
April 21, 2010

Walden parent floats moving high school to Monument Square

Is this the future home of Walden III School?

A group of Walden III School parents are exploring ways to save or move the alternative school, which is housed in Racine Unified's building most in need of renovation.

PTSA President Jane Finkenbine, Rebuilding Committee Head Michelle Ortwein, and Fundraising Chair Patrick Flynn are leading efforts to revamp the school without harming its alternative style of education.

Flynn, who has two children at Walden and himself graduated from the school in 1981, is floating an interesting possibility for moving Walden to the former Zahn's Building (see an old photo of the Zahn's Building here; and a newspaper article about Zahn's closing here) on Monument Square. The proposal would move Walden to a new building and fill an eyesore in Downtown Racine. It's just an idea at this point, but could be promising.

Here's Flynn's idea, which was written to Walden's Parent Teacher Student Association:

This is pure speculation, but based on information I have obtained, renovations to the Zahn's Building would run less than $3 million to host a new Walden III, not including the 14,000 sq ft addition that could be built on the empty lot next to the building. My guess is that could be done for a fraction of what it would cost to renovate and rebuild on the current site where Walden currently resides. I believe this site merits more research and if desired, we should consider what if any interest Unified would have and pursuing this option.

Unified's proposal to add an addition to the existing building is aprox. $15 Million plus repairs to the existing structure which could mount to well over $20 Million when combined. It would be in Unified's and the Tax payers best interest to pursue this option. It will be very unlikely that an opportunity such as this one will ever present itself again in Racine's future. This would be a win for everyone!

Zahn's offers numerous benefits because of it's proximity to public resources, the RAM, Museum, Lake Michigan, Etc. The Solar panels could easily be relocated to this building. The increased activity to Downtown would be an economic boom to the Downtown area. And the new school could offer all the modern conveniences a school should offer today.

Dr. Shaw's vision (Based on what he has told me directly) is our schools should remain small (Less than 600). This building would meet his vision as well as ours. Our goal would be to house up to 550 Students: (This is Key... it must be designed to hold enough classrooms to support say 22 students - 25 classrooms?) Walden has 32 teachers, 1 part time principal, two office staff , Security personnel and would need at least 4 offices for counselors, etc. And a VERY nice Office for the PTSA.

John Murphy of Architectural Associates did the plans for the Imaginarium. The net usable space for all four floors and the basement is approximately 29,000 SF. This would assume that the columns would line up for the proposed layout. The remaining 19,980 square feet is being utilized for elevators, hallways, mechanical rooms, etc.

Figuring that a standard classroom size is approximately 750 square feet (Based on RUSD's online Report) that would leave approximately 10,000 square feet for teachers lounge, cafeteria, fitness area, theater, etc. The lot to the south can accommodate a 14,000 square foot addition with approximately 70% 10,000 sf) of that for net usable space. This would include a basement, 1st and 2nd floor.

Here's some stuff I'll throw at the wall to see what sticks....

The downtown would become an extension of the classroom. Utilizing the library, museums, YMCA, the lake and businesses as educational extensions.

Create an emphasis on creating business and community leaders within the school... maybe even politics. (Our community leaders would LOVE this!)

Convert the front of Zhan's into an actual school store that supports all the apparel needs for sports, spirit wear etc for all of Unified.!

Basement would facilitate the lunch room, fitness center, and classrooms

1st floor could include a possible Lecture hall / Theater, Offices and classroom.

2nd thru 4th designated as classrooms (with 4th floor primarily related to the arts (Music / Art / theater, etc?))

4th floor existing room as a music room

Empty lot could be a parking and basketball court, Possibly able to build an extension to house a gym, racquet ball courts or fitness center.

Roof to support our solar panels (Move from existing building) Etc. etc.

Some interesting sites:

OUR VISION (work in progress):

Please let me know if and how you would like to move forward with this.


  1. The Translator4/21/2010 11:35 AM

    This is a forward thing ing and interesting proposal. Bet the school board hates it!

  2. The Translator4/21/2010 11:35 AM

    Sorry should have said thinking.

  3. If this is possible, RUSD should make it a priority. I can see this saving taxpayers millions of dollars and giving these students the facility they deserve to expand their education. Don't forget, Gateway is also nearby offering even more amenities to these students. Does anyone know if RUSD has looked at this proposal? Or has RUSD reluctant to look at it, and if so why?

  4. Urban Pioneer4/21/2010 12:38 PM

    I see no value in relocating Walden into a Downtown vacant building, Zahn's. There is activity on the property (Again), for commercial use. Which will finally put the property on the Tax roles again, and connect 6th and Main once again into a viable district of shopping and entertainment. Furthermore having the Walden types hanging around Downtown doesn't make sense. Our City has nearly overcome most of the reputation of a place where the weirdo's hang out. Having the Walden-ites down there, blue and purple hair and "Goth" attitude, etc. (I don't care how brilliant these kids might be, if you dress like a freak, you want people to think your a freak). If on the other hand someone wanted to open an academy, with school uniforms, perhaps using Vouchers from RUSD or even totally private..That would be an excellent idea! I'm all for diversity; but Racine has enough "interesting" characters.

  5. Here is the problem:

    Save's too much money - RUSD Will not go for it.

    The MAYOR will not go for it because it was not his idea.

    Positive Economic impact to Downtown - The City Council will vote it down.

    The Inner city will oppose it - Walden is the only positive thing happening where it is.

    Just makes too much common sense.

  6. Why spend 3 Million on Education when we can spend it on sports and a fieldhouse? Only from the minds at RUSD.

  7. I visited that school last year for their car show - those kids and teachers were pretty damn nice! I say look into giving them a better building.

  8. As a parent of a Walden student who has neither blue hair or a goth attitude, I think Urban Pioneer should find something better to do with his time than dump on kids in this community.

    He is right on one thing-Racine has enough interesting characters. I say Urban Pioneer needs to make some room with himself first.

    This is an interesting idea and worth some consideration.

  9. don't forget the post office will be for sale too.

  10. As no one has mentioned this yet, I’ll start.
    The Zahn's building is a wreck, to put it mildly. When the Imaginarium went belly-up and the Bank of Elmwood was forced to foreclose, the facility basement was flooded, roof in ruins, windows leaking and on and on and on. The interior is gutted, but there would be so much renovation required to build to school spec., it would be less expensive to find a site elsewhere and build a new building.
    While the thought of utilizing an empty building in the downtown area is worthy, the practicality of its use as a school is beyond imagination.
    As indicated above, the facility shell should be converted to a business enterprise and return it to the tax roll rather than release it to a non-taxable entity.

  11. Urban Pioneer, yes there are many interesting characters in this community, I agree. Yet, with my two children presently attending, and husband a former graduate I believe the product of Walden may be the most interesting and educated community members. Yet, none of my children or their friends have the unusually colored hair. They could attend any school, but are proud to attend Walden. They, like 100 % of their Walden peers, will graduate, go to college, and become positively contributing members of their community. Urban Pioneer...leave the frontier and check out your future boss, political leader, doctor, dentist, or President...if they're from Racine, they're likely a graduate of this top school.

  12. We need a business - not kids with colored hair, tattoos, piercings and black clothing.

  13. We need a business? What you are failing to recognize is that a school in this facility would STIMULATE the existing businesses downtown. Success breeds success. If the community can do something to help these downtown businesses survive, that is more important than adding one more business downtown.

    And exactly what type of business do you think would occupy this 40K sq foot building? If you have not noticed the trend in the last 20 years; small retail is dying and big box stores are surviving. This would give the local small businesses a boost.

  14. 4/21/2010 2:29 PM : Where did you get this info? And when was the last time you toured the facility? We have inspected the building, had contractors in there and none of the issues you mention exist.

  15. Urban pioneer-Are you kidding? Judging people and saying they have no place there? You have obviously never been to a vibrant urban area, ever, to think that expression isn't weaved in to an urban atmosphere. Travel somewhere and learn something.

  16. Unless the Waxtrash can find a way to exploit the Walden students, they won't want them near their corporate ego monument overlooking the square. Barring some tacky scheme by Hellwitch Waxtrash Lip-Off to turn the youngsters into unpaid menials, you may be sure that the Waxies will howl bloody murder and mobilize their six-figure myrmidons to keep Walden out of their precious "Lakeside Business District."

  17. concrete katie4/21/2010 6:14 PM

    The south loop in Chicago was brought back by students. Columbia U., the Art Institute of Chicago and DePaul University built into the south loop and west of the loop areas with student living spaces and university buildings. The Harold Washington Library was also built in the south loop. The old Dearborn railroad station became a complex of residencies and businesses. Walden is already a first district entity. Downtown Racine needs people, especially young people.

  18. If the building is deemed large enough (and it seems as it might be) I think it's a great idea - although I am one of the Walden parents that wish the current building could be rehabbed. However, the facility folks at RUSD have deemed that building a loss.

    Although I wonder if the building has been deemed a hazard and a total loss, why are they even considering building 3 new ELEMENTARY schools??? But that's a discussion for another time....

    BTW, while my Walden student does seem to favor wearing BLACK concert t-shirts, she does NOT have purple, pink, blue or green hair. Please don't make generalizations - it's like saying all the students at Park are in a gang.

  19. Kudos for taking initiative to look for alternative spaces for this great school, but this particular space is impractical:
    *It would have an adverse effect on traffic and parking in Downtown, and the traffic patterns around Monument Square, 5th, 6th, 7th, Main and Wisconsin are already problematic.
    *Relying on off-site facilities like the library or YMCA are logistically unsound given our winter weather (as well as for students with physical disabilities).
    *Apart from the sub sandwich shops, which Downtown businesses will benefit from HS students? They can't drink, don't buy artwork, generally can't afford high-priced trinkets, and hopefully won't need a lawyer.
    *Leaving aside his ridiculous comment about the kids, Urban Pioneer has a valid point regarding the tax base. Those lots have great potential value to be realized.
    *With respect to Concrete Katie, Downtown does need young people - but they're adults with money.

  20. Heather in Caledonia4/21/2010 8:55 PM

    So, there appears to be interest in this building again? I've lived in this area for quite some time and can't ever remember there being anything there but an empty building. I'm all for having business around to pay taxes (even though I'm from Caledonia ;) ), but using this as a school would be a good idea. Sure, traffic could be an issue and walking to other downtown areas wouldn't work in the dead of winter, but it still would bring some sort of life to the area. There may not be many businesses the kids, teachers or parents would frequent, but there are plenty of empty storefronts to fill. I would like to see a complete study of this done by RUSD.

  21. 4/21/2010 8:03 PM : Help us understand these specific problems.
    1. Isn't more traffic what Downtown wants?
    2. "Relying" No... Taking advantage of these resources, YES
    3. All children have parents, they will frequent downtown often and kids grow up!
    4. What good is a tax base if businesses can't survive because they lack customers. This will bring downtown alive all winter. In the summer the school is closed.
    5.Refer to #3

  22. If Unified / Walden III does not want it... we would love to start a charter school here!

  23. David Hazen will slowly allow this school to decay. They have not invested any significant amount of money into it since it's inception, and he refuses to maintain it without a fight. My speculation is Mr. Hazen wants this school to die a slow death. SO, If the Parents, Teachers and students don't find a new home, they may find themselves with no school at all.

    So folks... what do you want to do?

  24. Dear 9:45 PM, You're probably right about Hazen and his merry band of edu-hacks.

  25. This is an interesting idea. Also keep in mind that with Porters closing there will still be a large retail space available downtown. Unless someone's heard something about that space being taken up that I have missed. I'd like to see a more thorough report on the feasibility of this, there is definite potential here.

  26. Walden Please look at Elmwood Plaza there is plenty of parking and alot of empty space in that building and yes it needs some fixing but it is close to small business that need help too in that area.. so not only the downtown area needs help...

  27. Walden should stay in the city of Racine. Realistically retail is leaving Racine. Our stores are closing and remaining open in Kenosha. Should we let the building sit unoccupied for X number of years? Anyone who describes Walden students as goth or having colored hair is ignorant. I have been there and I have been to the other high schools and the population doesn't look any different.


    Administration Building $98,625.00

    Case High School $759,073.00 2022 $375.41/pp

    Horlick $1,770,783.00 2168 $816.78/pp

    Park High School $1,318,816.88 2275 $579.70/pp

    Walden III Middle/High School $4,720.00 / $8.99/pp

  29. Our entire MAINTENANCE referendum dollars are going towards a new Park H.S. field house in the amount of 3.8 Million dollars

    This = $1,670.00 per student

    While Walden III's building continues to fall apart in front of our very eyes.

  30. Walden III and Case are mostly suburban students while Park and Horlick are mostly inner city kids.

    It appears that Unified is sucking taxes out of Mt. Pleasant and Caledonia to support inner city schools knowing that Caledonia and Mt. Pleasant could leave them. So in the interim... they are sucking the higher tax payers to benefit who?

  31. The last thing we need are Walden kids hanging around downtown. The downtown business's have enough trouble staying alive without weird kids hanging out.

  32. It is sad that our community and district administrators do not support the schools and programs that are working. Walden III has been under threat from being closed down since they opened. They were moved from the McMynn Building (where the current McMynn Towers is) to the Franklin School Building. Red Apple was moved from the "old" side of the Franklin building to what was Washington Junior High. Both schools are working on environmental programs and are in two of the oldest buildings in the district.

    The process to make positive changes and correct horrible decisions - like cutting social workers and librarians - is beyond slow. Parents, staff, and community members have spoken at school board meetings, linking and listening sessions...and are not heard. We are told there is no money to bring these programs back to what they should be. But money is found for a deputy superintendent, and we need an interim area superintendent...never mind what the students need.

  33. Its pretty telling. Our referendum dollars are allocated as: $9 per student for walden, vs 300-900 for the other high schools.

    RUSD has spent 25 times more money on maintaining their adminstartive building than they have on walden.

  34. Note

    I think the building has been sold and will be Retail on the first floor and Condo above. Note being Racine it will just remain empty.
    At 20%+ unemployment Condos just are not selling

  35. MEETING WITH THE HEAD OF RUSD Maintenance the other day regarding Walden went like this:

    PTSA: "This school has not had a coat of paint in 50 years. Can we Paint the walls in the school.

    RUSD: No, you must use a EPA Certified Painter

    PTSA: How much will that Cost?

    RUSD: $250,000

    PTSA: Can we hire our own EPA Painter.

    RUSD: Possibly, but we would have to supervise them because they might drip paint on the floor.

    PTSA: How much will that cost?

    RUSD? Don't Know.

    Now I don't know if anyone has ever walked into Walden, but paint dripped on the floor may actually be considered an improvement.

    So, the parents offer to clean up a school, that the RUSD Maintenance has written off as a total loss and they are afraid some paint might drip on the floor?

    Folks, this is the mentality off RUSD. The PTSA is willing to hire a part time painter, supply all the paint and get it done for well under $50,000 and RUSD says "NO". In fear that we might drip some paint, RUSD would rather spend $250,000.00 on a dilapidated building and do it themselves, which they will never do because they lack the funds to do it. So rather than take a donation to get it done, they will let the building continue to fall apart.

    If I didn't take care of my home for 50 years, it would fall apart too.

    WAKE UP RACINE, RUSD is completely out of control when it comes to our tax dollars. In this economy, and when you have so many people willing to help out, RUSD Maintenance says "NO". HECK, they don't even allow teachers to clean their own rooms because the union will not allow it!

    Then when we challenged RUSD on other items, they threatened to walk out of the meeting.

    This list is a mile long.

    When asked when would Walden possibly get a new building based on their reinvestment plan... The response was in about 15 years!

    So the top school in the district is destined to close because Mr. Hazen does want to invest any money in it. He would rather invest 3.8 Million in a athletic center than worry about the education of Racine's best kids.

    With that said, we will be moving out of Racine and into a district that cares about the kids in the community. Enough is enough.

  36. RUSD's goal is to narrow the achievement gap within the district. If Walden closes, they will have narrowed that gap and RUSD would consider it a WIN.

  37. I would not trust what RUSD says reguarding EPA painters. I would research it myself. We shouldn't be asking permission. They are not a private business. They serve the public.

  38. 4/23/2010 8:17 AM - How would you research that? Always thought we were at RUSD's mercy when it came to this stuff.

  39. Walden III Middle School was rated an EXEMPLARY middle school by the state this year. Even if the kids looked different (which they don't), it is working and a real investigation of this option should be fully investigated by RUSD.

    Property owners should consider liability costs of a partially unsafe building (the NEW part was built in 1920!) when considering what to do. Kids getting hurt in what is supposedly supposed to be a safe place isn't going lower costs.

  40. @ 12:49 - you have obviously never walked the halls of Walden or Case - those are not suburban schools - ever hear of bussing? There is diversity at all 4 of those schools - IT'S REQUIRED - so they're not sucking money out of those of you who don't live within the city limits for those of us that do - what a crock

  41. You're telling me the Walden III Kids are just as diverse as the rest of the district, the have the worst facility in the district with sub par resources and they are some of the Top students in the state? I don't buy it. If that was truly the case Unified would be doing everything they can to support this school. What would the rational be to let your # 1 school decay away?

  42. 3:38 you don't buy it? Well look at the facts:
    The State 74% Proficient - Case/Park/Horlick 50-56%, Walden 94%, but no there are no top students here.
    Why because RUSD doesn't care about Walden, they pull them out at Referendum time, then don't spend the money on them.

  43. Winslow School recently received a facelift and all new windows. Is it large enough for Waldenites? What is its projected use? Franklin/Walden needs repair, and I hate to see Unified wait until someone gets seriously hurt to do something. As for Zahn's, keep your mind open and see if it is feasible. If not, keep up the search. As for the "weird" kids, my guess is that anyone different than the commenter is labeled weird. I had four younger siblings attend Walden-none with purple hair-a couple are LOCAL business owners, one a pilot, one a daycare operator, and all of them care about Racine enough not to decry, debase, and destroy our fair city, and instead believe in change using positive commentary... So for all you Racine Posters that do nothing but complain, I challenge you to write nothing but positives about Racine for a week or two, it might change your outlook about our future (or maybe not)!

  44. Alex Aviles (Walden Sophomore)4/24/2010 12:01 AM

    I'm a current student at Walden and would not mind if we relocated to Monument Square. I along with many of the students adore the downtown area. If Walden was to move I am 100% sure that the businesses downtown would be booming! I personally spend a good portion of my time downtown, doing my part in helping local businesses such as; Circa Celeste, Sheepish, The Racine Arts Council, and the Red Onion. It would be sad to leave Walden's current location but I believe that the Zahn's building's location would prove to be a great opportunity to improve education. Sadly, another conflict would be Walden's cherished Rain Garden that we are currently working on. I would hope that if Walden does move the Garden would still be utilized and maintained. I say hope for the best and thank you Patrick Flynn and Jane Finkenbine for striving to improve Walden. ~ Sincerely Alex John Aviles Class of 2012

  45. I think Zahn's is a great relocation idea for Walden III and I hope it is given serious consideration. Walden has a history of community involvement. This will encourage our children and teens to feel they are valued members of this city. Walden is a successful school in a building that is in shameful neglect. We need to build on success instead of always ripping on our negatives. (Mark, you are totally right).

  46. 1. Anytime a school is allowed to be selective in the number and type of students that it serves, then it's success will increase. This is primarily due to its ability to oust students who are not meeting the expected standard - an ability regular public schools don't always have. With this in mind, Walden III's success is easier to understand, and harder than expected to duplicate.

    2. Anytime a school is able to able to be selective as Walden is, they will also receive reduced community support. That is because they will no longer be accessible to the ENTIRE community, and, therefore, are not considered to be part of the ENTIRE community. Any decision that Walden makes will always be an uphill struggle because of the perspective that they are exclusionary. This is especially true in a community where most public schools are open to most students, with only location as a prohibiting factor - and even that can be overlooked.

  47. Could someone please post or direct us to the factor considered for entrance into Walden? I asked this previously, and no one was able to do so. I find the silence on this subject both disturbing and revealing. Most people are less resistant to schools with known inclusion factors. For example, schools in Chicago and New York are known by their type - music, technology, pre-med, etc. In addition, most people are aware of the fact that Jefferson Lighthouse was intended for "gifted" students. There is less resistance to these types of schools because their inclusion requirements are well known. In Walden's case, that isn't true. Aside from the public opinion that it's a school for punks, goths and emos, there is really no public information regarding it's student base and the expectations and standards that brought them there. Perhaps if they would be more up front about that, then people would be less likely to presume it was just a school created for all the rich kids who didn't make it into Prairie.

  48. I can answer that. To the best of my knowledge it is completely random. You must apply and students are selected "randomly" but based on the Following:

    1 male, 1 Female
    1 Black, 1 Hispanic, 1 White

    Your background other than sex or race is the only thing considered.

    Does this help?

    A Walden III PTSA Member

  49. Is Walden III Filled with Rich kids? No, 70% of the kids are on Reduced Lunch because of poverty levels

    Is Walden filled with weird kids? Help me understand "weird"... Is Bill Gates Weird?

    The reality is, Walden is filled with a culture that encourages learning from Parents, teachers and students who care. There are NO Sports (That they must get from their regular schools) The school itself is in the WORST facility, with the LEAST amount of resources. RUSD's last referendum allocated $9.00/per student, compared to $100's/pp at other schools. Most resources are "hand me downs" from other schools. BUT... the majority of kids WANT to be there and the parents participant in their academic enrichment. It is open to anyone in this community that applies. Unfortunately it is about 1/3 the size of regular schools. RUSD need to duplicate more of these schools, yet allows this one to decay away. Ask Mr. Hazen why RUSD is doing this?

    It only seems "rich" because the students give so much back to the community. For the first time in 37 years these kids are asking for the community to support them and give back... yet no one will. How sad is that?

    Visit for more info on how you can help this school

  50. I attended Walden III back in the 70's and 80's. I came from a very poor family. My brother's and sisters also attended. We all graduated and went off to college. We all continue to support the Racine community, none of us are on welfare and we all are very successful... because of Walden. I have numerous friends that also graduated from Walden, all of them doing very well.

    It's too bad Racine is allowing this school to survive on a shoe string. What type of community allows it's best school to live on a "life support" system when the knowingly have a cure?

  51. Walden is a great school, turning out more Ivy League grads than most other schools. If you are ignorant about the kind of scholarly kids at Walden, regardless of their clothing of choice, shame on you. You will actually find great minds at this school, and plenty of good ideas.

    The downtown area would be superb for Walden's program and future, the kids, and our community. Kudos to those who floated the idea; keep pushing on and make it's about time this albatross (Zahn's) becomes something else: a shining beacon to youth, initiative, study, exploration, AND a massive boost to downtown.

    Let's go Walden. Go kids! Ignore the naysayers and the negative Nellies. Fight to make this happen for Racine and Racine families.

  52. @ Anon 12:48:

    No, that does not help. You've indicated demographics, but I'm far more interested in the "background" to which you referred. That term is vague and could be substituted for anything from academic stance to socioeconomic status in the community.

  53. 4/27/2010 7:48 AM

    It is completely random other than sex/race. Which is balanced.

  54. @Anonymous 12:23:

    How is it random AND your background is taken into account? That doesn't make sense.

    Also, when I asked this question before on this very same site, an individual who stated they were familiar with the school mentioned an application process during which a student's academic stance and history was taken into account.

    Its starting to sound to me like no one really knows how the heck the selection process works.

  55. You absolutely have to apply to be there. Then the student spends a day there deciding if they like it or not. The candidate student shadows an existing Walden Student. That Walden Student will provide his/her thoughts based on that students reactions and interaction throughout the day. The former teachers provide a reference for the student. (The big concern, can the student handle the freedom) Pending all of that, they then go into a pool that they are drawn from. Typically 150 Plus apply and 75 are accepted. But at that point, acceptance is based on sex and race so the student population is always balanced but random.

    So the answer to your question, is it random? yes. Are there a "gatekeepers" the student must get past, yes. Do they need to follow the steps to get in, yes.

    #1 Attend Discovery Day at the School
    #2 Student Shadowing candidate provide reference
    #3 Student Candidate Applies & Provides teacher references
    #4 Application is put into the pool of candidates based on sex/race
    #5 Students are drawn by random, assigned a number and then sent acceptance letters. If they do not make the first cut, they are assigned a number. For example, your daughter might be #22 on the waiting list for Caucasian girls list.

    That's the process.

  56. Cortney Becker (proud walden sophmore)8/06/2011 10:02 PM

    For all you Walden haters, we are not freaks. We are normal people, just like any of you...we just have the courage to be who we want to be and thrive. I love Walden more than anything, and i hate watching it fall to pieces, but what are we to do?? Fellow people who dont agree with this idea, take a trip to Walden one day, see our chipping walls, beat up lockers, ancient gym (we have no locker rooms by the way, we change in the bathroom), broken stairs, and much MUCH more. We choose to deal with it though, because we love Waldens amazing atmosphere and unique ways of providing us with the best eduacation possible. Im not arguing with anyone, im just saying DO NOT bash us, and DO NOT bash any ideas to improve our amazing school. We need something, and if that means moving into a new building, im all for it.

    p.s. im not a freak. i have no tattos. ALSO, a couple piercings do not make you goth. I LIKE BEING UNIQUE AND A WELL EXPRESSED INDIVIDUAL, DEAL WITH IT.

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