
February 17, 2011

No such thing as bad publicity?

Was it really just last month that Illinois raised personal income and business income taxes, prompting Wisconsin to open up a full-court press to lure its citizens north?

Well, that was then. Now the shoe is on the other foot.

An old adage in marketing says: There's no such thing as bad publicity. Google that and you get 343,000 results in less than half a second. You tell me whether the international publicity Wisconsin is now getting -- like Thursday night's Huffington Post front page, shown above -- will be good or bad for us in the long run.

How about headlines like these:
Paul Ryan: 'Like Cairo has moved to Madison'
Former Rep.: Wisconsin Gov. Walker is channeling Mubarek
Senators researching whether to use police to get Dems
Good publicity, all of them. More to come in a few days. The Democratic senators, it is now known, fled only as far as Rockford, IL. But that was far enough to force the Senate to put off consideration of Gov. Scott Walker's "budget-repair" bill.

Today is another day. The Legislature did not adjourn; it was unclear Thursday night whether the Senate would be able to meet Friday morning, or whether the Assembly -- whose Democratic members are all wearing orange shirts showing union solidarity -- would take up the bill first. And there's a Tea Party scheduled at the Capitol at noon Saturday, to counter all the anti-Walker protests.

The headlines, and hour-after-hour CNN, FOX and MSNBC coverage are sure to continue. Free publicity! Spreading the brand name Wisconsin! "Bahrain, Libya, Yemen, Wisconsin..." is how the newscasts begin, with video of protests! Telling the world all about our business climate. Can't you just see the new jobs pouring in...

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  1. Why aren't you putting up over the top unicivilized signs from the union protests?

    When you cover a TEA party event you pick out the single worst thing and try and tie it to the event, why not here?

    Doug Ross has a nice summary of the worst of the left.

  2. California Democratic Party Chair John Burton’s said it best:

    "The governor of the state of Wisconsin today is reaping the results of the Republican Party’s relentless and shameless campaign to scapegoat public employees. Governor Walker’s approach is in fact standard Republican operating procedure: attack working people for the problems caused by Wall Street banks and financial speculators.

    Stripping hard working men and women of their collective bargaining right is an unconscionable attack against all hard-working Americans, whether they belong to a union or not."
