
February 17, 2011

Senate Democrats on the run

Where's Waldo has nothing on Wisconsin's Senate Democrats.

They're off on a secret road trip -- somewhere. Presumably out of state, beyond the reach of State Troopers who have been alerted to find them and bring them back.

Wisconsin Senate President Mike Ellis called the roll of the Senate this morning at about 11:30, needing 20 senators present for a quorum.  There are 19 Republicans and 14 Democrats, but no Democrats showed up.

Word is that the Democrats boarded a bus and headed out of state. How long can they stay away? Will Gov. Scott Walker find another way to gain passage of his "budget repair" bill? Stay tuned.

More here from the Journal-Sentinel.

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  1. Gee if the GOP had done this there would have been demands for their recall. Hopefully, there are some adults in the group and will show up to do their jobs soon.

  2. I think this is the Democrat alternative to the Repair Bill... How many unpaid furlough days will it take to add up to 140 million...?

  3. This is a good start. I think we should outsource the government to China, anyway. And we can sell the Capitol to Mubarek as a retirement home. Forward, Hosni!

  4. Cheers for those Patriots!!!! Great move on their part.

    These are the kind of men who stood up to English rule in 1776. GOD BLESS AMERICA and GOD BLESS those Democtrats!

  5. It is Walker who won't negotiate like an adult. Good for the Dems for forcing his hand!

  6. Hah... Ignorance breeds irony. You're calling them patriots for standing up to a guy who refuses to impose higher taxes in favor of big government. Yeah... they're regular George Washingtons. It would be so refreshing to see just one of you liberals ever take the time to understand what this country was actually built on. Ignorance isn't a virtue folks.

    Just make sure that when the Republicans shut down the federal government to force fiscal responsibility, you're right here posting about those brave Republicans, not whining about the way they've brought the government to a halt.

  7. If the dems had wanted to be in the Illinois senate they should have run for those seats. Now we have senators who are afraid to do their jobs in Wisconsin. They complain about not having a say in the bill but didn't they just do the same thing to the GOP legislators for the past few years. Hard to take your own medicine. A bunch of children.

  8. Looks like there may be a few Republicans looking to follow George Petak. The Famous vote we have been stuck with for more then 10 years.

    Didn't matter to him Tommy Thompson found hin a job that paid far more then his Senate job.





  9. Hey Anonymous 5:39 PM.
    YOU remember THIS!
    Walker is doing EXACTLY what he was elected to do!!! You and the democrat teacher union cronies are the minority this time. Do you remember when those socialist democrats shoved Obama care down our throats? It's payback time!!! Oh ya, You kiss MY Republican ass.

  10. I hope the taxpayer isn't billed for the Rockford Ill hotel rooms. It is already frustrating that we have to pay them for leaving town.

  11. Less than 7 days to pass a bill that will affect 350,000 workers. The Dems were right to slow this monster down.

    There is no budget shortfall, it's union busting and it's wrong.

  12. Yup, kind of like the way Obama care was shoved down our throats by the Democrats. The difference is that the majority of people didn't want Obama care! The majority wants this bill.

  13. Actually that's wrong. Most do not support stripping workers of their rights. The Archbishop AND the Green Bay Packers have come out in support of the workers.

    The health care bill was debated for over 9 months before it went to a vote. This bill was debated ONE DAY.

  14. Its unbelievable what is happening.I Never belonged to a union I worked in a senior management position and now a business owner. Because of unions my folks were able to provide for me, my dad was a union organizer. Now the Gov of this fine state wants to in one action tear apart unions, no negotiating, no discussion just tear them apart. The ramifications will be far reaching, if successful it will be the end of unions. Don't let this happen!

  15. The republicans are condeming the democrats saying their way is the only way. Have they forgot it is because of a democrat, FDR that we fought the great war and won, that we have safe guards like unemployment comp, ssi, and another dem gave us medicare. You can knock these programs but I bet there isn't one of you that hasn't either used the programs or knows someone who has. Lets listening to each other and work out solutions that work, don't do something that only works for one side, its not the democratic way, it is the very foundation that this country was founded on.....

  16. Do you union sympathizers remember who won the election? Who in the hell do you think are going against the will of the people! Walker's doing what we want him to do. Unions have NO place in government! Hmmm, now you want to boycott Walkers supporters? Ok, we'll call for a boycott of all union made products. You are outnumbered 20 to 1. Maybe you government union people should join the Marines. It would be fun watching you try to negotiate with them. ROFLMAO. I am a veteran and a government employee and I SUPPORT Governor Walker!

  17. What a joke, Dems running from work, if you or I did that we would get thats an idea!!!
