There was a time not long ago when the JT wrote 20+ blog entries a day and the biggest problem was how to keep news from disappearing off the site before people could read it (and we were doing that with a bare bones staff). Now, we're lucky to get a handful of stories and blog posts a day. I know internally what happened, but it's been months since the switch over to the new system. Isn't time to get back to reporting news throughout the day?
p.s. Do you really want this on your site?
Nah, no grudges here.
ReplyDeleteSome of the comments and blogs I've seen on the JT website border on slanderous. I've often thought if I was the subject, my first call would be to my lawyer.
Too many people think they can say ANYTHING about public officials, but it's not true. The tone and responsibility lies first with the JT.
The comments from the JT blog that you linked to are irresponsible. It's free-for-all and it relects poorly on the Journal as well as the community.
JT blogs are boring. Some of the blogs do reflect badly on the JT as well as the community.
ReplyDeleteRob used to police it pretty well. What does he do now, didn't I read something that he is now doing another job and not on the web?
I wrote to the staff and asked for the blog headlines to stop appearing on the main page. The headlines are disgusting and ignorant, and I am ashamed to even live in this town when I go onto the Journaltimes.com
ReplyDeleteIt's embarrassing for the largest news source in town to condone those blogs. My concerns were dismissed because the blogs apparently "engage the community on important issues and provide a unique forum for views to be heard. Our goal is to continue to provide the forum for positive debate and discussion, while keeping offensive or other material off the site."
Har har. Give me a break. They asked if I would consider blogging as well so that I could bring other topics up for debate. No thanks, that's why I have my own personal blog.
By the way, I am a paid daily subscriber of the JT and I expressed that fact, but that doesn't even seem to matter.
Jada, O I agree with you. Some of those blogs are disgusting including one by the local "gun dealer" in this town. It isn't a good picture to paint of Racine. Racine, looking at downtown is struggling to present best foot forward, those blogs are just pretty tasteless. I wonder what Becca would say!
ReplyDeleteOh, please...
ReplyDeleteRob didn't police the blogs "pretty well". He relied on the bloggers to police themselves (huge mistake) instead of being proactive. I sent him message after message because someone used the "n" word in a comment and I bet to this day it is still there.
The JT blogs are a free for all for some very sick people. I only read the blogs from people I know, otherwise I get this overwhelming need to poke my eyes out....
oooh that local gun dealer... blogging about Obama and his Jihadist cousin slaughtering thousands in Kenya..., terrorists, Islam, Muhammed, Jihadists, Illegals... so disgusting... get over it... you must live in a box, that is what is going on in the world, unless your a muslim or a radical sympathizer... traitor... then blog, bring up subjects or shut the h**l up... Have a nice Day!
ReplyDeleteSurprise, surprise, Fair Play being a hypocrite again. This coming from the person who spewed personal attacks against pretty much everyone on the JT blogs for a span of months.
I take it the blogs disgust you simply because you don't agree with the the writers opinion. Pretty shallow if you ask me.
I think the blogs do have some distasteful topics and I don't agree with many of them. I also agree that there should be better policing, but if a blog is written about a personal opinion, no matter how I feel about it, how can you censor it unless it contains vulgar or racist material? You can't.
There is no "rulebook" that one must follow on the JT site in order to create a blog.
BTW, the JT is actually doing a much better job in deleteing vulgar and racist comments as well as personal attacks, atleast in the story comments.
ReplyDeletei think all you bloggers need to GET A LIFE