November 4, 2007

The JT's "Money" section throws out all pretense

Yup, it's all about money, and not about local business news.

Anybody beside us notice the extra advertising on the front of the Journal Times' Money section this morning? The usual 2-inch high strip across the entire bottom of the page is now 3 inches tall. And there's another ad on top of that, five columns wide and 4 inches tall. Between them, and a small house ad to square things off, they take up 40% of the page's ... um, newshole, to extol the virtues of a stock broker and a car dealer.

All the news that's fit to print on the cover are two wire stories and a sidebar.

Not that there's anything inside the section, either: just a single local business story in four pages. And that story -- about Racine Danish Kringle buying Pinahs Rye Chip. Co. -- was first reported by the Milwaukee Business Journal on Thursday, when we posted a link to it. (Even then the story was a month old; the sale reportedly was finalized on Oct. 1, although just announced.)

In fact, local business news gets far less space in the section than the reprinting of one of the JT's comic strips, because that strip, in the four-page comics sheet wrapped around advertising inserts, is missing eight words on its right side. The missing words are: is, the, a, and, morning, of, out, at.

The reprinted comic strip took up 24 column inches.

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