
February 24, 2010

NAACP calls Dickert plan 'puffery,' 'disingenuous'

Mayor John Dickert's plan -- announced Tuesday -- to give preference to local contractors when doling out $3.1 million in federal funds for the renovation of homes in foreclosure received a quick rebuke on Wednesday.

Michael Shields, president of the Racine branch of the NAACP -- and a city alderman recently gaveled down by the mayor in a different dispute -- issued the following press release:
The Racine Branch NAACP calls Mayor Dickert’s much ballyhooed “Job Creation Effort,” “no more than than the continued stream of puffery emanating from the Mayor's Office in hopes of scoring reelection capital.”
The NAACP cites the Mayor’s non-commitment to having the city honor its past commitment to the Racine First Program. (The Racine First Program is a binding agreement that the City entered into with the Minority Community. This agreement calls for any job opportunities created by the City, to ensure that at least 10% of such job opportunities would go to the citizens of Racine with a specific emphasis on the Minority Community). With unemployment in the double digits in the minority community, the destruction and rebuilding of a few homes in primarily minority communities does not represent a “Jobs Effort. “
Although the press conference highlighted two minority contractors for potential work, the NAACP has seen the same thing happen on other city-based projects that employed no minorities; or for that matter any citizens of Racine.
While the unemployment rate for minorities circle the bowl with no meaningful job creation forthcoming from this administration, the NAACP and the citizens of Racine are left to wonder if the only way you can obtain a job created by this administration is to be a friend or former campaign worker of Mayor Dickert? Mayor Dickert needs to understand that the city is watching his attempt to divert our attention away from his enrichment of friends and potential mayoral opponents with tax payer monies. We ask simply, how long can Racine take this?
The Racine Branch NAACP calls on the Dickert Administration to knock harder on the door of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, and produce some self-sustaining real job opportunities for all the citizens of Racine. Press conferences have their place in city government, but not when they are held and designed to provide work for ONE MAN.


  1. PUFFERY? Who uses the word puffery?

  2. People who also use the word "ballyhooed"

  3. Sean Puffery Combs

  4. Speaking of puffery.....

    The mayor sucks and we all agree on that, but just because the mayor sucks doesn't mean the rest of us are too stupid to understand Mike Shields is using his position of authority in the NAACP and city council to attack Dickert in hopes of running for mayor himself.

    Using the NAACP to peddle his personal agenda is pretty sickening. He talks about cronyism, but then is endorsing cronyism to get more minorities hired. How do you square that one Mike?

    Shields is just as full of sh!t as Dickert, sorry to say. This is all a show.

  5. "continued stream of puffery emanating..."

    Does puffery come in a stream? I see it more like bursts of puffery.

  6. Mike Shields is not only the President of the NAACP, but his apparently now the Dear Leader.

    Why not just change the name to the National Association for the Advancement of Mike Shields.

    Or how about the Mike Shields chapter of the NAACP.

    Racine is in the midst of a new douche bag olympics with Dickert and Shields competing for the gold.

  7. "Racine is in the midst of a new douche bag olympics with Dickert and Shields competing for the gold."

    Anon 3:26, that might just be line of the month! LOL!

  8. I hope Dave Maack runs he clean the place up

  9. "With unemployment in the double digits in the minority community"

    I'd like Mike Shields to hold a press conference on just what the hell he is doing, as head of the NAACP to head off unemployment for minorities? Is a failure in that aspect also a failure of Mike Shields as President? Yes. It starts at the top, just as Mike is pointing out about the Mayor.

    I like how unemployment in the minority community is somehow the mayors fault. As if the mayor fired thousands of minority workers and replaced them with white people. Did the mayor issue a directive to business to not hire minorities, Mike?

    When will Mike Shields take responsibility for the failure that his tenure as President as the NAACP has become? Accountability, imagine that! You want it from the mayor Mike, well how about looking in the mirror first before throwing those stones?

    This third grade back and forth is stupid and only self serving for Mike Shields to cover up his own failure to help the minority community.

  10. I think what the NAACP is trying to out is that the Mayor's is a joke and will not create any real jobs.

  11. Mike Shields can certainly talk the talk but can he walk the walk is now the question.

    It is ok to call out the Mayor for job creation - but only if you are putting forth a plan of your own. Last time I checked, Mike Shields was an Alderman and quite capable of putting together proposals to cut unemployment too...not just the mayor.

    We've heard his criticism, so now we need to hear his plan. I think this would make a good interview topic for the Racine Post. Lets get Mike Shields and the NAACP's detailed plan on how to reduce the minority unemployment by 50%.

    I'm tired of these morons running their mouths like Shields. Let's get some tangible items on paper and in front of people and let them decide. All criticism and no plan equals whining.

    I don't want to see one more stupid ass press release or childish outburst from Mike Shields until he produces a plan that will create jobs. Period.

    And while we're at it, how about he stops hiding behind the NAACP. It is just cowardly if you ask me. If you as a man have the opinion then stand behind it yourself for a change. Produce something other than press releases and earn the respect of the people in this town.

  12. The Mayor is a joke and won't create jack for the people of the community, that is all shields is trying to show, and you know what? HE IS RIGHT ON THE MONEY! Don't be fooled by these arrogant power hungry fools running the mayor's office, pure arrogance with no respect of the citizens, It must stop!

  13. I'm tires of morons like Helding! Yes you Greg! Your next out the door, you can pack your stuff right with Dickert!

  14. Is this the same Mike Shields that was mad because he did not get enough free seats at Obama because Shields is black?

  15. Jodi Harding is the answer for racine. We need someone who has no clue in the mayors chair.

  16. I thought money into racine was good. We have a Einstein in a aldermans chair

  17. 4:17,
    I bet Greg is affraid! Seems that spineless dip sh#t$ as yourself are real tough under the name anonymous.

  18. Plain and simple this city, it's politicians and everything about Ratcine is F'ed.

  19. Since the NAACP has chosen to speak up, then they are morally obligated to provide action items they are taking this year to reduce unemployment in the minority community and create sustainable jobs.

    I'm glad they have chosen to start this valuable community conversation on the issue. I look forward to Mike Shield's leadership in providing these answers on behalf of the NAACP and the minority community that relies on them to provide positive change.

    When can we expect a news conference?

  20. a news conference on this piece of trash. the circus is coming to racine. Joyce Smith is the ringmaster and Shields is one of the clowns.

    When is the recall of Alderman Shields led by NAACP Chair Shields? As a alderman, Shields must not being doing a good job. The head of the NAACP should do something about that.

  21. Unemployment in the African American community has skyrocketed in the time that Mike Shields has been President of the NAACP.

    If he had a plan for jobs, he would have put it out there by now. I guess that means he doesn't have one.

    The question for Mike Shields is where are the jobs? What is he doing for the African American community as President of the NAACP to get jobs?

    So far, it seems like his path to job creation in the African American community involves complaining about everything the mayor is doing while not offering up alternatives.

    That it isn't leadership.

    Dustin and Pete: Time to interview this man. It is time for Mike Shields to go on the public record with his plan for job creation. The African American community needs and deserves Mike Shields leadership now more than ever with this record unemployment.

    They need a leader that can supply the vision and the way forward. They need the leadership out of Mike Shields that only the President of the NAACP can provide.

    I, along with the rest of the city eagerly await word from Mike Shields and the NAACP on this critical issue to the African American community.

  22. Anonymous 4:52, I personally don't care about the Affrican American Community!

  23. 4:56

    You are hereby named an honorary member of the GOP.

  24. I love the word puffery! Buffoons, the both of them. Might as well turn on Jerry Springer... Racine and, I guess, the world are going to hell... Soon someone should turn into a pillar of salt.

  25. If Dickert is going to take all of the heat for high minority unemployment then I think he should be named President of the NAACP.

    If he is going to be blamed for all of the problems, then he should at least be in a position to do something about them.

    Dickert for President of the NAACP!

  26. It appears that outside of the lack of good jobs everything else must be OK for the Black community here in Racine.

    Lately it seems that the Racine Branch of the NAACP no longer has issues that are not Mike Shields related.

    It's also very sad that the NAACP Board is allowing this type of -- -in their own terms-- "BALLYHOO" to go on.

  27. Dear 5:22PM, The only NAACP Mayor Slickhair is going to run is the Noxious Arrogant Airheaded Corporate Piggies. (The REAL NAACP is too good an organization for Hizzoner and would never accept him as a member, much less as a leader.)

  28. If Fisk steps down over at Messy-John-It's-A-Sin, Mayor Slickhair can be the new CEO. After all, that scam-ily scum-poo-ny is nice and crooked. With all the corruption there, Da Mire will feel right at home.

  29. If the NAACP hates the mayor so much, and everything going wrong in the minority community is his fault, then why not let him take the reigns of the NAACP for awhile so he can right the ship?

    As President of the NAACP, Mayor Dickert would be in a much better position to impact the African American community. The President of the NAACP has all kinds of power, pull, and influence in the minority community that the position of mayor of Racine just doesn't have.

    Just imagine what the the President of the NAACP could do for minority unemployment. The President could get together leaders in the minority community and come up with a plan that would drastically reduce unemployment. The President of the NAACP could then detail out this plan and present it to the mayor as things that could be acted upon. The mayor could then decide how and if to implement those suggestions.

    For this reason, I think John Dickert should immediately be named President of the NAACP. He can use his position as both Mayor of Racine and President of the NAACP to enact real change in the minority community.

    As mayor alone, he clearly can't do that. He needs help from the leadership of the NAACP to come up with solutions that he can implement. That's the job of the President of the NAACP. Give Dickert that power so he can get it done.

    It isn't fair that he take all of the blame and at the same time not even have the opportunity to lead.

  30. Stereotypical politician, talk, talk, talk and do nothing of real substance. I wanted to like Dickert, hell I voted for him, but after first hand witnessing his arrogant, cocky,"nobody messes with me, shady as hell, distrespectful attitudes, I'm really quite embarresed. I have to say I won't make the same mistake twice! C-ya later Johnny Boy!

  31. Shields, you're a racist boob...puffery...look in the mirror!

  32. Even so, Mr. Shields would be better than Hizzoner Da Mire any day!

  33. The Wicked Good Militia and the Waxbashers endorse Mr. Shields. ALL POWER TO THE PEOPLE!

  34. Karma is a b***h, isn't it John?

  35. Probably a good idea to hire local contractors, especially minority contractors, and probably also a good idea to favor those companies that have or will hire local people in the neighborhoods where the homes will be rehabbed.

    Folks will have more of a stake in their neighborhoods. Nobody wants to see anything bad happen to something they worked hard to build.

  36. If Sheelds ever does hold a news conference, he'll need that guy from the old show "In Living Color" to use big words for him.

  37. Shields vs. dickert. This amounts to a very small man being ticked off by getting gavelled down by an even smaller man. Now, the small man has this clout behind him called the NAACP and is using its stature (if you can call it that) and its power and influence to beat on the even smaller man. Sheilds has a bigger stick than dickert and is using it to every advantage he can. Neither one of these losers belong in city hall. Let's get rid of both of them in the upcoming elections.

    Anon 4:22, how does it feel to be a complete a-hole?

  38. "Does puffery come in a stream? I see it more like bursts of puffery."

    Yeah I have to agree with this poster. Puffery doesn't come in streams. Bursts, or possibly bangs, spurts, surges or flares? But stream is just not an option.

  39. True. However, diarrheal poop-ery may flow in streams, rivers and veritable torrents. Inasmuch as Fescennine feculence and caca corruption abound in our sh-tty city, the place should be renamed Scat-Scene. Believe me, it's a toiletin' town.

  40. Why not call it "Latrine-on-the-Leak"? After all, Dog-turd Risk Waxtrash and his dollar dynasty defecators cr-p on the peasantry every chance they get.

  41. Furthermore, we all know what occupies the mayoral ORFICE...

  42. What sustained business has the NAACP brought to Racine through ligament methods? I'm not speaking to the political enticed, temporary business or so-called jobs or PC pressured jobs? Every since George Stinson released the reins of the organization, the NAACP has become, once again, a northern chapter to Operation Push that carries the same methods of support.

  43. PLEASE,
    Lets stop the obvious bigotry. Black jobs vs. White jobs. Why don't we ALL get color blind and let's hire the most qualified. Wouldn't that be the best for our city. I'm all for hiring local, that is where the money is coming from and that's where it should be spent. As for as DBL digit unemployment that is not a color issue it is an economic issue.
    Mr. Mike Shields should look at folks like Dr. Martin Luther King, Booker T. Washington, Art Fletcher and James Johnson for inspiration and drop the socialist propaganda.
    I don't look at a man and think "Black man or White man, I just think man. The NAACP definitely does the opposite. They have strayed from the focus that was MLK dream. "I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character." Should the city of Racine do anything other than hire for the content of a workers skill.
    You see I would not stop at 10% but would hope that at least 50% Blacks would qualify for city contracts. Mike your shooting way to low.

  44. 5:02 - Please read your civil rights history and retract your slander.

  45. Hunter John, as long there are a-holes like Robert Reische standing up in front of the nation, on camera and being played over YouTube, telling Americans that the money from the stimulus package is going to be spent repairing roads and bridges using minority labor only and that, "white professional contruction workers need not apply," we are never going to get beyond the color barrier. When the government punishes racism with one hand and propegates it with the other the frustration of white America is only going to get worse.

  46. When does Mike Shields have time for all this commenting. I thought he works for the county on the tax payers dime.

    I call for an investigation of his computer and if he is doing political work at his job he should be fired.

  47. You know if the mayor says there is a plan to create jobs. and if I am the head of an organization it seems to me I would want to expand and be involved in the process. My first thought wouldn't be a knee jerk tyrant about how it is PUFFERY. My spell check doesn't even recognize that word.

    Shields is a loose cannon and incapable of diplomacy. Not a good leader.

  48. I am so ashamed to see all of the hateful, ignorant, racist and smallminded comments here. Is this the example that we want those outside of Racine to see? I know that this is just a few people with nothing else going on in their thinking of others, no volunteering to help those less fortunate, no thought of your own immortality. I know that most here in Racine are trying their best, working hard to become the city we all wish for. I will NOT put any identification as to who I am here. Cowardice has nothing to do with it...I have a life and will not be drawn into further conversations. I do have a all should get one too.

  49. Dear 10:22 AM, "Puffery" is a perfectly respectable word. However, it's an old term not commonly used today. You can find it on p.581, col.b in "Webster's Encyclopedic Dictionary" (chicago, IL: Columbia Educational Books Company, 1942).It signifies "extravagant praise." The heyday of its popularity was the Victorian Era, a time during which authors such as Charles Dickens and William M. Thackeray employed it in their novels and lectures.

  50. Dear 10:41 AM, Alas, Racine is really Rat-Scene or Scat-Scene for most of its inhabitants. Outside of the propertied, predatory and preferred classes, misery and rage abound. I challenge the Waxtrash oligarchs and their epigones in the Den of Venn as well as the denizens of other posh, privileged venues to share with their victims and cease oppressing the downtrodden majority.

  51. Graham,
    If your referring to Robert Reich your correct. I'm working toward spreading the truth about Black History to help everyone to get a healthy perspective of why & how the Black community through lie's, propaganda and lack of education is kept on the plantation of poverty.
    Excellent web sight:
    An excellent documentary to watch is American History in Black and White. It's two and a half hours long but well worth it. It clearly explains why we have poor education, highest abortion rate per-capita and poverty in the Black community.
    The book:

    After watching this (or reading) you will know why the Democrats of today would rather keep giving them a fish instead of teaching them how to fish.

  52. As for concern about immortality, most of our elitists are agnostics who retain religious affiliations for purposes of social respectability and possible commercial networking exclusively. I've never met a Waxtrash oligarch or loot lackey or Cornell carpetbagger who believed in anything other than the pecuniary power of the Carnauba Court. The same applies to the rest of the arty rich blight trash infesting this sorry city.

  53. Dear 11:52 AM, Sad to say, you can force the poor to take fishing lessons and they still won't catch any finny friends. Why? Because the rich have steered the fish to other regions of the globe for fun and profit. Then they wag their moralistic fingers at the poor and tell them to improve their piscatorial skills. Needed: an end to Emersonian self reliance and the beginning of genuine government answerable to the common man. If socialism must supplant capitalism to free the American toiler from penury and society's victims from poverty, AINSI SOIT-IL!

  54. This is irresponsible bullshit. Why the hell do you guys just straight publish self-serving garbage press releases like this?

  55. Jody is scary. She also ran her campaign on CNH comapany time. Is that the kind of person you want for Mayor - she should spend time fixing up her place before she tries to fix the city.

  56. 2/25/2010 3:31 PM
    Jody is a friend of mine and I would appreciate seeing you in person so we can discuss your lack of courage.

  57. We could talk about her lack of respect for her employer when she used their time for her campaign or how about her lack of respect in regards to her home and neighbors - what do you think. Ha!

  58. You'd have to be a moron to criticize money coming into the city and creating jobs that will apparently be for Racine contractors first. Of course Shields is also the same idiot who recently voted against having a company in his district that would have employed the minority people that he's now pretending to care about.

  59. Black, white, purple..... I don't care what color you are. When things dont go YOUR way and youdrag the race card and NAACP into it, you are going to piss off alot of people. Use your head you crybaby. As long as we have ignorant people like this alderman in office who stoke the fires of racial tensions, we will get nothing done.

    We are all hurting alderman. There is also a big difference between a hand up and and a hand out. You and your district seem to be looking for handouts based on color. Joing hads and become colorblind and we will get more accomplished together.

  60. Hey, let's call Jessie - maybe he can help out. You know the guy who travels around the world and has never had a job.

  61. At this time I would like to ask the residents of District #3 to vote for Michael Gabbey on April 6 2010. You have seen what this Mayor has done to our city now imagine his buddy Monte Osterman at the county level.

  62. I can't believe the NAACP would allow a hatchet job press release like this to go out. This kind of low-ball attack reflects very poorly on the organization as a whole.

  63. Funny how all these black people are unemployed, yet when you go to these job fairs in town lately there are only a handful to be found.

    I spoke to several small business owners in town and two of them said they have no problem hiring anyone race, religion, whatever,. But when you show up dressed like a bum/hooker and almost demand a job and have very poor propper sleaking skills it really blows it for you. Then he has to deal with discriminitory complaints. What a joke. These people must be from Shield's district.

    Show some initiative and stop your whining!

  64. Dear 7:21 AM, Did it ever occur to your genteel, aesthetically-oriented self that the poor may dress like bums because they lack the cash for what corporate fashion police view as a proper wardrobe? Please get real or the coming class clash may teach you greater respect for your coarsely clad fellow humans. Thank you very much.

  65. As for your snide comments anent paupers' lack of good grooming skills, I'd like to see how you'd look and smell after a week in a rundown shanty or apartment with semi-functional plumbing. Judge not lest ye be judged.

  66. The greatest good of the greatest number, not the bourgeois biases of capitalists, should prevail. If the private sector can't (or won't) provide our disadvantaged citizens with jobs and incomes, the government should do so. Collective problems require collective solutions. Our sick, slick system's insistence on making individuals scramble and achieve so-called success one person or family at a time is an absurd antediluvian obscenity.

  67. Anon 2/25 3:31 and 3:58 - Where the he!! did THAT come from? Nobody was talking about Jody Harding. Your constant harping about how she ran her campaign on company time is boring, not to mention untrue. She did some work between the hours of 8-to-5, but she made up whatever time she took, and did so WITH HER EMPLOYER'S BLESSING. So give it a rest, okay? You're starting to look like an idiot.

    And BTW, if her house looks so bad, maybe you'd loan her your professional gardener and handyman. Since you don't have the guts to identify yourself, we have to assume YOUR place is pristine.

  68. "From each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs." Sounds good, doesn't it? Real noble. Except now somebody has to decide who is Able and who is Needy. (No picking friends, please!) And what happens when the Able, tired of all their hard work going to the Needy instead of to their family, decide to sit on their a** and become the Needy for awhile? In fact, let's ALL just go to work for the government. Who's going to pay the bill then, Genius? Oh, I forgot. All we have to do is print more money.

  69. 8:55 - Everything I said about Jody is true. And why do I keep saying it? Because she should never be our mayor, so I have to let everyone know her past practices. And finally my house is pristine, so what' your point?.

  70. Dear 7:33 AM; They seem to have plenty of cash for designer jeans, Nike shoes and expensive, manicured fingernails. When I see "the underprivileged" strut around with those luxuries which I, as a working person, can't afford, I can't drum up a lot of sympathy. But then, I'm probably an "elitist," since I work for a living.

  71. Nothing you have said about Jody and her workplace is true. If it were, you would have just tattled to her boss. Face it, you think it's cool that you "know" her and can tell us how awful she is. Fact is, you sound like an moron. Worse, you're a bore. In fact, you're too boring to argue with any more. Let it go.

  72. Boring, but true. I'll never give up until everyone knows she is not a viable candidate.I'm not concerned about her boss, just the community.

  73. Pardon me for intruding on what seems like a private argument (and therefore inappropriate for this forum,) but it seems that both of you seem to feel just fine wasting "company time" with this blog. Or don't either of you work?

    I don't care what arrangements a candidate made with his/her boss. I want to know how he/she is going to fix this city. Period.

  74. - I don't have to work - I am financially secure.

  75. Dear 10:51 AM, The paupers I know and seek to assist don't enjoy any of those luxuries. By and large, their wardrobes come from discount stores, thrift shops or rummage sales. Even if some poor residents do possess the items which you enumerated, I wouldn't condemn them. In a society which allows Waxwitches to prance in mink or sable coats, a low-income woman's designer jeans shouldn't offend anyone.

  76. The NAACP is nothing but a racist organization.

  77. No, the NAACP combats racism and elitism. ALL POWER TO THE PEOPLE AND THE PEOPLE'S GOVERNMENT!

  78. OH BOY!! With all this CHATTER about "Puffery" did anyone notice that the Journal-Times pretty much ignored Black History month.

    The Journal editors must have seen the INSIDER NEWSPAPERS "Black History Issue" and decided they couldn't do better!

    What Racine Journal should have done is made a deal with the Insider and used it as a insert.

    But I guess that would be to easy.

  79. I just saw a Dominos pizza commercial that uses the word Puffery and defines it. Maybe Shields saw the same commercial.

  80. Anon 11:53AM = Mr. Angry, with dictionary/thesaurus in hand.

    Anon 12:02PM = Mr. Angry, with dictionary/thesaurus in hand, spewing his communist/socialist/fascist agenda.

    Anon 3:31PM - Why do you even bring Jody into this? This article has absolutely nothing to do with her. Are you that jealous of her, or are you just stupid, and a coward?

    Anon 7:33AM - I'd have more compassion for them if they didn't drive newer cars than us lower-to-middle-income workers can afford. Or if I didn't see them at the SS office wearing clothes and jewelry that we can't afford, either. Or if I didn't see them using their food stamp card at the checkouts buying steaks and liquor and candy and numerous other things my family has to sacrifice because of the amount of taxes pulled out of our paychecks to supplement THEM.

    Anon 7:45AM = Mr. Angry, with dictionary/thesaurus in hand, spewing his communist/socialist/fascist agenda.

    Okay Anon 10:49, we now all know that you are perfect and better than anyone else. If you're so perfect, why don't you put your money where your mouth is and run for mayor yourself? What is this vendetta that you have against Jody? Did she get a promotion you wanted, or a raise when you didn't, or bonus when you didn't, or are you just a complete jealous jerk who can't let it go? You make a fool of yourself every time you bring her up in a blog that has nothing to do with her. Why are you so hateful? What has she done to you? And, you are liar. You carry on this hateful vendetta without even knowing whether she is going to run for mayor the next time around, or not.

  81. Donzell Holt4/05/2010 5:20 PM

    I think the fact that most people who ANONYMOUSLY, post comments (whether good or bad) regarding Micheal Shields efforts to bring this city out of excluding African Americans and the subtle yet obvious racism that exists in Racine is a declaration that they are themselves racist or afraid to let others know they are not. Which is worse?

  82. Donzell Holt4/05/2010 5:24 PM

    I think the fact that most people who ANONYMOUSLY, post comments (whether good or bad) regarding Micheal Shields efforts to bring this city out of excluding African Americans and the subtle yet obvious racism that exists in Racine is a declaration that they are themselves racist or afraid to let others know they are not. Which is worse? You are both a part of the problem.

  83. The business of the NAACP should never have been laundered in public. Whoever did this says that s/he was afraid of retribution. Well, if Matin Luther King was afraid of retribution, where would the Black community be now?
