Board. Sounds about as superfluous and useless as Caledonia's Open Space Committee.
ReplyDeleteDustin, do you know the development process in Racine? Just curious, is this board the final step before Common Council approval, or just a preliminary step before Planning Commission takes a whack at it? Or is this some sort of appeals board? Haven't followed this very closely, but to an outsider anyway, looks like this development might be a pretty nice addition to that area. Thanks.
access corridor,just another bereaucratic hurdle to jump for anybody who wanys to do anything in this city. Maybe that's why our taxes are so high, I for one believe less government would equal less taxes.
ReplyDeleteAccess corridor equals good ole' boys club.I for one believe it is time to put the city back in the hands of the tax paying residents.We have a city council way take the time to elect and it seems as though all some of them want to do is appoint buddies to made up boards to get done what they can't. I for one did not elect members of the access board,I also didn't elect anyone on the West Racine board, yet these boards feel they have the authority to dictate what can or cannot be done in my neighborhood. I say bull, that is what the city council and only them should have that power,without outside influence.
ReplyDeleteThis West Racine project is a curse on the city.
ReplyDeleteThe irony is that this committee is just advisory.
probably need a new slogan.
How about we just pick up the Iron Skillet and move it to west Racine?
At least it sounds like the city bureaucrats are finally working with Tousis.
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ReplyDelete3/18 @ 9:04
ReplyDeleteHug a tree? All you "wana be" hypocritical "Green" moron's drive me nuts. You are nothing more than entitlement seeking piglets suckling the government tit.
Now that's out of the way, I have to agree with parks are a waste of tax resources, and if someone likes green space they should move their but's out to the county. You like me share a common ground we both like animals, I for one think they are delicious. Spangenberg and hi "Green" movement need to understand that if we want to create jobs to reduce 15% unemployment we need development!!!
PETA = People Eating Taste Animals
ReplyDeleteWhy is Racine so willing to give the land to a person who is obviously not capable of following rules that ever other developer has to follow. Mr Touis seems to work with his own set of rules. He does not have time to show up for a meeting but has time to leave many comments on this website. BY wanting to get this land for free to build your convenience store gas station there are guidelines as far as how much money must be sent . Sorry Mr Tousis. Plesae refrain from your name calling and try to keep your professionalism in asking for this large donation from Racine taxpayers.
ReplyDeleteCarol, please start using spell check. It is so hard to take someone serious that has problems with simple grammar.
ReplyDelete7:57 IMHO is an example of the tactics being used to force this curse on West Racine.
ReplyDeleteCarol- By reading these articles it is very clear that the city is holding Mr. Tousis to a different set of rules that other builders do not have to adhere to. It is not like people are knocking done Racine's door to build things here. Maybe that is why.
ReplyDeleteThe curse of West Racine is featured in many of the photos contained in this article.
This wasn't Spanky's idea so he doesn't like it, he looked so sad. Poor baby, I remember when there was 3 gas stations within 2 blocks in that area. He doesn't want a place in W. Racine that looks better than his place. Oh by the way I saw him at Porters buying some stuff for his junk shop! lol
ReplyDeleteThank God Tom is going to destory the West Racine Farmer's Market.
ReplyDeleteWho needs a gather space where one can find local food and talk with friends.
Is he so unknowledgable about his own project that he needs to pay someone to speak on his behalf?
ReplyDelete8:32 AM
ReplyDeleteIt is very easy to see that you have a personal issue with the people behind the project AND NOT the substance of the project when what you articulate is a complaint about a person's tie.
I think that project is probably 10 times more controversial in the comments section of the Racine Post than it is in the offline world.
ReplyDeleteHere is the way I see it...
1. Pretty much everybody wants the property developed.
2. The Tousis team has made some mistakes in regards to process and deadlines.
3. The city has made some mistakes in providing full, clear information.
4. 2 and 3 together have made this project much more difficult than it should have been. I think too many people have been incorrectly interpereting these problems as intentional conflict between Tousis and the city.
5. Spangenberg has problems with the Tousis plan and will not support it. The concerns he has brought up are legitimate, even if they are not enough to block the project IMHO. Rumors in the comments aside, there is no evidence that Spangenberg is not acting honestly in opposing the project because he thinks it will have a negative impact on the neighborhood. I may disagree, but then I am smart enough to comprehend that people who do not agree with me can still be acting with good intent. This is democracy 101.
6. Many of the Racine Post commenters both for and against the proposal appear to be paranoid and/or delusional. Take your meds and get a grip.
This may be the first time I thought to myself that I agree with Tim the Shrubber.
ReplyDeleteIf I start to agree with Colt or Graham, then I absolutely have forgot my meds.
Damn you Tim and your common sense.
ReplyDelete"access corridor,just another bereaucratic hurdle to jump for anybody who wanys to do anything in this city."
ReplyDeleteI dunno, it seems to me that the is makes sense for the City to be concerned how a development is going to effect traffic on public streets. Perhaps there is a legitimate public concern here, and not just 'another bereaucratic [sic] hurdle'.
"I do not understand why Mr. Spangenberg is so against a project like this..."
I may not agree with him, but Spangenberg does have reasoned argements against the development.
" I for one did not elect members of the access board,I also didn't elect anyone on the West Racine board, yet these boards feel they have the authority to dictate what can or cannot be done in my neighborhood. I say bull, that is what the city council and only them should have that power,without outside influence."
ReplyDeleteWell, it sounds like you want a city council were the members put in 80 to 100 hours a week on city business. Seems pretty unrealistic given what council people are paid. Can you do full-time work for way less than minumum wage?????
Hope you are sitting down. I am for the project. Had and took the opportunity to talk to Mr. T. I trust what he said to be true and will try to make it so. I also believe we can expect great things from Mr/ T in many area.
ReplyDeleteI have no defense in being overly harsh other then acts directed towards myself when this started.
5:01 Who are you and what makes you believe "Mr. T"? What's so good that we should be expecting and why should we care?
ReplyDeleteThe north side of the building facing Washington Avenue looks terrible!!
ReplyDeleteNOTE THE NICE LOOKING SIDE!!--> Is the east elevation no one will see because of the gas pumps and canopy and when they pile the wood chips bags of salt and firewood it will be even worse.
Re-design the Washington Avenue side so it will blend with the street scape.
I see why there was questions at the meeting!
6:23 Nice disguise. You are pitiful.
ReplyDelete7:10 PM
ReplyDeleteYou must be the same moron that commented about my statement about the Tea Party.
Yup - I may be pitiful, but my comment must have hit a raw nerve in your shallow body.
The Washington Avenue elevation "sucks" -- look at the drawing.
You are right the Washington Ave side looks very similar to the Milwaukee Public Market street scape and that is such a blight on the Third Ward in Milwaukee.
ReplyDelete7:31 Are there any examples of better architecture in Burlington?
ReplyDeleteI'm sure you can find examples any where -- The Washington Avenue side needs to look more like a store front. That's not a big deal.
ReplyDelete"You are right the Washington Ave side looks very similar to the Milwaukee Public Market street scape and that is such a blight on the Third Ward in Milwaukee."
ReplyDeleteYou are kidding, right? The architecture is of a similar style, but that doesn't mean it is the same thing. THe MPM is HUGE and houses dozens of vendors. This proposal is for a small grocery at best, a big convenience store at worst.
The square footage of the first floor of the Milwaukee Public Market is a lot closer than you think to the square footage of the first floor of this project.
ReplyDeleteThat post looks like it was pointing out the street scape is very similar in the two projects and I do not think anyone can argue that the Public Market looks bad or turns its back on the neighborhood.
No need to get all worked up I'll bet Mr.T can't pull off the financing needed to build it. I'll go as far to bet anyone $100 that I'm right!
ReplyDeleteHe doesn't have the money, which is why the location at the old Pontiac Dealer didn't go through.
ReplyDeleteI can see that Captain Prozac from the Planet Netherworld is back. Wacko!
ReplyDeleteANON 10:21AM- I will take that bet. In fact let's up it to $1,000. I will go as high as you want to go. Just post your name here and consider it a bet. Anyone else want to lay down some action?
ReplyDeleteI'll back you and give 10 to 1 odds that Tommy has no problem with financing. Just wait Jim or dave you'll see.
ReplyDeleteWill you take the $1000 from the gambling machines?
I am guessing Zak will take the $1000 from the poor sucker dumb enough to think Tousis will not get financing. Can I get in on that too? My brackets took a hit today.
ReplyDeleteI would bet Zak or Tom $1000 that if this ends up being a convenience store (rather than a grocery as touted), there will be 4.2 million "I told you so's". To the extent they are lying to us about their plan is the extent we won't shop there.