
August 23, 2008

Among the first to know?

The official notifiation email (click to enlarge)

Here's the promised email sent by Barack Obama to his closest friends (and millions more) who'd pre-registered to be told of his vice presidential pick either by email or text message.

Only problem: It arrived after 3 a.m., almost four hours after CBS, ABC, CNN and everyone else had reported the news, some by a process of elimination.


  1. I'm jealous. Mine didn't come until 8:44 a.m.

  2. This was an absolutely brilliant move by the campaign- CNN had a midnight edition of Larry King covering a friggin text message.

    More like this!

  3. Please tell me that the Obama/Biden bumper sticker on the Racine Post home page was paid for by the campaign.

  4. Nope. Just an illustration for a story. But if McCain picks Biden as his running mate, we promise to run a McCain/Biden bumper sticker as well. :-)

  5. I'd love to see McCain try to get the amount of buzz (on a Friday night no less!) for his VP announcement. I mean, they already leaked that it's Romney so... you know... good luck with all of that.

  6. No, Matt, you've got it wrong. McCain has already chosen, but his choice is not Romney. It's ... well, see here for yourself!
    McCain's VP: You read it here first!

  7. Lewis Black had the Reagan nomination pegged in '05:

    Lewis Black on Reagan

  8. So silly. thanks for the laughs!

  9. As CNN was covering the "figgin text message" the country was sleeping. This was a big bomb. I read about it on as I was sipping my cup of coffee at around 10am.

  10. Old man goes to sleep early (on a Friday night!), misses all the excitement of the live coverage on the news.

    Reads about it on Yahoo the next morning.

    Poor, bitter, angry, out of touch old man exclaims "these darn kids with their text messages! I didn't get it, so it must have been a terrible idea!"

    Pity the poor old man- confounded by technology.
