
February 24, 2010

NAACP calls community meeting; Dickert undecided if he'll attend

Update: Not so fast, says the Mayor's office. Dickert hasn't confirmed he'll attend the meeting, according to Public Information Officer Mark Eickhorst. The mayor is learning more about the meeting and we'll make a decision on whether to attend later, he said.

Original: The Racine NAACP announced Wednesday night that it has invited Mayor John Dickert to a "Community Leadership Meeting" at 8 a.m. on Saturday, March 6, at City Hall, and that Dickert -- strongly rebuked earlier in the day by NAACP President Micheal Shields -- will attend.

The NAACP's statement quoted the mayor saying today, “Either help with the city's problems, or step out of the way. " The NAACP said it "welcomes the mayor's acknowledgement of the city's problems. The mayor's invitation to participate in bringing about citizen-based solutions coincides with the NAACP branch's already-planned Leadership Meeting. In keeping with its role as a civil rights organization representing the rights of all citizens, the Racine Branch NAACP announces the convening of a Community Leadership Meeting."

The NAACP said that besides the mayor it has contacted fifty community leaders representing all races, cultural and social-economic classes within the city.

The meeting's purpose "is to amass direct input from all segments of the community, covering the gamut of issues and problems facing Racine. The hope is to generate some citizen-based solutions to these very problems as recognized by the mayor in his statements of today. This diverse group of citizen representatives, will allow not just the mayor, but the entire community to see that these problems affect more than just the minority community."


  1. Storm Racine will be there to record it so all of Racine can know what is said

  2. Finally we'll see the NAACP taking leadership. I can't wait to see their presentation on how to dramatically reduce unemployment in the African American community. Very excited to see their unveiling. Thank you, NAACP for showing the way.

    I'm sure they've been thinking about this for at least a year and will have tons of great suggestions. They're closest to these issues and understand them better than anyone.

    I bet they have 50 things they will bring to the table! Shields heard the call for a plan to reverse the unemployment trend and now he is going to deliver that plan on March 6! Tak. That haters!

  3. Can the NAACP post their jobs plan on the internet prior to the meeting so the public that can't attend can see it? Maybe put it up on the RacinePost or Insider News would work too.

    After seeing the mayor failing to deliver a 10 year plan, I'm glad to see someone filling in the void, and that someone is Mike Shields and the NAACP.

    Don't forget that Racine when it comes time to vote. Mike Shields will deliver a detailed plan forward, unlike Dickert. Shields will show you all what a real plan looks like on March 6.

  4. OK Mike, here is your chance. You've been running your mouth for a little while now. The time has come to see if your mouth wrote a check that your rear end can't cash. Let's see your plan. Put up or shut up.

  5. I am a member of the NAACP and I have been very disappointed to see this good organization used as a bully pulpit for personal gain.

    There are serious issues of race in this city that have nothing to do with the mayor. Using him as a target because you have no real answers or ideas doesn't do anyone any good. More importantly, it doesn't reflect real leadership.

    This meeting could be a good start, but if Shields comes with nothing to add but blame, you can have my membership card back.

  6. I can't ell which of the comments so far are sarcastic and which are legit.

  7. I think it's time the NAACP changed their name. They constantly rant about racism, yet have a racist title for their organization. If, as they say in this article, they are going to represent ALL citizens, then they need to change it from the "National Association for the Advancement of Colored People" (NAACP) to the "National Association for the Advancement of American Citizens" (NAAAC).

  8. If John Dickert is going to be held responsible for the future of the minority community, then it is only fair that he immediately be named President of the NAACP.

    Give him the authority required to fix things if you are going to give him all the blame.

  9. I am here to announce my candiacy for mayor...Mike Shields.

  10. Mike Shields has been on city council for years and Dickert has been mayor for less than a yr. Who is more responsible for the city's problems?


    Will he take the

  11. A little too self important it appears. Mike Shields has had a long time to impact jobs in Racine. All I have seen from him is being against what everyone else wants to try to get jobs here. Your 15 minutes is up Mike get out of the way and let someone with new ideas have a chance.

  12. The NAACP jobs plan needs a name.

    How about:

    The Shielding Racine from Unemployment Plan.

    - Sponsored by the NAACP

    I hope they publish their plan online in advance of the meeting. I think the people in Racine will rally around it and try to get things done. That's how we do things here, it will be hard but worth it.

    So let's see it Mike - release your jobs plan! You're the prez of the NAACP and it is your duty and responsibility.

  13. March 6th 2010 will long be remembered in Racine as the moment Mike Shields used his considerable power as President of the NAACP to publish an ambitious and visionary plan to reverse the trend of unemployment in the minority community. This will be a hallmark of his term as President and his personal stamp on history.

    Just wait. March 6th is going to be named Mike Shields day in Racine for years to come after you people see what he has to offer. All minorities in Racine will be smiling proud with Mike's contribution to their future on that day.

    March 6th - write it down, listen and behold greatness. Mike wouldn't call this meeting without having a firm foundation of the way forward you can count on that. Racine won't be disappointed.

  14. If Mike Shields is so smart...


  15. Tim the Shrubber2/25/2010 9:39 AM

    "Let's see your plan. Put up or shut up."

    I was thinking the same thing. I was also wondering why he has not already shared some of these great ideas.

  16. Also as a member of the NAACP and more importantly a member of the community I am disappointed by this comment "I am a member of the NAACP and I have been very disappointed to see this good organization used as a bully pulpit for personal gain." You should have turned your membership in long ago because For once the NAACP is stepping out front to address issues of importance in the community. There have been other issues of relevance brought to the NAACP over the years and under previous administrations for whatever reason they were not addressed. The NAACP has been nothng more than a social club for family members and a few friends.

    Not only is unemployment rate high among African Americans in the Racine Community, but under the leadership of Gary Becker MOST of the positions cut were held by African Americans. You have an Affirmative Action Office with the City of Racine charged with the duty to ensure contracts are fairly awarded and to ensure fair representative with the city's hiring practices and he seems to be a silent partner.

    To the present administration, keep up the good work, but more importantly stay FOCUSED on what the issues are and help bring viable solutions to the table.

  17. Tim,

    You'll see it on March 6th. The reason Mike Shields can call Dickert's plan puffery is because Mike Shields knows what a real plan looks like and to prove it he is going to deliver one on March 6th.

    All of these critics of Mike Shields will eat their words when they see what he and the NAACP have planned.

  18. If Mike is working for the county, why has he not presented this as a Alderman or as employee of workforce development?

    Is he grandstanding for higher offce?

    Is using the black people of our community for personal gain?

    Mike Shields is nothing more than a boil on the butt of Racine. If it is Shields vs Dickert?

  19. Mike Shields plan...give my NAACP buddies good paying jobs for little work. So they can work on my mayoral campaign.

  20. Tim,

    It takes time to put together a huge comprehensive plan. Give him a shot at producing it on March 6th before condemning him. If he can't deliver (but he will) then go ahead and fire away because he'll deserve the criticism.

    Until, then mark your calendar and check the news as Mike Shields as President of the NAACP delivers the plan that Dickert never would.

  21. National Association for Advancement of Colored People. I have a problem with they way they are spinning this help they want. It comes off as an attack when they phrase it help us or get out of the way.

    This is a National organization, so what are they doing nationally and how can a mayor stand in the way?

    Whining and blame are unimpressive. I also don't trust any organization with colored people in the title to be diverse and welcoming of everyone. Get Real.

  22. Well it looks like Shields will do what Dickert could never do, deliver the plan he promised. I am looking forward to March 6. Finally some leadership in Racine.

  23. 10:29

    And it is because nobody is in a better position as Mike Shields - being the President of the NAACP to deliver a plan that helps the minority community.

    Mike is the only one with credibility to do it. You wouldn't want a bunch of white people delivering a plan to the minority community telling them how to improve their lives. That would be arrogant. Change comes from within.

  24. Tim the Shrubber2/25/2010 11:15 AM

    "It takes time to put together a huge comprehensive plan. Give him a shot at producing it on March 6th before condemning him."

    Sorry, but Mike Sheilds has been on the council for quite some time. If he has had good ideas to reduce unemployment he should have been bringing them up in the council all along, and not waiting until he could create a 'comprehensive plan'.

    This smells of a political stunt, and nothing more.

  25. The NAACP is just attemping to hold the Mayor accountable. He is the one that promised jobs and that he would improve the community. Let's hope that everyone involved can come up with solutions on how to improve our community.

  26. Tim,

    The proof is in the pudding. If Mike Shields doesn't come to this meeting with a comprehensive plan then I'll be the first to admit this whole thing was a political stunt.

    But that isn't who I believe Mike Shields is. He is a respected leader and head of the NAACP. You don't get a job like that without having ideas on how to improve your community. Mike wouldn't dare call and then come to this meeting without putting a comprehensive plan on the table as a conversation starter that he created with help of the NAACP.

    Mike Shields is not a political stuntman. He will prove it to this city on March 6th. Everyone will see what leadership and planning is all about.


  28. Sheelds gets the words "colored" and "black" confused. He should read the NAACP mission statement.

  29. 12:00

    The mayor has to go as a good faith effort to listen to, and consider the jobs plan being presented by Mike Shields and the NAACP.

    His job at this meeting is to listen to Mike's plan.

    Given how passionately Mike is pursuing this, I'll think we'll see a great plan out of him with plenty of items to implement in order to reverse unemployment.

  30. anon 11:27. You are right because Dickert will be there.

  31. Anyone like to bet on the odds of Shields running for Mayor?

  32. Mike Shields is an absolute joke. He was on the City Council for 16 years before he was booted out for a term. He doesn't prepare and he lies. He is not a leader. This meeting will be good entertainment, nothing more.

  33. 12:25

    You clearly don't know what kind of man Mike Shields is. You'll find out on March 6th when he delivers his comprehensive job plan that will dramatically cut unemployment in both the minority community and city wide. His plan will be talked about for weeks and will solidify his spot as a champion of the minority community.

    We ordered and Shields delivers. Mark your calendars, here comes Racine 2.0

  34. He won't run. Why? He'll get beat too bad and will have to play the "race card" again. Besides, felons can't vote.

  35. After seeing Mike's plan, he won't have to run - we'll demand he's made mayor.

  36. Mike Shields Racine's savior. After being elected 20 yrs he has a idea.

  37. Mike Shields is going to do what Obama can't! Why is he just an alderman? Mike Shields for governor!

  38. This absolutely reeks of political “stuntary.” Note there is absolutely nothing in this grossly self serving, poorly-written press release about some grand plan to be unveiled, yet the bloggers jump on immediately, talking about Mike Shield’s plan to be unveiled.

  39. Did anyone bother to call the Mayor’s office to confirm this story? I can’t see any way in hell Mayor Dickert would be dumb enough to agree to attend this bash fest.

  40. This is nothing more than a revenge setup for Shields to get even with the mayor for gaveling his sorry self down.

  41. I love how these guys pretend the ‘leadership’ of this ‘progressive’ organization. Shields, Keith Faire, Craig Oliver in the same room with Mayor Dickert in a supposed democratic forum? Please. This is going to be three wolves and a sheep voting on what’s for lunch.

  42. Scott Martin2/25/2010 3:15 PM

    If Shields has known how to create jobs, why has he made racine suffer with unemployment all these yrs.

    Impeach Shields NOW!

  43. Anon 2:57

    I agree... has anyone actually confirmed that Mayor Dickert will be attending this, or are we just taking Mike Shields' word for it?!

    Pete, Dustin- perhaps a call to the Mayor's office is in order.

  44. I can’t believe the Post would just publish these two self serving press release from the Mike Shields right in a row. This is absolutely irresponsible ‘journalism.‘ You just let these guys say this crap without any verification of their ‘facts.’ The last release they just published, without any kind of journalistic integrality whatsoever, was just an ad homonym attack on the mayor, stating as fact slams. You can’t just allow people to post this crap as news because they figured out how to work their fax machine.

    Could I whip together a press release saying “Mike Shields is an obnoxious tool who looks stoned all the time” and expect to get it published? That’s basically what Shields was allowed to do to Dickert.

  45. 3:28 is just upset because Mike Shields and the NAACP will deliver a comprehensive jobs plan on March 6th.

    Dickert had his chance to deliver a plan and didn't do it. Now Mike will show you all what a real plan looks like. Goals, objectives, targets, name it. Exciting day for Racine.

  46. Anon 3:28- no you cannot deliver a press release like that because the Mayor's office has a hard time putting together a coherent collection of statements on a piece of paper. Go back to your iphone.

  47. I find it quite incomprehensible that anyone can believe that "government" can create jobs other than in only two ways: 1) Creating government jobs, which swell their ranks and cost taxpayers even more money, and 2) Tax and over-regulation relief for businesses so that they have the money necessary to employ more people (which broadens the income tax base to the government's advantage). But, we keep electing officials with brains the size of peas and the ethics of a john dickert. That gets us nowhere.

  48. Anon 3:52, is there any part of Mike's arse you haven't kissed?

  49. If Shields wants govt to create jobs he wants to raise my taxes. Mike if you have not noticed most of racine have trouble paying our property tax now. Are you going to be all of us better paying jobs because you want to tax all of us out of our homes. That is a plan that will ruin racine.

    Is that your goal?

  50. Publish your plan online Mike!

  51. Mike Shields is the President of the NAACP. This is a fantastic organization that understands the problems of people of color. The biggest issue right now is jobs. Jobs, jobs, jobs. The NAACP knows this and that is why they are putting a plan out there. Given their links and insight into the minority community, I have very high expectations of their jobs plan.

    The mayor should come and listen to this historic plan for Racine.

  52. At this time I would like to ask the residents of District #3 to vote for Michael Gabbey on April 6 2010. You have seen what this Mayor has done to our city now imagine his buddy Monte Osterman at the county level.

  53. Gabby / Shields for co-mayor!

  54. The Mayor's absence will certainly show what kind of leader he is. Things were going along pretty well for you Mr. Mayor as long as you could give jobs to friends, but not that you have to answer for what certainly appeared to be unethical you don't want to show up at meeting to discuss with other community leaders how the City of Racine can be improved. Hopefully the meeting will go on with or without your presence. I hope your recent actions have sealed your fate and you won't have an opportunity when your term is up to further run our city into the ground. If you think for one moment you have displayed leadership skills, guess again because you have not. The only way to get your attention is by beating you at the polls.

    It's not up to the NAACP to come up with a job plan. It is, however, a good thing when community leaders can come together to assist you in devising a plan that is good for our community. So don't show up to the meeting and further show us what you really are made of.

  55. S.F. Gates said...

    I truly wonder if Racine will ever emerge from ---

    IT seems to be a city of
    caterpillars and cocoons ----
    but has so few

  56. 9:28

    The NAACP absolutely needs to come up with a jobs plan -especially for the minority community they say they serve. What is more important than jobs? You can't advance colored people without jobs and you can't use minority unemployment rates for political points if you don't offer solutions.

    If the NAACP doesn't have answers then they sure as hell don't have a reason to hold a meeting. In fact, they should take that time to #1 be ashamed of themselves and #2 come up with something that pays better than a press release. We need leaders, not whiners. Time for the NAACP to decide what their mission is and deliver a plan. If not, then I don't know why we need a Racine branch of the NAACP.

  57. Anonymous 9:28, NO the NAACP does not have to come up with the plan; however, I believe they do need to be a part of the solution. Dickert is the one that ran for Mayor and made promises. He and his buddies on his team are getting paid to come up with a plan. But since is tax owing PI person has indicated that he may not attend the meeting I guess he has no interest in discussing important issues affecting our community. He's acting like a kid.

  58. 6:34

    So let me get this straight. You want the mayor to solve all of the problems in the minority community and not offer a plan to help him do it. The NAACP wants to pass the buck and say that the "community" should come up with a plan instead of them taking the initiative. Unemployment is at the heart of a lot of issues in the minority community. The NAACP not having a plan and not willing to create one is disgraceful.

    What a bunch of garbage. I hope the people at the NAACP are really proud of how this is going down.

  59. The Mayor is responsible for the city in its entirety. As arrogant as this Mayor even if the NAACP came up with a plan he probably wouldn't adopt it. His only interest seems to be giving jobs to his friends.

  60. Is the NAACP idea to get them to all to trade caring for each others children doing child care paid for by the state?

    I am anxiously awaiting this fabulous plan he has kept hidden for all these years.

    The mayor is an easy target.

    Sheilds has a position with an organization that does not represent all of us. He thinks it is a bright idea to get different groups together? He just wants to take credit.
