
March 27, 2010

Nicholson may serve on Redevelopment Authority

If the Redevelopment Authority ever gets enough of its members together to hold a meeting, it looks ready to make some changes.

Chairman John Crimmings, who served on the RDA for 20 years, was set to resign from the volunteer committee earlier this month. But not enough members showed up to hold an official meeting, and his resignation is now likely put off until the RDA's April 7 meeting.

Meanwhile, Mayor John Dickert appears ready to name a replacement. Doug Nicholson, owner of Ivanhoe Pub and Eatery on Main Street, has been asked to fill the vacancy.

Crimmings' appointment was schedule to end in 2012, so his replacement likely would finish out this term. Full appointments to the RDA, which is the technical owner of city property set aside for redevelopment, are for five years.

According to the city website, RDA terms for Alderman Jim Spangenberg and state Rep. Cory Mason are set to expire next month.

Other members of the seven-member RDA include: Scott Terry, Pete Karas, Robert Ledvina and David Lange.


  1. if Scott Terry and Pete Karas,are not coming to meetings they need to get off. WE need folks who want to serve

  2. Please do not reappoint State Rep. Cory.

  3. the mayor can not appoint a board chairman, the RDA elects the chairman.

    Spangenberg is probably the most senior of the members and therefore likely to be elected.

    Also, Nicholson was another Dickert supporter and significant campaign contributor. Crimmings was also a major Dickert campaign contributor as well as Dickert's former boss.

    Here we go again.

  4. 7:03

    But at least they are not getting paid. However they will do what they are told.
    I understand that is what The Mayor is planing on doing to the Cable Commission simply for pay back.

  5. If Spangenberg is elected to chair of RDA he needs to recuse himself from any decision making on the Tousis proposal in West Racine.

  6. So Dickert is appointing another friend/campaign supporter huh? This is really turning into a BIG problem! How about letting the board recommend a candidate? This mayor continues to do nothing fort this city but appoint and give friends jobs! Really pathetic and embaressing!

  7. Scott Terry?? HAHAHA this is the guy who just 3 yrs ago sued the city on some BS charge and now he is on the committee? HAHAHA ONLY IN RACINE!

  8. I see a couple of idiots here, Dickert and Spanky! They both need to be forced out of town. Spanky has out lived his welcome in West Racine. Get a life you two jokers.

  9. I have a problem with hand picked "friends" of our mayor being appointed to any group that has a powerful say over land paid for by us taxpayers. The whole point of electing our officials is so that we have representation in city government. The RDA should be made up of elected aldermen, so that we don't have a runaway group that cannot be held accountable for its doings by taxpayers. This is a way that bad politicians can solidify power with yes men on strategic committees. Oh yeah, and how about appointing someone that has real estate development experience, not happy hour experience, just sounds like a better idea for a "Development" committee.

  10. How can they appoint Doug Nicholson after the crap he tried to pull with the building dept. last year?

  11. 'Zactly! "Get rid of the dead wood"!

  12. 9:47, please elaborate

  13. We need to find someone outside the good old boy club to run for Mayor.
    John "I own Racine" Dickert will run again and has lots of cash, so we need to start planing to movement to end the reign of John 1 NOW!

  14. Doug is a great choice for this board... He is a successful business man and has played a huge role in helping to transform downtown Racine into a destination again. He has a strong work ethic, a good business sense, is creative and works extremely hard... The negativity that you people put out there is reason it is so hard to get good people into politics or service of any kind. Why not wish Doug well and thank him for his willingness to serve his city instead of constantly complaining and whining from the sidelines...

  15. Doug is no alter boy. He cares about himself.

    And the club that has brought us the current Racine marches on.

  16. i know doug and yes he does things to benefit the community.

    But my problem is everyone Dickert selects to do something has personally been involved in his campaign. So therefore all these people are biased and will make decisions that favor Dickert. See the linkages below.

    1. Greg Bach - Mayor's Secretary - Ran Dickert's campaign.

    2. John Crimmings - RDA Chair - Dickert's good friend, former boss, and major campaign contributor

    3. Tom Friedel - Appointed City Administrator - Dickert's cousin.

    4. Doug Nicholson - Major campaign contributor

  17. In case you haven't noticed, downtown is a dump. There are more empty vacant buildings now then ever before. With the exception of all the bars, the business's are all closed more then they are open! This mayor has got to go! He does whats best for Dickert and NOT whats best for Racine! I'm sick of this crap!

  18. Don't froget Dickert's PIO Officer(complete joke) was a part of his campaign and also Dickert's attempt at the 40k consultant position which was also a person from his campaign! This guy sickens me!

  19. Dickert doesn't care about you, Nicholson, Freidel, Eickhorst, Bach, Petrokowski, ALL of them connected to Dickert in one way or another and each appointed to positions by Dickert himself. You know who suffers? RACINE suffers, we have gotten worse off by having done all this and are unemployemnt rate has doubled since Dickert has been in office. We all got suckered on this last election, lets be smarter and make sure it doesn't happen again!

  20. And the first step is getting organized! Dickert has cash and a team. To beat him we must get started now!
    Step 2 Boycott businesses with links to Dickert!
    Step 3 Use every chance we get to tell voters why we believe Dickert must go.
    Step 4 Tell everyone about shows on CAR 25 like the George Meyer's Show that tells what the City does not want you to know, why else did the Mayor want to take CAR 25 over?

  21. no one credible will run against dickert. people are all talk and no action.

    dickert will coast to re-election.

    wayne clingman, you're just a bunch of sour grapes because you're an idiot. no one likes your ideas or your plans because no one wants to be associated with you.

    You're a bumbling idiot.

  22. Oh yes, many credible candidates will run against Dickert, He is toast! I wish I could say who is running against him now but in due time! Bye-Bye Dickert! He'll land on his ear.

  23. For any Dickert supporters out there: "Please give me one example why I should vote for this clown?" I look at the facts and the facts are he is a huge failure!

  24. I've known Wayne Clingman for years, and he's totally in Dickert's pocket because he wants Dickert to support his new film festival, which Dickert probably won't support because it'd actually be good for the community n' stuff.

  25. Clingman is good people. He's a Democrat leaning Left and thru Dickert he'll be head of CAR 25

  26. Clingman is a conservative and Dicker will blow the smoke up his a**. Dicker will tell you what you want to hear Wayne, he will then use you up till you figure him out. Wayne, you are good guy, don't put up with his crap.

  27. For any Dickert supporters out there: "Please give me one example why I should vote for this clown?" I look at the facts and the facts are he is a huge failure!

  28. 12:52 You are dead wrong, really dead wrong. There is a credible guy that will be running against Dickert and his check book is much fatter than Dickert's peanut sized campaign fund. He will unspend and outfriend Dickert 10 to 1. So I think John has something to be worried about. He is coming for you John, so you better ask your pal Doug if he could use another bartender.

  29. clingman is a card-carrying republican.

    ask doug nicholson what his relationship to dickert is?

  30. Clingman is about as far left of a "tree hugger" that you will find.
    And rumor has it that "Cory I live in Racine" is going to run against Dickert. Hopefully there is a conservative to run against these two yahoos.

  31. At least Cory isn't a complete scum bag like the Temporary Mayor. Where did we find this idiot anyway, Kelly Services. "Uh hello, we need a temporary mayor, do you have anyone? Send him over right away with a white shirt and a tie." And now we have to live with his pals being on every committee in the city for next 10 years. What a crock.

  32. Cory - spend, spend, spend - raise taxes, raise taxes, raise taxes - how can I get my name and picture in the paper next???

  33. "Hopefully there is a conservative to run against these two yahoos."

    Like who? There aren't any in Racine.

  34. nicholson has the personality of a snake.

  35. Correction: The snake actually has a better personality.

  36. The train is coming Dickert. He is going to outspend and out work you. Don't lay down in the tracks or you will get run over.

  37. Doug would be excellent on the RDA. He has invested a tremendous amounts money in downtown. He has been beaten up by the Plan Commission and Code Enforcement...two agencies that make this City anti-development. He hasn't had any free passes.

    People support candidates and engage in the political process to affect change. Kudos to Doug. He will be excellent.

  38. doug is not too personable, my concern is that he is in Dickert's back pocket.

    Doug has a contract with the city for his ATM machines. Can we get ANYBODY that has no personal connection to dickert?! geez

    When you select a major campaign contributor to serve on a commission, thier will be biased decisions made. Do you think he'd ever go against the wishes of the mayor who put him there in the first place?

    i highly doubt it.

  39. How much did Nicholson pay Dickert for this job? Cronyism strikes again.

  40. As much as Doug and I have not seen eye to eye in the past, he has done a lot of good things for downtown. He may be a friend to John, but at least he is someone willing to make things better in downtown and in Racine as opposed to just throwing insults or talking bad about people. If everyone wants a better Racine, why not try to help out versus pushing the blame to others.

  41. PEOPLE ARE TRYING TO HELP! the problem is that the mayor only sees or recognizes campaign contributors!

    why can't you see that?
