
September 24, 2010

Ryan skips roll out of GOP's 'Pledge to America'

Rep. Paul Ryan is becoming such a big political star that what he doesn't do is news. 

The Christian Science Monitor has a story out today asking why Ryan wasn't at the Republicans rollout of their "Pledge to America" campaign platform. Ryan's spokesman says it was just a scheduling conflict, but CSM wonders aloud if it's a sign our Congressman isn't supportive of the document. They write: 
But reaction in the conservative blogosphere has been less than enthusiastic – one columnist called it a “pledge to do nothing” – and Ryan’s absence raised questions as to whether one of the GOP's rising stars is truly happy about the most important GOP document of the campaign season.

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  1. They are probably right. Did anyone see this yesterday?

    It is nothing more than a pledge to do exactly what the Dems are already doing!

    No wonder no one, even on the Right likes this plan.

  2. There are a number of major differences between the pledge and what dems are doing. The main difference is that every bill under the pledge must be constitutional. No one has paid attention to the constitution in Washington for a few years. To me following the constitution would be a good start and something the dems have forgotten to do. Some dems have actually said that the constitution should be changed to reflect their progressive views.

  3. Teabagger's whose main concern is the constitution will be wonder what the hell happened to their constitutional rights when their social security money is handed over to private investment corporations and subject to highs and lows of the stockmarket.

    If Bush had his is way and succeeded in privatizing social security your retirement money paid in over a lifetime would be gone now. Paul Ryan and the GOP have pledged to try again. Good luck.

  4. How far down we have gone as a country when seeking to follow the constitution gets an angry response. November should be interesting.

  5. Nothing wrong with a choice! If the "Teabaggers" choose to privitize their SS, so be it. If someone chooses not to, so be it. Let people have the choice. The government needs to get out of the slush fund business and actually only spend money that's theirs, not someone's retirement account.

  6. Ryan is Mr. Slick - he has done nothing for the voters in his district. He stood by and watched the auto plant close in his hometown of Janesville,Keeps pushing privatizing of social security (We would all have a tin cup on a street corner if this comes true), and he has over a million dollars in his campaign fun from the health care industry - who does he represent? Anything is beter than Ryan. Lots of research is coming out on his "roadmap for America" that says it is really "potholes in the road for America" by Ryan. Ryan acts like he stands for everybody, but really only stands for himself and the rich.

  7. The citizens of America must not let Ryan or the republicans off the hook for his double-down race to bottom roadmap to ruin. Equally felonious is their hollow contract on America 2.0 "Pledge" which is nothing more than a promise by republicans to pull the country out of the ditch and finish off the job they started by driving it off the cliff.

  8. Okay, RNR, whatever. Democrats have been in control since the 2006 midterms. That car analogy is stupid anyways.

  9. The Republican boys and girls always talk about following the constitution - in their terms. I think the Democarats do a much better job in following the constitution. Republicans will be crying and gnashing their teeth after the November elections. Sure nice the tea bag party has taken over the Republicans!

  10. anony 9:15 the money is already gone. I'm 33 and there is no way SS will be there when I'm ready to retire. If I'm lucky I will get a partial payment. I wish they would give me the option to put my money in a private account. I would even be happy if they split the difference and put the employee portion in a private account and the employer portion into the general fund.

  11. Paul Ryan couldn't come out and play with his GOTP pals because he's busy trying to find more ways to destroy Social Security, Medicare, etc... Also, he would like send more American jobs overseas with his global ecconomy support for China's Most Favored Trading Nation status, that is along for his support for NAFTA, GATT, and other unfair trade pacts.

  12. anonymous 6:57 AM,

    Social Security money is not gone and as long as we can keep the private markets hands off of it, it will be there for you when you retire. In fact, Ryan's plan won't guarantee anything to those under 55. If you split the difference now under a phony choice option, you will destroy Social Security.

  13. Social Security has been sound for 75 years, and it could be solvent for many years to come. Idiots like Paul Ryan would have to raise to the cap on the wealthy and stop sending jobs to China and India in order to make the funds grow in America, that is if Representives like Ryan believed in America. WHAT A TRAITOR, HE IS.

  14. Paul sure is pretty though...

    I laugh every time.

  15. Blaw, blaw, blaw, The more pain you yellow bellies feel, the more you squeal.
