
April 1, 2010

$87,665 spent on Circuit Court race ... so far

The race for a judicial seat on Racine's Circuit Court bench is a costly one.

Finance reports filed on March 31 by the two candidates -- Georgia Herrera and Eugene Gasiorkiewicz -- show the two campaigns are neck-and-neck, with the total nearing $100,000, and almost certain to go over that figure by the April 6 election..
Herrera reports spending $39,277.
Gasiorkiewicz reports spending $48,388.
Herrera reports campaign contributions of $42,620, which includes $32,000 in loans she has made to her own campaign.

Gasiorkiewicz reports campaign contributions of $41,019, which includes loans totalling $31,720 from himself to his campaign.

Herrera's $10,620 in contributions from others includes three of $500; one of those came from Helen Johnson-Leipold, of SC Johnson.

Gasiorkiewicz's $8,720 in contributions includes six of $500.

Both candidates received a $500 contribution from Dennis Anderson of Franksville, who is listed as a physician at Wheaton Franciscan Healthcare.

Where has all the campaign spending gone so far? Advertising spending at the Journal Times by Herrera  totalled $14,063. She also spent $941 at Southern Lakes Newspaper in Burlington, $4,455 on Time-Warner cable advertising, and $3,553 at Watts Communications, Waukesha, on media/TV.

Gasiorkiewicz spent $12,978 at the Journal Times, plus $1,777 at Southern Lakes Newspaper in Burlington. The bulk of his spending, $25,737, has gone to The Shop Consulting of Madison, for advice, media and TV, and mailings.

The candidates' complete finance reports are available online, on the Wisconsin Campaign Finance  Information system website. Plug in "Circuit Court" under Office, and "Racine County" under District/County.


  1. Pete or Dustin - are you offering the ads on the Racine Post free?? If not, why are these not itemized in your article?

  2. Probably because the Post advertising is so reasonable it doesn't reach the highest costs.

    I guess the electon is an economic boost for some businesses. The JT seems to be a foolish place to advertise nowadays. I would think you would want people to see your advertising.

  3. I'm surprised Herrera spent so much on advertising at the Journal Times. I really didn't think any of her supporters could read?

    Interesting about Helen Johnson supporting Herrera too. I guess the Johnson Family wants to control the schools, government, and now the courts!

  4. Fascinating. Herrera makes a $250 payment to the Racine Deputy Sheriff's Association at the end of February and voila! Get's lots of law enforcement endorsements.

    Paid in full.

  5. I'd rather know who "Racinians for Academic Progress" are. There always seems to be some shadowy group sticking its nose and money into RUSD board elections. Seems that Jeff Neubauer and some guy named Worth have been part of different groups using different high-handed names. Postcards are out today from this group supporting VanAtta and Kutz.

    Why can't these people just tell the public who they are and where their money comes from? This would be a good one for the Post to pursue if you aren't already in on the answer.

  6. John Lehman gave to Herrera???

    I'll vote for the other candidate.

  7. Anyone Kurt Wahlen supports, I am against!

  8. Hey, I was just looking at the campaign finance reports and it seems that as of 3/22/2010 Georgia Herrera's campaign spent $1,700 plus some change with Angel Lithographing?

    Did you guys miss some entries or did you deliberately omit some of the information that you didn't deem relevant to the story?

  9. To 4:42 anon: You hide behind your computer, typing anonymous bullsh**! I know how the game is played, Gene is behind your rotten comments. Thanks for posting the comment about Herrera supporters that cannot read - are you a bigot? I am personally offended and Gene can have your vote, however, now my vote is going to HERRERA. This election cannot be over soon enough for me - not sure what you will do, or who you will move on to attack next. You are an unintelligent, uneducated fool - how dare you attack Herrera supporters. You have crossed a line - game on! I am now supporting Herrera like never before. THank you

  10. If you have an issue with the Johnson family and Johnson enterprise of companies - I suggest you make the choice to move out of Racine - believe me, Racine would be better off without you. The more the Johnsons do for the city of Racine - the better.

  11. Pete -

    I think you would increase the integrity of the Racine Post by requiring bloggers to use a user id. I believe most of the 'opinion' on here is being submitted by a very vocal minority. A user id would provide a bit of accountability and prevent multiple submissions from one person. Thanks

  12. You didn't think Herrera supporters could read? How is this comment relevant, what good will come from your low blow attacks of her supporters? What this comment says is that Gene is getting terribly desperate. Her supporters will show you just how literate they are on Tuesday when they read the ballot and vote for Georgia!

    By the way, you need more in your life, more to help you feel fulfilled if you get your confidence from posting anonymous blogs!

  13. Law enforcement endorsed Herrera back in the fall of 2009. You're clearly not reading the full campaign finance report, this report shows that Herrera received a contribution from the Racine Deputy Sheriff's Association and she returned it - you critics apparently can't read the report.

  14. Gene's campaign has sunk to new LOW levels - I'll vote for Georgia any day over a candidate putting this type of noise out there. If you think there's merit in attacking the voting public, you're wrong. Just shows how high minded you are. If Gene is elected as judge, he'll fit right in at the bars with the majority of Racine's judges. NO THANKS

  15. PrefersCoffee4/04/2010 6:12 PM

    As distasteful as some of the comments about Herrera supporters have been, one must keep in mind that only one candidate lied about their opponent's record.

    If Ms. Herrera cannot throughly vet the information she uses in a campaign, why should I believe in her ability to be a fair and impartial judge?

  16. Herrera did so well in her campaign against Jude a few years ago, that I don't think any of the Gasiorkiewicz supporters need to worry.

  17. It's also important to keep in mind that only one candidate mislead voters about his qualifications. Gene claimed to have created trucking law, solely created a legal education program for elementary school children AND neglected to let the voters know he taught a few classes over 30 years ago. I am tired of the back and forth. The voters will decide on Tuesday.

  18. Anyone who would try and dig up dirt on their opponent and then publish eroneous information does not deserve to be a judge. What does that say about their integrity. Also anyone who has no answers to the JT's interview and the only thing she can say is that I'll work real hard does not deserve to be judge. We want someone with integrity, who knows what they'll do the first day on the job is who should be judge - that is Gene.

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  20. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  21. Herrera will be fair and balanced - Racine will be fortunate when she is elected! Mark Belling endorsed Georgia today, he stated that Racine has an opportunity to elect a judge who will be fair/tough on crime. Herrera will definitely make Racine a better community for all!

  22. Pete -
    Thanks a million for removing the inappropriate comment - thanks!

  23. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  24. Pete - thanks for staying on top of the local idiots that have no intelligence or respect for others. It takes a lot of character and guts to run for public office, regardless of if you are for or against a certain candidate at least respect the fact that they are trying to make this community better. Instead of running for public office, the candidates could be hiding behind their anonymous handles and blogging all day, then where would we be? THe voters will make their decisions today and then we'll all move on. Please have respect for the process and knock off your ridiculous, pointless attacks.

  25. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  26. Pete -

    How about restricting further comments on the judicial race/judicial race outcome? The people or person leaving the inappropriate comments does not deserve to have their opinion heard at this point. It's not productive and I really thought as a society we were past a lot of this years and years ago.
