
September 24, 2010

Fundraiser set for 4-year-old fighting brain tumor

The story on little Fischer Hansen's website gets straight to the point:
He's four years old. He loves fire trucks and wants to be a firefighter when he grows up. He has loving parents and a baby sister named Addison.

Life appears good. But it's not.

For Fischer Hansen, life right now is anything but good. In fact, he's fighting for his life - and all those near him are fighting with him.
Cutting right to the chase: a large cancerous brain tumor was removed from Fischer in July. (We'll skip over the year it took for doctors to find it -- you can read all that on Fischer's website.)  He is now undergoing radiation treatment and faces nearly a year of chomotherapy.

Fischer's website continues:
Life has changed forever for this family. The family carries insurance but has already learned much of Fischer's medical costs will not be covered. Also, both parents are spending considerable time away from work, with unpaid leave, to care for Fischer at home and to be with him during his treatments at Children's Hospital.

And little Fischer, once a happy-go-lucky little boy who loves fire trucks and wants to be a firefighter, is now fighting for his life.
Friends of the family -- Dad, Erik, is a graduate of Case High School and UW-Whitewater and the co-owner of Lakeshore Lawn Service, and Mom, Michelle, works at Kohl's headquarters in Menomonee Falls -- have organized a fund-raiser for Fischer.

They're teaming up with the Yardarm for an event on Oct. 23, from noon to 6 p.m. to be held outside the restaurant, 930 Erie St. The street will be closed off around 12:30 p.m. and there will be food, beer, raffle items, bands playing German music to '90s music. A Piper will play his bagpipe.

Fischer,who just turned 4 on Sept. 1, dreams of becoming a firefighter when he grows up, so there also will be a firetruck with a couple of firemen.

The Yardarm is also donating 10% of  all fish platters between Monday, Oct. 18, and Sunday, Oct. 24, to the Fischer Hansen Fund, established by the North Cape Lutheran Church. Tax deductible donations to help pay Fisher's medical expenses can be sent to North Cape Lutheran Church, 2644 124th St., Franksville, WI 53126. Checks must be made payable to the church, with Fischer Hansen on the Memo line.

Everyone is invited to the Yardarm fundraiser.

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  1. Good Luck to Fischer and his family. You are in our thoughts!

  2. First and foremost...GOOD LUCK AND WE HOPE YOU THE BEST... Second, where is the online donation link? Paypal and others offer this. Especially since so many people would do it from the comfort of their own home.

  3. Please come out to the Yardarm and enjoy a great fish dinner for Fischer. Also if you are unable to dine in the Yardarm does carry outs too!

  4. Here is the Yardarm menu for those interested...

  5. This story touches my heart. We have spent some time at Childrens hospital when our son had open heart surgery. I can't imagine how hard this is for the family. My thoughts and prayers go out to you. My family plans to attend.

  6. I hope the whole city shows up to give their support. Let's give this little guy and his family all the help we can. Let's prove that Racine is a community the cares.
