
April 1, 2010

RUSD reinvestment meeting, candidates on Cable Channel 20

Two Racine Unified School Board meetings are on Cable TV.

1. Monday's Racine Unified Board of Education meeting that included a presentation of the District’s Reinvestment Plan is now on RUSD Channel 20, on Time Warner Cable. The video is shown at 4:30 p.m. daily.

The School Board reviewed a plan that includes the construction of three new elementary schools and additions/improvements to five existing elementary buildings. The plan would also improve building access for people with disabilities and provide operating funds to maintain staff levels. The total price tag would range from $58 million to $73.1 million for the construction and $7.5 million for annual operating costs.

The board is seeking public input, and may schedule a fall referendum in June.

2. The RUSD candidate forum of March 25 is on Channel 20 at 5 a.m. and 6:45 p.m. daily.

The four candidates on the Tuesday, April 6 election ballot answered questions from media representatives and took questions from the audience during the two-hour event at the Golden Rondelle.

Candidates are: challenger Fran Eulingbourgh, and incumbents Julie McKenna, Susan Kutz and Bill Van Atta.


  1. There had better not be any referendum until the present depression is over.

  2. I agree that this debt, tax and spend has got to stop. The unemployment here has gone up not down. People are still losing their homes. I don't understand how these folks in the City, RUSD and Mt Pleasant can be so out of touch with the reality of this community. These may well be valid needs but right now the people who would have to pay are just trying to survive and in many cases not surviving.

    I'm just amazed how out of touch these folks are.

  3. I understand the goverment has yet to say no. For that matter the voters seam to go along too. ]
    Time to stop

  4. I've seen this on CAR25 for the past few days, It's unbelievable these folks are extremely out of touch!

  5. They know the only place to get money is from your wallet!

  6. Let us not forget the last building referendum when they had 25 High priority repairs that needed to be dealt with and only four or five got fixed. but at least the "Super"intendant got his new office.
    I say no more money until every member of the board has an IQ over 70.
