
August 22, 2008

UW Regents honor departing Keating, Wiley

Jack Keating and Regent Eileen Connolly-Keesler

The University of Wisconsin Board of Regents recognized two departing Chancellors -- Jack Keating of UW-Parkside and John Wiley of UW-Madison -- with resolutions of appreciation at its meeting today:

After being presented with a resolution from Regent Eileen Connolly-Keesler, Keating commended the Board for recognizing and respecting the various UW campuses as unique entities.

“The campuses are, if you will, semi-autonomous,” Keating said. “We’re liberated to do what we do best, because we know what is best for our campuses – most of the time. And you trust that. That trust is critical for the proper functioning of any System.”

Regent David Walsh credited Wiley with starting a public dialogue about the future of higher education in Wisconsin and the role universities can play in developing a strong economy. (See Wiley's scorching valedictory message.)

In his last appearance before the Board as chancellor, Wiley urged Regents to not treat tuition and state support separately.

“How much is it worth to the state of Wisconsin to produce that one degree in terms of future tax revenues, reduced impact on the healthcare system, reduced impact on the prison system, and all the other benefits that are disproportionately flowing to people who hold degrees beyond high school?” Wiley asked.

“How much is it worth to the state, how much is it worth to the individual and who should pay which fraction? That’s the real question. That’s the debate we should be having.”

University of Wisconsin System President Kevin Reilly added that both Keating and Wiley have “led their campuses with real integrity and intelligence. The positive influence of their leadership will be felt for decades to come, most directly on their own campuses but also in the way we operate as a System.”

Summary of Regents actions: Day 1; Day 2.

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