
January 28, 2010

Chinese city invites Racine delegation for spring visit

Zhenyang Street in Sheyang, China

Mayor John Dickert's meeting with representatives from Sheyang, China in December ended with a request from the Chinese delegation. "We'll see you in the spring - in China," Dickert recalled them saying.

The invitation, which was also part expectation, was a sign of the speed at which Sheyang business and government leaders are hoping to build ties with the Racine community. The China SINB group, led by Wanming Chi, bought 54 acres of land in Mount Pleasant to build a 600,000 square-foot Eco-Business Park. The land cost $850,000.

Dickert said in a recent interview that he's attempting to put together a Racine delegation of business leaders and government officials to visit Sheyang, though nothing is definite at this point. Cost is a factor, he said, but business leaders have offered to help pay for the trip. Sheyang is located along the Yellow Sea about 150 miles north of Shanghai.

Dickert said traveling to China could result in business deals for local companies. He's also hoping to present development opportunities in Racine to investors.

Chinese companies have made a push into southeastern Wisconsin in recent months. The BizTimes reported last week that Wanming was one of a handful of Chinese businessmen to purchase property in the Milwaukee-Racine area in 2009. The story also provided interesting background about Wanming and his connection to the Racine area:
The driving force behind SINB North America is Wanming Chi, the president and chairman of the board of SINB Group Co. Ltd. The company does business in manufacturing (particularly structural steel fabrication), real estate development, port construction, financial investment and international trade.

After the U.S. real estate market collapsed and the economy plunged into a deep recession, Chi became interested in investing in the United States because he saw an opportunity to do so at a discount.

Chi’s business relationship with William Osborne, the president and chief executive officer of Racine-based LGO Global Sourcing LLC, led him to Racine County. LGO assists American businesses with outsourcing manufacturing operations. The company has two China offices in Jiangsu and Beijing. Osborne makes 8 to 10 trips a year to China.
Racine's Sister City Committee has begun to explore a relationship with Sheyang, which, despite a population of over 1 million people, is still considered a mid-sized Chinese city, Dickert said.

The mayor and the Chinese delegation signed an agreement to consider talking about a Sister City arrangement.

Al Guetzlaff, chairman of Racine's Sister City Committee, described the two cities as being in the "dating/courting process."

Any relationship with Sheyang likely will differ from Racine's other Sister Cities because of the economic incentives underlying the partnership, Guetzlaff said. While the U.S. has a history of treating Sister Cities as "citizen diplomacy," the Chinese Sister City organizations are based in business and more like our Chamber of Commerce, Guetzlaff said.

Based on his experience working with Racine's six Sister Cities - four which are active - Guetzlaff said Racine needs to find a local resident who can "carry the torch" of a Sister City relationship with Sheyang, he said. Wanming's emerging business connections in the Racine area may be the connection needed to seal the Sister City bond, he said.

Guetzlaff also said customs and traditions will come into play on the cross-cultural exchange. For example, the Chinese can be insulted if you do not thoroughly examine a business card they give you.

"There are protocol things that are very important," Guetzlaff said. "Just like when you're courting, there are traditions you need to be aware of."


  1. What kind of protocol was required at Tiananmen Square?

    Dickert is selling us out to China, just like his masters.

    When you wheel and deal with the devil, don't be surprised when you end up in hell, lying John.

  2. Dickert is a failure and a waste of our money

  3. Be sure to see:
    the factories using child labor.
    The execution grounds and the dead being harvested for body parts.
    The companies ripping off US Companies on a daily bases.
    Visit army bases where the Chinese launch there computer attacks on US Companies and our armed forces.
    For the all mighty Doller we will trade with a country that see us as a foe. God save us

  4. No morals, no loyalty, no nothing - just give us the money and we don't care who you kill.

    Does Dickert go to church? Does he claim any religious beliefs, or is it only the money?

  5. Tim the Shrubber1/28/2010 11:06 AM

    These comments are hilarious. Keep it up tinfoil hat brigade!

  6. China's murder of civilians is hilarious?

  7. Where's the cup of pope nuns on this? They're always preaching about fair trade. Why are they silent as our mayor enters into negotiations with the mother of all human rights violators? How do you justify to your God ignoring crimes against humanity?

  8. Dickert, or Edwards, wait, watts the diff? Ok, who will go in the dilegation? I say Wisneweski since they have to be in pictures together, and of course Mack the biggest brown-noser that has ever lived at city hall. Of course, a "secretary" will have to go too. Did Cole get back in good graces yet?

  9. Great vacation op "Johnnie Boy"! What an A$$!!!!!

  10. This is the free market in action folks.

  11. Maybe they can ink a deal for China to make melamine test kits - then we can test all the consumables that they add melamine to!

  12. This could be a God send, maybe they'll keep Dickert! Just remember his new carts are American Made I think!? LOL Ship him there in his cart!

  13. 12:41

    China is NOT a free market. Then with Dickert in charge neither is Racine

  14. I know lets smuggle good to North Korea! Good money, who cares if they stave their own? Maybe we can get a real good deal on recycling carts? I will put in Helding and Maack for Commissars they fit the bill with there actions in City Hall

  15. Dickert fits right in in China!

  16. China setting up shop here is a direct consequence of a free market system. Unregulated banks made stupid loans, lost money, property values declined, Chinese came in to buy this now cheap land and reap the rewards.

    Capitalism in action folks. This is happening all over the United States right now as we speak. Foregin entities are buying up our land.

    These are the ugly consequences of the free market that conservatives don't want to talk about.

  17. Tim the Shrubber1/28/2010 2:44 PM

    "China's murder of civilians is hilarious?"

    Nope...but the reactions to this story are. I can just imagine half of y'all hyperventilating as you write...

    "Dickert is selling us out to China, just like his masters."

    "Does Dickert go to church? Does he claim any religious beliefs, or is it only the money?"

    etc etc

    Seriously, folks...that is waaaaay over the top.

    (And the ultimate irony is that half the components in the PCs used the post these comments probably came from China. Hope some of the criticism bouces right back.)

  18. Sorry Tim mine is made in the Republic of China you know the place we sold out.

  19. The bottom line is that we've been saddled with sister cities by a certain corporate crime family. The sooner we eliminate this nonsense from our budget and our lives, the better!

  20. Does anyone know how Racine could drop out of the sister cities program? My neighbors--who already resent being taxed to support giraffes and high school musicals--want Racine to dump this nonsense a.s.a.p.

  21. Tim the Shrubber1/28/2010 4:42 PM

    "Sorry Tim mine is made in the Republic of China you know the place we sold out."

    1. I very much doubt very much that there is not one component in it that is not from the PRC. Even the Taiwanese outsource to the mainland.

    2. Chiang Kai-shek was no more the humanitarian than Mao. We could have supported the Kuomintang, but there would have been just as much bloodshed, and we would have been blamed for it. So, I am not exactly upset that we did not support bastard dictator 3 1 versus bastard dictator # 2.

  22. I like the program great cites around the world to choose from. Why does the Mayor want to jump into bed with the PRC vs say Cites in Africa?

  23. 'LGO assists American businesses with outsourcing manufacturing operations. The company has two China offices in Jiangsu and Beijing. Osborne makes 8 to 10 trips a year to China.'

    So Racine is courting a company that is looking at outsourcing jobs to China?

    LGO focuses on sending U.S. jobs, Racine jobs to China??

    Am I not understanding something here?

  24. It's too bad Dickert won't be able to go seeing how he's already blown 1/2 of his $13,000 dollar travel budget. Can you travel to China airfare/hotel/meals for $6,500 dollars?? I don't know. I'll bet if they do pull some sneaky crap and send him to China that he brings his wife with as a vacation. Who pays her 1/2.....Ya right if your answer is Dickert pays it.....fools.

    PARTY ON!!!

  25. Mr. Mr. Sheyang

  26. 7:19

    You know John will be going the city will "find" the money to send him.
    King John gets his way.

  27. I doubt Dickert's wife goes, he will bring his secretary like he did on his trip to DC.

  28. Reminder:

    One should always consider the source of a "comment" when reading Racine Post. Even more so when the source of the content is from someone Anonymous. Even this comment if you so choose.

    This comment is still valid, however, as it refers to no subject other than this reminder.

  29. While reading articles, I think about writing comments that would inspire intelligent conversation. Then I read other comments and loose my motivation.

    A good percentage of comments are negative and lack thoughtfulness. If you are responsible for these particular comments, there are options for you: 1) If you are upset with your personal life--Make changes so you are not so miserable 2) If you are truly upset with the City--Attend a city council meeting, public forum, or something along those lines to become informed--then you can formulate your thoughts in order to express your discontent with acumen.

  30. Who keeps leaving the stupid spam comments, i.e. 7:24 & 1:51 ?

  31. 3:18

    Mr. Racine.

  32. Mr. Racine knows all, sees all.


    What Dickert pals (PRC) have done before and train to do every day. Are you not happy that Racine wants to be pals with these thugs?

  34. Hey 7:24 Shove it!!! Probably a Dickhead....I mean Dickert follower.
    We all, or most of us have the sense to filter what we hear or read.
    No need for your continuing reminders.
    Go move your car to the other side of the street so you do not get a ticket!!

  35. Tim the Shrubber1/31/2010 7:00 PM

    "Probably a Dickhead....I mean Dickert follower.
    We all, or most of us have the sense to filter what we hear or read."

    Too bad some of people are not mature enough to filter what they say.

  36. As long as you have Chinese parts in your computer, it's OK to deal with murderers. As long as others are doing it, it's morally correct to bargain with butchers.

  37. Tim the Shrubber2/01/2010 2:00 PM

    "As long as you have Chinese parts in your computer, it's OK to deal with murderers. As long as others are doing it, it's morally correct to bargain with butchers."

    1. The simple fact of the matter is that the Chinese are becoming a dominant part of the world economy regardless of our ideals. We could boycott them all we want, and it would not make a bit of difference. (Just look at that successful boycott of Cuba! {sarcasm}) If anything, economic and social interaction is probably the only hope we have to influence any changes there. I want lots of Chinese businessmen and students to visit the US, and then go home and start demanding the same conditions there.

    2. The focus on Dickert on this issue is bizarre to say the least. It is not like he is a foreign policy bigwig. You might as well spend your Saturdays in front of Wal-mart harrassing people for buying products that support the butchers in China. Perhaps you could us the PETA tactic and pelt them with fake blood.

  38. "But mommy, everybody is doing it!"

    Sell out your morals and your values for a dollar. Be proud of your loyalty to whoever has the most money. Values mean nothing, life itself means nothing, just make sure you get the money.

    There are men of conviction and there are men of convenience. You are number 2, in more ways than 1.

  39. China warns of fallout over Obama-Dalai Lama talks

    Yes, massuh, how else should we act to please you?

  40. Those who dance with dragons are devoured by them. Already, a corrupt Chinese billionaire has shown a sinister interest in our community. The time to ditch the Sister Cities scam is NOW!
