
July 14, 2010

RDA agrees to help nonprofit buy a building; establishes criteria for disqualifying developers, contractors

Recap of the Redevelopment Authority meeting on Friday, July 2:

The city's Redevelopment Authority has put a request for proposals for environmental services on the Racine Steel Castings property. Grant money is available for further environmental work.

The RDA voted unanimously to help the First Choice Pre-Apprenticeship Training program purchase a new building.

The authority voted unanimously to create a series of criteria to automatically disqualify contractors or developers who apply to develop RDA-owned property. It's estimated the ordinance would weed out 10 percent of the contractors who apply for city work.

Attendance: Scott Terry, James Spangenberg, David Lange, Robert Anderson and Jim Chambers attended. Peter Karas and Doug Nicholson were excused.

Others present: Brian O'Connell, director of city development; Jean Wolfgang, associate planner; Olatoye Baiyewu, Human Capital Development Corporation