
August 22, 2008

Garin announces her own endorsements

Shortly after Marge Krupp won the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel's endorsement in the Democratic primary to challenge Paul Ryan, Paulette Garin announced her own endorsements. They're not as strong as the largest paper in the state, but they're something ...

Here's the press release:

KENOSHA – First District U.S. Congress candidate Paulette Garin has announced a series of major labor endorsements unprecedented for a primary:
  • International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW) Local 430
  • Communication Workers of America (CWA) Local 4611
  • Racine Labor Coalition
  • Racine Central Labor Council AFL-CIO
“I am humbled by this recognition from my fellow union brothers and sisters from right here in the First Congressional District,” said Garin, who is a member in good standing of the United Food and Commercial Workers Union.

“My family has long ties to unions and solidarity,” Garin added. “My grandfather was a UAW Local 72 member from the union’s founding in 1935 until his retirement after 50 years of service. My father served as UAW Local 960 Treasurer for 35 years, and is still active in the UAW-CAP and the UAW Retirees Council. Growing up in a union household has shown me the importance of organized labor as a force for the well-being of all working families.”

Garin has prepared for her run for the 1st District seat now held by Paul Ryan by passing the certified public accountant exam on the first try.

“We need fiscal responsibility in Washington to counter the irresponsible borrow-and-spend policies of the Bush administration and Paul Ryan,” Garin said. “My CPA training puts me in a unique position among the Democratic candidates to scrutinize federal spending in the interest of taxpayers.”

The congressional primary will be held September 9.


  1. She is loony toons.

  2. Funny, she never mentioned my endorsement.
