
March 27, 2010

RAM's Peep art winners announced; show runs thru mid-April

 Closeup of the Grand Prize Winner by Mark Trinklein

The Racine Art Museum has announced the winners of its first-ever International Peeps art competition featuring Peeps as the medium of choice.

The first in what will be an annual Easter competition drew 63 entries, which will be on display at RAM through mid-April.

And the winners are ...

First Place: Mark Trinklein for Peeps Reunion 2010, above: A sparkling, hand-blown glass Peeps Chick with Swarovski crystal eyes. Its value is over $150.

Second Place: The United Way of Racine County for Wind Peep Lighthouse: A Peeps Tote Bag, baseball cap in the Just Born Gift Box with Peeps Marshmallow and other Just Born candy brands. A value of over $100.

Third Prize: Alaina Makutz for Hopping Around Racine: A free class at the Charles A. Wustum Museum of Fine Arts

Fourth Prize: Maureen and Jonathan Wolfe for Jonathan’s Garden of Peeps: A free family membership to the Racine Art Museum

Honorable Mention: Ray “Moon” Johnson for Peep-er oni Pizzas, winning an Easter bucket filled with fun stuff! Other Honorable Mentions to Barbara Conrad for He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not, and Four Anonymous Peeps for Monsieur Peep Goes to the Museum.

And here are a few more that caught our eye.

 This is 'Green Bay Peep-kers by Ray 'Moon' Johnson

Peepsickle Built for Two by Cathy Kaiser

 Peeps Around the World by Amy Macemon


  1. Little Bo PEEP3/28/2010 8:38 AM

    It would be nice to have photos of the entries accompanying the article.

  2. Amen! The entries sound whimsical and witty--just what we need.

  3. Many, many thanks for the fun photos!

  4. When I heard about this last week, I seriously thought this was something planned to be an April Fools joke... Wow...

  5. Really like that pizza!

    Do not see the Swarovski crystals in the Trinklein winner...where be they?

  6. Appreciate you bloggiing this
