
April 7, 2010

Kaplan loses County Board seat; two Mt. Pleasant trustees ousted

As expected, incumbents had little trouble holding off challengers.  Notable exceptions were Jim Kaplan's loss to Kenneth Lumpkin on the County Board, and the ouster of two of three Mount Pleasant Village Trustees seeking re-election. Kaplan's was a repeat grudge match; Mount Pleasant's lingering issue is the $15 million + the trustees voted to spend for a new Village Hall.

The number of voters was somewhat better than last year's 13% turnout -- when Racine had 11 candidates vying for mayor. Only 20,325 ballots were cast in Racine County Tuesday, out of 125,473 registered voters -- a turnout of 16.19%.

Here are the final, unofficial votes for some of the other races in Tuesday's Spring election.
Three of the four County Board incumbents with challengers had no trouble winning re-election. The lone exception was Jim Kaplan in District 4, who lost the seat he took away from Ken Lumpkin two years ago -- to Lumpkin. Seventeen of the 23 seats were uncontested.
* Racine County Supervisor District 1: Donnie Snow, 376.
* Racine County Supervisor District 2: Gaynell Dyess, 541.
* Racine County Supervisor District 3: Monte Osterman, who had the campaign support of Racine Mayor John Dickert, won with 604 votes to Michael Gabbey's 508.
* Racine County Supervisor District 4: Kenneth Lumpkin regained the seat he lost two years ago to incumbent Jim Kaplan, beating Kaplan decisively 202 to 131.
* Racine County Supervisor District 5: David Cooke, 511.
* Racine County Supervisor District 6: Pamela Zenner-Richards, with 732.
* Racine County Supervisor District 7: Van Wanggaard, 323.
* Racine County Supervisor District 8: Q.A. Shakoor II, with 299.
* Racine County Supervisor District 9: Dan Sharkozy, with 343.
* Racine County Supervisor District 10: Rusty Clark, 496.
* Racine County Supervisor District 11: Kay Buske, 517.
* Racine County Supervisor District 12: Robert Miller,with 807.
* Racine County Supervisor District 13: Mark Gleason, with 921.
* Racine County Supervisor District 14: Ronald Molnar, with 733, to Mark Hjortness' 476.
* Racine County Supervisor District 15: Incumbent Ken Hall defeated challenger John Leiber, 851 to 691.
* Racine County Supervisor District 16: John Wisch with 654.
* Racine County Supervisor District 17: Robert Grove with 740.
* Racine County Supervisor District 18: Peter Hansen with 521.
* Racine County Supervisor District 19: Incumbent Joseph Bellante Jr. had little trouble with Donna Deuster, winning by 544 to 182.
* Racine County Supervisor District 20: Jeff Halbach  with 709..
* Racine County Supervisor District 21: Incumbent Gilbert Bakke had 544 to challenger Patrick Lee Haley's 351.
* Racine County Supervisor District 22: Thomas Pringle with 717.
* Racine County Supervisor District 23: Mike Dawson with 688.

Racine Unified School District: The three incumbents had no trouble with challenger Fran Eulingbourgh. Susan Kutz, 8,899;  Julie McKenna, 8,429; Bill Van Atta, 8,835; Fran Eulingbourgh, 4,902.

Racine City Council:
* District 2: Eric Marcus defeated Jameel Ghuari, 369 to 338 for the seat formerly held by Robert Anderson, who did not seek re-election.
* District 4: Incumbent Jim Kaplan held off Sherrie Lawson, 175 to 145.
* District 6: Incumbent Sandy Weidner defeated Dwight Mosby Sr., 382 to 212.
* District 8: Q.A. Shakoor II, unopposed, polled 96 votes.
* District 10: Dennis Wiser, already a member of the Racine Unified School Board, defeated Donald James Dwyer, 274 to 164 for the seat formerly held by Tom Friedel. Interim council appointee Kelli Stein chose not to run for a full term.
* District 12: Aron Wisneski, unopposed, received 608 votes.
* District 14: Ronald Hart, unopposed, received 251.

Mt. Pleasant Village Trustee:

Two challengers easily won election to the village board. Gary Feest led the six-person field with 1,927 votes and Jerry Garski had 1,675; incumbent Harry Manning held onto his seat with 1,688 votes. Ousted were     John Hewitt, with 1,338, and Ken Flones, with 1,267. Challenger Todd Stillman received 1,219.

Caledonia Village Trustee:

Incumbent Wendy McCalvy lost to challenger Gerard Griswold, 1,268 to 1,947; Tom Weatherston beat Shawn Olley, 1,589 to 1,440; Lee Wishau, who was unopposed, received 2,259 votes.

Sturtevant Village Trustee:

Incumbents Gary Johnson, 231; Linda Busha, 211; and Daryl Lynaught, 196; held off challenger Jerrold Klinkosh, 168.

All Racine County results can be found here, in summary form, or in detailed form, on the county's website.


  1. Just wish Kaplan would have lost in the city too...He seems better suited for the church, with all his references to his God in all his statements. Good luck Lumpy...should've tried for city too.

  2. Monte, really! The Republican Party should be proud to claim a new RINO as their own! Can we call Monte Gietner II?

  3. Guys - your headline is a little misleading. Caledonia also ousted two out of three incumbents on the village board - one of them didn't even make it past the primary.

  4. Thank God that Mosby lost. I wonder how many times in his life he has been asked this question; "How does it feel to get beat by a girl?"

  5. Monty is not part of the GOP.

  6. I don't think voters appreciated the person attacks on Monty.

  7. Tim the Shrubber4/07/2010 8:26 AM

    "The Republican Party should be proud to claim a new RINO as their own!"

    I am of the opion that anyone who uses the term RINO is the enemy of the Republican Party's future. If the GOP is not a big enough tent to hold some moderates, then I will lose and deserve to lose.

  8. New Caledonia Trustees - We elected you because we are tired of the attitude and arrogance of the existing board. PLEASE know that Wanggard, Coutts and Burton are next to go. If you adopt their way of thinking or you allow them to manipulate your thoughts and will be out too.

    We love Caledonia's open space, but we need tax relief in the form of new business. Please find the balance and then help us bring in professionals to assist you next year. Out with the old and in with he new, one year at a time.

  9. The Translator4/07/2010 8:43 AM

    Word has it that Milkie was so mad her cronies Flones and Hewitt lost she fell off her broomstick last night

  10. Thank you voters for sending Hewitt and Flones packing. That puts residents one election away from ending out-of-control spending and the reign of terror the village has waged against its residents for years. Stay focused on getting rid of Milkie, Havn, Andreasen and Edmands next year.

  11. The ouster in Mount Pleasant involved both trustees that were mentioned in a March 17, 2010 JRT article about campaign finance issues in 2008. It is a powerful message about running clean campaigns, like the winners did in 2010. Can't wait for 2011 and the completion of "house cleaning in Mount Pleasant."

  12. The Mt Pleasant change in the board is very similar to the national trend predicted in November. Three years ago the Mt Pleasant Board did whatever they wanted even if the public loudly said "no." The Board was so arrogant that they felt they didn't need to listen. Even after they lost two seats in two years a number of the Board members couldn't be bothered to listen or even respond when someone said "hi" to them.

    That attitude was passed on to many on the Mt. Pleasant staff. One former board member even called public opinion a joke when it didn't match their view.

    The past two years the challengers received the top vote count. But still the board didn't listen. The attitude of some on the board was still like a prince looking down on the peasants. Yesterday the people spoke loud and clear. Again a challenger received the most votes. The difference is that none of the old guard made it to the top three.

    The message is clear to the new Board....
    1. Listen to the residents
    2. Stop the big spending
    3. Stop the big debt increase
    4. Remember the people remember and will vote for change when change is needed.
    5. Respect the residents

  13. Bertie in Sturte4/07/2010 10:15 AM

    Anon 9:04. Andreasen is not an elected official. He works at the will of the board. Only the board can remove him.

    I am so glad that Mt Pleasant and Caledonia made changes, and also that Sturtevant didnt. Positive things have been coming with Sturtevant's board, and soon MT Pleasant and Caledonia will follow suit.

  14. Bertie: Yeah I know Andreasen's not elected - but he is the puppeteer that has controlled board for years. The new board needs to look seriously at his unethically-gotten contract and consider removing him in favor of someone truly qualified.

    Anon 9:04

  15. 8:23

    Your right, and I think the folks behind that will no be forgotten

  16. The Mt. Pleasant residents voted for a change when they went to the booth to vote on April 6th. The smell of fresh air is inviting. With the new Mt. Pleasant trustees, it is a ray of hope for open government, less closed door sessions, less retribution(s) towards residents who speak up just because they thought they could in a free society. The dictatorship of the past years under Andreasen/Milkie is dying. Let's continue to clean house in 2011 by getting rid of Carolyn Milkie, Mike Andreasen, Juliet Edmands, Ron Meyers,Jim Henke,Brennan Kane and Sonny Havn. Does this sound like the whole board/staff at the village? You bet!

  17. Shrubber go hug a tree you liberal Tea drinker!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  18. Anon 10:59, about Tim being a "liberal Tea drinker?" Let's look at that statement: liberal TEA (Tax Enough Already) drinker. That sounds like a contradiction in terms to me.

  19. Bertie - can't speak for Sturtevant or Mt. Pleasant, but Caledonia just took a giant step out of the 18th century. We now have a board that will be able to move forward and I'm very optimistic for the first time in quite a while.

  20. Anon 6:20...


    Congratulations Alderman Kaplan.

  21. Dickert supported Osterman...NO WAY!!!! LMAO!

    "Just some good ole boys"......Sing it, to the tune of Dukes of Hazard TV show.......EVERYONE, ALL AT ONCE NOW......

  22. Dickert: Is there any way you can get your friend Osterman to pay back the city the money he owes, that is, before you get booted out of office next year?

    Us taxpayers want to know.

    Thank you Mr. tree trimmer extraordinaire.

  23. Why in the world was Sandy Crazypants Weidner voted back in for another term? Seriously - someone really needs to oust her!

  24. If Dickert can't get Monte to pay his debts to people he certainly can't get him to pay what he owes Racine. More of the same.

  25. Mt Pleasant the job is half done. Please remember to do the same next April. This year we were lucky to get some really quality people to run against the old guard. If that happens next year, please get out and vote again. The time for residents to be told we are a joke and to look right past us like we don't exist as we get more taxes dumped on us is over.

  26. Mt Pleasant resident4/08/2010 6:18 PM

    Now we just need to get rid of Milkie, Havn, Andreasen and Edmands next year! Let's keep the momentum going in Mt Pleasant.
