
April 21, 2010

Follow state Legislature live on Wisconsin Eye ...

You can follow the closing days of the state Legislature debate on Wisconsin Eye, the state's version of CSPAN. Right now you can watch Rep. Marlin Schneider give a sermon in defense of Rep. Jeff Wood, the independent state legislator who was arrested three times in a year for drunken driving. (Though Rep. Mark Pocan just pointed out Wood had no alcohol in his system during his last arrest; he did have prescription drugs, though.)

No word on when, or whether, they'll take up the RTA legislation that would affect Racine.


  1. Love the Wisconsin eye!

  2. And our Mayor wants to kill CAR 25 Racine's access to what goes on in City Hall.

  3. No Racine Post story on Mason and Turner protecting 5 time drunk driver Jeff Wood?
