
March 29, 2010

Mayor Dickert's first 'Community Conversation' is Wednesday at Tyler-Domer Community Center

Mayor John Dickert will hold the first of two Community Conversations on Wednesday at the Tyler-Domer Community Center, 2301 12th St.

The second Community Conversation will take place the following week on April 8 at the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Community Center, 1134 Martin Luther King Drive.

The events are being held in an effort to build upon Racine’s greatest asset: its diversity. Both events are open to the public and will take place from 5:30-7 pm.

The purpose of the meetings will be to discuss issues facing the city and present information regarding programs and initiatives that address the minority and low income population of Racine.

Organizations like Community Economic Development Corporation, African American Business Professional Association, Hispanic Business Alliance, Hispanic Business and Professionals Association, Racine Vocational Ministries, First Choice Pre-Apprenticeship Program, Wisconsin Women’s Business Initiative Corporation, Racine County Workforce Development, Racine/Kenosha Community Action Agency, Inc., Racine Unified School District, and the 2010 Complete Count Census Committee will be on hand and be set up at tables with information for attendees.

City Department heads and representatives from the Racine Police Department will also be on hand to answer questions.


  1. Is this his "makeup" for missing Sheelds meeting? Why only the ...... "more-substantially non-white" areas? (Was that P.C. enough?)

  2. I'd like to attend but am afraid my car would be broken into.

  3. Dickert better keep doing these meetings because there is someone with the money and energy to compete coming for him.

  4. Can Dickert beat a "big money" candidate, someone with the ability to raise big money. He doesn't even need to kiss a** like you John. He is already got a checkbook loaded to the top and ready to spend. Oh, by the way, they know him in Madison a little bit better than you John.

  5. Tommy Thompson is running for mayor of Racine?

  6. Racine's greatest asset? Diversity?? HAHAHA what a joke! Face it Dickert your toast! We've had enough of your kind in this city!

  7. Anon 8:33; What kind is that?

  8. I hope every single person stands up and asks Dickert for his 10 year plan. I know I will, and everyone else should to.

  9. OK Folks,
    I'm no fan of this Mayor or his policies/agenda for Racine. I am a big fan of unifying all peoples in our community. I would have liked to see some other organizations invited like The Boy/Girl Scouts, neighborhood Churches, Y.M.C.A., Big Brothers/Sisters, Right to Life Wisconsin. The liberal lineup they have leans too far in one direction, Nanny State, Entitlement, and worse Polarization. In this economy we need to look at the bigger picture and that is jobs for everyone that is qualified. I see Hispanics and African Americans represented along with women, but what I don't see is anyone representing everyone. I see this gathering to be extremely racist on the governments part. Why can't government just represent the voters and tax payers without giving them a national origin, race or color. Don't we all need jobs. Thousands of people in Racine county are out of work. If the local government wants to make a positive impact on ALL of the people they need to STOP Polarizing and promoting separation and concentrate on making Racine and Racine county a desirable place to START A BUSINESS. Business is color blind.
    My two cents.

  10. The mayor is just pandering to black and hispanic voters.

  11. For the person calling him a thief. Where is your proof. You can call anyone on a blog and get away with it. Should I call Mike Shields a drug addict? Paul Ryan a homosexual? Before you start shouting to the rain, give some actual facts.

  12. The problem with ideology in politics is all the passion. The problem with passion is politics.

  13. Isn't the mayor afraid of all the "black people" that are going to be at that meeting? Maybe he can tell everyone how he plans to name a parking spot at city hall after Corrine Owens. That would be really nice. It would show how much he really cares about black people.

  14. Black , white, green , yellow, He doesn't care about you unless you are in his camp of elitist's....

  15. Dickert has given city jobs to family, friends, and campaign workers. He has given no bid contracts to friends and campaign workers. That makes him a thief.

  16. Someone should ask him why he came to my neighborhood to talk to us about voting for his pal Ostermann for County Representative. I then read in paper today that the mayor's friend is a crook. All I can say is, "birds of a feather flock together". Maybe he should be associating with better people.

  17. Then by your definition: Robert Turner - Lorna George; Thief - Cory Mason did the same thing. So has Paul Ryan and Bill Mc Reynolds.

    What no bid contracts? Personal Services Contracts are allowed by the city.

    Dickert is not a thief but you, my friend are a liar.

  18. What makes hiom(Osterman) think that he will do better with our money than he has with his. Failures typically come in multiples. Running our local government is no place for him to try and break his streak.

  19. A no bid contract is still a no bid contract, even if it is allowed by the city rules. The point is it should not be and it is wrong. It is stealing. The bill will come due for Dickert next year on election day.

  20. I can't wait to get Dickert in a venue that doesn't support him and ask real questions. How will you perform John? Will you be able to handle the pressure? Will you crack? Prepare John my goal tonight is simple. When you answer the questions I pose in a manner that will not be favorable to minorities I will have done my job and started the ball rolling to unseat you. This is not a threat it is a promise!

  21. Dickert, will not allow questions that put him in a bad light.
    Racine belongs to him and his crones, the soon you understand that the better.

  22. Anyone voting in the County Board District 3 race needs to take a look at the JT Letters to the Editor. People that dont pay their debts on time shouldnt be representing us. First Mr Racine and now this!

  23. Yup and Dickert has been running around promoting this guy for County board.....more of what we DON'T need!

  24. The Mayor is not very well liked by people working for the City. He does not listen to people who are very knowledgable about the workings of the City. Him and his staff overstep the boundaries when it comes with dealing with City personnel. He says he is going to do things and does not. There are a lot of disappointed people. The City has major problems on the inside. No one is stepping up to the plate to fix the problems. One major problem is the Human Resources Department and their lack of ethics. If you are a bad City employee, more power to you. The City does not dare go after bad employees. It is pathetic. Confidential information is not kept confidential. You cannot bring up someone's unethical behavior because then you are casting stones, even when the information is accurate. There are many great City employees and they are getting the shaft because nothing is being done with the bad employees. There are people that want to get together and bring a law suit against the City for their ineptitude and indifference to the problems it has created.
