
July 14, 2010

Racine City Council meeting July 6

City Council President Jeff Coe presided over the meeting in the absence of Mayor John Dickert. Aldermen Michael Shields and Aron Wisneski were excused.

No one spoke during a public hearing on Alderman Greg Helding's ordinance addressing non-commercial uses in commercial districts. The ordinance later passed the council. It was in response to a north side church that wanted to open in a space meant for commercial development. The church was allowed to move into the space because there was no city ordinance preventing it from doing so. Now, the city can stop churches and other non-commercial uses in commercial districts.

Public comments: Susan DeKeuster, Deborah Madrigan, Dennis Hardenstein, Vivian Merlo, George Meyers

Among items referred to committee, Alderman Bob Mozol requested a change to the yearly system of repaving non-critical streets. The item was referred to the Committee of the Whole.

The council agreed to meet in closed session with Deputy City Attorney and Human Resources Manager to discuss strategy regarding upcoming contract negotiations with the City's labor unions.

3 Mile Road from Erie Street to LaSalle Street may be repaved in 2012. The council unanimously agreed to approve a preliminary resolution to rebuild the road with portland cement concrete paving. The Village of Caledonia would be involved in the project. Alderman Ray DeHahn sponsored the resolution.

The city will spend $348,480 to buy road salt for the coming winter. Cargill Inc. will provide the salt.

The following street projects are planned for 2011:
  • Orchard Street from Nineteenth Street to Twentieth Street
  • Orchard Street from Durand Avenue to Pierce Boulevard
  • Perry Avenue from Byrd Avenue to Sixteenth Street
  • Chatham Street from Barker Street to Kewaunee Street
  • Orchard Street from Nineteenth Street to Twentieth Street
  • Orchard Street from Durand Avenue to Pierce Boulevard
  •  West Boulevard from Fifteenth Street to Wright Avenue

The following alleys are up for reconstruction in 2012:
  • Alley bounded by 8th Ave to 9th Ave. and South St. to Shoreland Ave.
  • Alley bounded by Carmel Ave. to Mohr Ave. and Graham St. to Chicago St.
  • Alley bounded by Goold St. to Jones Ave. and Geneva St. to LaSalle St.
  • Alley bounded by Goold St. to Walton Ave. and LaSalle St. to Superior St.
  • Alley bounded by Jerome Blvd. to 20th St. and Taylor Ave. to Kearney Ave.
  • Alley bounded by Jones Ave. to Walton Ave. and Charles St. to Geneva St.
  • Alley bounded by Lindermann Ave. to Kinzie Ave. and Hayes Ave. to Grove Ave.
  • Alley bounded by Slauson Ave. to Washington Ave. and Taylor Ave. to Phillips Ave.
  • Alley bounded by Walton Ave. to Romayne Ave. and Green St. to St. Clair St.
  • Alley bounded by Washington Ave. to Lindermann Ave. and Arthur Ave. to Blaine Ave.
  • Alley bounded by Washington Ave. to Lindermann Ave. and Hayes Ave. to Grove Ave.
  • Alley bounded by Wright Ave. to Washington Ave. and Quincy Ave. to Thurston Ave.
  • Alley bounded by 13th St. to 12th St and Terrace Ave. to Memorial Dr.
  • Alley bounded by 15th St. to Washington Ave. and Grange Ave. to Flett Ave.
  • Alley bounded by 16th St. to Slauson Ave. and Taylor Ave. to Phillips Ave.
  • Alley bounded by 17th St. to 16th St. and Packard Ave. to Memorial Dr.
  • Alley bounded by 19th St. to 18th St. and Flett Ave. to Holmes Ave.
  • Alley bounded by 20th St. to Meachem St. and Taylor Ave. to Kearney Ave.
The council waived the formal bidding process and agreed to buy $60,000 worth of LED lighting from Beta-Kramer, which is owned by Ruud Lighting. It also finalized a $245,717 contract with  Beta Lighting for LED Building lights.

Taqueria Nuevo Vallarta, of 3700 Durand Ave., received a liquor license.

The council approved Image Management selling ads n the side of city buses. It's expected to bring in about $3,600 in monthly revenue.

Bucket's Pub, 2031 Lathrop Avenue, is getting a new pole sign.

The council agreed to issue $3.895 million in general obligation refunding bonds. The money will be used to pay past refunding bonds dated Feb. 15, 2002 and set to mature in the years 2013 through 2012.

The council agreed to issue $9.65 million in promissory notes for the public purpose of financing capital improvement projects and acquisitions set forth in the City's 2010 Capital Improvement Plan.

The Common Council's next scheduled meeting is July 20, 2010.