
March 29, 2010

Four more judges endorse Gasiorkiewicz

Four more sitting judges have come out in support Gene Gasiorkiewicz for the county's open judge's seat.

Judges John Jude, Wayne Marik, Emily Mueller and Stephen Simanek all released a letter Monday "in strong support" of Gasiorkiewicz, who is running against Georgia Herrera in the April 6 local election.

Herrera and Gasiorkiewicz are running for a six-year term to replace Simanek, who is retiring. The race turned contentious in recent weeks after Herrera erroneously attacked Gasiorkiewicz's resume. She apologized for the mistake.

The dust up caused Judge Allan Torhorst to come out strongly in support of Gasiorkiewicz, and Herrera to respond with endorsements from two sitting judges - Gerald Ptacek and Faye Flancher - and retired Judge Dennis Flynn.

Monday's letter from Jude, Marik, Mueller and Simanek leaves three judges on the sidelines in next week's election. Judges Dennis Barry, Richard Kreul and Charles Constantine have not endorsed either candidate.

Here's Monday's letter:

March 29, 2010

To the Editor:
We write in strong support of Gene Gasiorkiewicz for Circuit Court Judge.
Each of us has known Gene for more than 30 years as a lawyer of great integrity, superb legal skills, and sound judgment. He has earned our respect for his excellent work and for his dedication to the highest standards of the legal profession.
Gene's depth and breadth of experience make him uniquely suited for the bench. If elected as judge, he would serve our communities well.

John S. Jude
Circuit Court Judge

Emily S. Mueller
Circuit Court Judge

Wayne J. Marik
Circuit Court Judge

Stephen A. Simanek
Circuit Court Judge


  1. Where is Dennis Barry?

  2. Thanks. I overlooked Barry. He's added now.

  3. Thanks for the affirmation - I am now voting for Herrera. I will not align myself with anyone that Simanek endorses. Can you say Becker, child porn? Simanek was ready to let him off on probation? I am glad that Herrera is not a part of this good old boys/girls club! Georgia - you have my full support!

  4. I missed Herrera's apology for making false accusations. Is there a link to this news story (not just a Racine Post or JT blog from a reader)? While the statement on Herrera’s website recognizes her false accusation regarding teaching, it can hardly be characterized as an apology. The quote from her website is: "While this correction is important, it does not support the impression left by my opponent's statements ... that this teaching experience is recent, ongoing, or significant." I can't see anything but a continuing putdown in this quote instead of a statement that shows remorse for her mistaken charges.

    Finally, why does this article characterize the three letters of support from Ptacek, Flynn and Flancher as endorsements in response to Torhorst's letter since these three “endorsements” were nothing other than reiterations of support that had long ago been thrown in favor of Herrera?

  5. Voting for Gene3/30/2010 7:01 AM

    Wow! This just keeps getting better everyday. I am gkad I have the winners sign in my yard.

  6. "I am glad that Herrera is not a part of this good old boys/girls club!"

    Look at her endorsers. She could not be more of an insider.

  7. As the last post notes, Georgia has been in the courthouse system too many years. Too long to be objective. Also, her campaign blunders haven't helped either.

  8. It isn't surprising a number of judges have come out to endorse Gene in these last few days of the race. Many people close to this race are shocked at the way Herrera has conducted herself. Aggressively pursuing a goal is one thing, but the ruthlessness and desperation her campaign has displayed is a big disappointment.

    I originally considered both to be good candidates, but over the last weeks my preference is strongly for Gasiorkiewicz.

    Gene has shown his experience and ideas are enough to qualify him for the job. And they do. Conversely, Herrera keeps talking about Gene and her endorsements not about what makes her a qualified contender. When a candidate keeps talking about others, it's a sign that there is not much substance.

    Herrera's disastrous choice to smear Gene's experience should cost her this race. She gambled and lost. Once a campaign goes negative, they can never go back.

  9. Let me quote Georgia direct from the JT's interview. "I don't presume to think I should make plans for when I'm judge". "If I am elected by the voters (I'm not quite sure who else would elect her) I would be very hard working to learn all I need to know to be the best judge." She sounds like she's running for High School Freshman class president. The JT's also goes on to say, "she doesn't have any concrete ideas or plans of what she would do if elected. These comments are beyond comprehension. Georgia has no business being judge or any other elected position based on these comments. And if you went to her for legal advice you'd have to be crazy.

  10. 11:13 - BINGO!

  11. Where exactly is Herrera's apology??

    I'm starting to think she is desperate for $$$$.

    Too little, too late.

  12. She has more yard signs than she has brains.

  13. Judges are a bunch of crooks. HELLO LAWYERS! What a bunch of sick people.
