
April 7, 2010

After a hard-fought battle, it's now Judge Gasiorkiewicz

Eugene Gasiorkiewicz at the Ivanhoe Pub, awaiting election results Tuesday night

The rain and fog did little to mask the hope and optimism emanating from one end of Main Street Tuesday night, as Georgia Herrera and Gene Gasiorkiewicz held their election-night vigils across the street from each other.

Gasiorkiewicz with his parents,
Loretta and Eugene

Herrera held court at Casablanca and Gasiorkiewicz at the Ivanhoe Pub; both spent about three hours greeting friends and supporters in their battle for the Racine County Circuit Court seat to be vacated by the retiring Stephen Simanek. They hugged and shook the hands of friends, while nervously checking text messages and calls from observers at City Hall and the County Clerk's office where votes were tabulated. For three hours it was back and forth, the two were separated by 15 votes at one point. Gene took Burlington by 33; Georgia took Waterford by 58.

It wasn't until almost 11 p.m. that someone held a cellphone to one ear with one hand and motioned for silence with his other. The final votes were in: Gasiorkiewicz defeated Herrera 10,549 to 8,939. The crowd at Ivanhoe's erupted into applause. Gasiorkiewicz took more hugs and handed out glasses of champagne. In a short statement he thanked his campaigners for their "enormous" effort. His election, he said, was a victory of "the values that are important to all of us: integrity, honesty and dignity."

Herrera and her mother, Anita

Later, he said the night was "bittersweet," because while elections produce winners, someone also loses.

As if to illustrate his point, across the street at Casablanca, the party ended quickly. At the end, Georgia Herrera and her husband, Jeffrey Leavell, were alone in the empty back dining room, where election night guests had enjoyed a buffet all evening, attempting to place a congratulatory call to Gasiorkiewicz.

Gasiorkiewicz, 60, has won a six-year term on the Circuit Court bench that begins in August; the salary is $128,500 per year.  It was a hard-fought, expensive race. (By March 31, the two had already spent $87,665.) In the end it boiled down to endorsements -- Herrera had support from police chiefs and law enforcement officers, and Gasiorkiewicz was endorsed by lawyers and the Racine County Bar Assn. poll -- and a notable misstep when Herrera challenged a small point on Gasiorkiewicz's resume, only to learn that UW-Parkside had given her wrong information . But in the end, as always, it was the votes that counted.

 Election-night vigil broke into applause at the news that Gasiorkiewicz had won


  1. There was a big change in Mt Pleasant tonight too.

  2. Gene will be an excellent judge.

  3. I voted for Gasiorkiewicz just because Herrera listed Jim and Joyce Smith, Lorna George, and Doug Dresen as some of her supporters on her campaign literature.

    Anyone who thinks Jim and Joyce Smith or Lorna George have any credibility in this city lacks the judgment needed to be a true leader for the people of Racine and should not hold public office.

  4. Thank God!

  5. Oh my, we did the same thing. The minute we saw Jim and Joyce Smith, Doug Dresen, we switched our votes. Absolutely no way, none at all would we ever vote for a candidate with those names. Lorna, well, it doesn't matter.

  6. According to the Post account it sounds like Georgia couldn't even get the concession call done right.

  7. I find it ironic that the two retired Racine Police Officers who (worked numerous years with Herrera) pictured in the cover story with Gasiorkiewicz didn't jump on her bandwagon like the others. Interesting indeed.

  8. anon 11:33 - what is ironic to me is that sheriff carlsen supported herrera and one of his current employees who wants to be the next sherrif is with gene. i commend him for not being afraid and being himself.

  9. I knew Georgia would be having tacos and margaritas.

  10. To the taco and margarita comment - screw you! You jacka**! You are scum, hiding behind your useless, anonymous blogs, loser.
    To Gene, I wish you well in your new endeavor .

  11. I am a college student, and have been passionate about encouraging diversity and cultural awareness since middle school. In my years at Park High School, I led something called Diversity Circles.. I thought it was important to open up highschooler's minds to different types of people. There is SO much to learn from people that are unlike yourself.
    It never even crossed my mind that we might need this kind of thing for adults. I thought it was just a sign of immaturity to be closed minded.
    After watching this election, I need to talk to someone about doing diversity programs with large amounts of adults in Racine. I cannot believe the comments I have read about tacos, margaritas, sombreros, siestas, and even a comment that Herrera supporters probably can't read!? I am so disappointed in Racine- thought we were past all of that.

    Congratulations to Gene.

  12. I suggest Gene's supporters take his lead, he talked about honesty, integrity & dignity, you people aren't even close. Enjoy the moment, enjoy the win, focus on finding your way forward without being so rotten and mean, you people are an embarassment.
    Congrats Gene

  13. NO KIDDING- I hope Gene would be embarrassed to see these comments.
    I supported Herrera, and kept an eye on these articles and comments, as there were times when she really needed to be defended. I never thought I would have to do the same today. What a surprise to log on and see such nasty comments.
    THANK YOU to those mature enough to give congrats to Gene and leave it at that.
    I am proud of Herrera and the race she ran, and will proudly say that I supported her all the way, but have never said a bad word about Gene.
    And I don't need to now.
    Congratulations Gene, good luck in your new role.

  14. Hey - what's the problem with tacos and margaritas? She was at Casablanca wasn't she - that's what they served the last time I was there. Addtionaly if she is such a fine individual, why was she trying to dig up dirt - and then publish lies - adios

  15. I supported Gene, and am embarrassed to see these comments. I'm sorry, but you know what people are going to think when they see a comment about tacos and margaritas. It is not necessary. Let's give Gene the congrats he deserves and look forward to his time as a judge. That's all that matters. The election is over. No need to talk about digging up dirt- Lord knows the other side could come back with just as many things they didn't like about our campaign. Let's leave it alone. And be happy with our victory. Good work Gene.

  16. So does anyone want to bet that Herrera will make a THIRD attempt at judge in the future? Apparently the citizens of this county telling her twice that they don't want her as a judge might not be enough!

    Judge Gasiorkiewicz is good for my ears!

  17. I was just thinking I hope she does try again.. it's going to be hard for a hispanic woman to crack the 'good ole boys club' that Racine has going on. Not like she got blown away.. hopefully third time's the charm! Keep pressing on Georgia- Racine does not know what they're missing! And once they find out, they'll be kicking themselves for going so long without it.

  18. You know exactly what is wrong with your unintelligent comment about tacos and margartitas, you fool. You're likely the same low life that commented on Herrera supporters not being able to read, taking siestas, sombreros, you name it. It's a theme here, you know exactly what you are doing. If you would like to discuss this in person, feel free to name a public place where we can sit and chat like adults, otherwise, keep your offensive comments to yourself, they make you look very stupid!

  19. Racine would be fortunate to have Herrera run again, we would be fortunate for sure! For now, any Gene supporters need to concentrate on his win and what he brings to the bench instead of all of this meaningless, hurtful blogging. Can't imagine Gene would be supporting this, or at least I hope he isn't supporting this.

    Georgia - you ran a good race, you bring a lot to the table, hold your head high, we're very proud of you and what you represent!

  20. Georgia - next time you dig up dirt - make sure it is true - people want integrity not politics - adios.

  21. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  22. Brittany,

    You are very insightful. I'm sure your diversity circle idea would translate from high school to the community-at-large very well. Unfortunately, it is clearly needed.

    Congratulations on your victory, Gene.

    Congratulations on a tremendous effort, Georgia.

  23. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  24. One thing stuck out to me among all of these comments.. something just doesn't seem right about the word 'integrity' in the same comment as someone who thinks it's funny to sign everything with an unnecessary 'adios'. Maybe we should get in contact- I'd love to talk about why and if this really is funny.

  25. I think it is very funny because it riles you up - adios

  26. I find it odd that you think its so funny but are too scared to leave your name?
    It doesn't rile me up- only comments I have left are the ones with my name.
    I feel sorry for you that you think it's funny. I would really like to talk about it-- please refrain from leaving any more comments until you are willing to leave your name. Thanks!

  27. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  28. Pete- people don't deserve the right to be commenting on this. Please disable commenting.

  29. I think Herrera would have just been another racist like Sonia Sotomayor. The double standard about it being acceptable for minorities to make racial remarks about whites is sickening.

    Maybe this election is the beginning of whites saying "enough is enough" and time to take back our country starting locally. Next stop - putting someone competent in the White House!

  30. If you don't like the comments - go somewhere else. Learn to respect everyone's opinion. This isn't the Obama administration where you better go along with the mesiah or else. That might work in Chicago, but not here.

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  32. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  33. Herrera has made no remarks about whites- she is married to one. No reason for that comment.
    Pete- I agree, please disable commenting. Enough is enough.

  34. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  35. Gene won 40 out of 63 wards with one being a tie. Where Georgia beat him, it wasn't by big numbers. Combine that with low city turnout, she didn't have a chance to beat bigger turn-outs in Caledonia and out west.

    Georgia worked very hard and deserves credit for that. Her campaign staff however gave her bad advice. She relied on too many police endorsements that in the end took away from her potential as a candidate for lots of voters.

    Her misstep on Gene's record cost her big and going negative leaves a bad taste. When it's gonna be a close race, you can't afford any mistakes.

  36. 6:01pm - You left out one small point. Gasiorkiewicz was by far the better candidate and those interested and informed enough to vote knew it.

    All the endorsements and all the Neubauers couldn't overcome that.

  37. Michael Kroes4/07/2010 8:44 PM

    I agree with Anonymous 6:01pm. It would be difficult to gauge any votes lost or gained based on "missteps" by either campaign. Those aside, I'd prefer to think that people based their votes on what they perceived as good qualities and more people favored Gene.

  38. Hats off to both candidates. To Georgia for a fantastic effort and to Gene for his victory.

    Pete - I strongly encourage you to shut down commenting on this subject. I am all for free speech, but enough is enough, many of these cowards are showing their stupidity and it's serving no purpose. Herrera has never ever made racial remarks and I find it offensive for some sarcastic egghead to sign his blogs with adios. It's wrong. By the way - I would LOVE to know the name of the person behind the rotten comments here, we may all be very surprised. The college girl is right, people need some diversity training - RESPECT.

  39. Anon 9:53 - No, we don't need diversity. What we need are companies to start hiring the most qualified people and elections to put the most intelligent and qualified in office. Enough of the "affirmative blacktion" and other entitlement programs.

    It makes me sick seeing "women, minorities, gays, etc are encouraged to apply". Is that saying everyone BUT white males is encouraged to apply? How racist and ignorant is that line companies put in their postings?

    I think it took Obama being elected for people in this country to feel that way again. The tea party movement is proof of that.

    Sorry Herrera, but this election went to the more qualified person. This judicial race was about more than the race card.

  40. Political correctness - enough is enough! Lighten up.

  41. Love the front page picture with the Wanggaard Brothers!

  42. I don't believe this was about race at all. This election was based on qualifications. However, when she used Dresen, Lorna George and added Jim and Joyce SMith as supporters, many, and I mean many changed their vote. Using worthless names that really made Racine less than it should be was a huge mistake.

    Gene will be an excellent judge. Georgia is a wonderful person and well qualified. We really should be so lucky that we had two great candidates to choose from.

  43. Gasiorkiewicz looks like Rod Blagojevich.

  44. Never trust a Lawyer or a Real Estate Agent. I'd trust a used car salesman before those two. I hope that Black Robe he's going to wear will mean justice to the people of Racine. No more hand slapping, but REAL Jail time.

  45. Kudos to both candidates for running a good race - I appreciate the willingness of both of these individuals to run for public office - and help to make Racine a better community! Georgia - great job, I know that lots of hard work and efforts went into your campaign, you have a very bright future ahead of you! Gene - congratulations.
