
January 27, 2010

All Aboard! $810 million will take Hiawatha to Madison

Amtrak's Hiawatha train between Chicago and Milwaukee is going to Madison, thanks to $810 million in federal stimulus funds just awarded to the state. Another $12 million will improve the Chicago-Milwaukee run. But there was no mention of funds for KRM in the announcement late Wednesday night from Senators Herb Kohl and Russ Feingold.

"This is a major job creation project that will provide a long-term boost to our economy," Gov. Jim Doyle said. "Through high-speed rail we will connect the major centers of commerce in Wisconsin and in the region. This was a national competition and the results clearly demonstrate that Wisconsin had a very strong application."

Rep. Robin Vos, D-Caledonia, is quoted by the Wisconsin State Journal today saying, ""If we have to invest money in rail, high-speed rail is much more likely to have a positive economic impact than commuter rail."

Although work on the project could start soon, since much of the preliminary planning is done, the first 110mph train to Madison isn't expected to leave before 2016, according to the state's application for the funds.

Here's Kohl and Feingold's statement:
U.S. Senators Herb Kohl and Russ Feingold today announced that Wisconsin’s high-speed rail projects will receive $822 million in federal stimulus funds. Of that total, $810 million will be directed to the Madison-Milwaukee corridor and $12 million to the Milwaukee-Chicago corridor. The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) included $8 billion for high-speed rail projects. This $8 billion was designated for capital projects, and included three types of competitive discretionary rail grant programs – one of which was for high-speed rail corridor development grants.

“It’s great to see Wisconsin getting its fair share of these federal funds. The Secretary’s decision speaks to the quality of our state’s high-speed rail corridor project. I’m especially pleased by the promise it holds to create jobs and provide transportation choices for travelers across our state,” Kohl said.

“This funding is good news for Wisconsin workers. Not only will this funding help create jobs improving our state’s infrastructure, it will open up more job opportunities for workers in southern Wisconsin. This is an important investment in Wisconsin’s economy and workforce,” Feingold said.

According to the Department of Transportation, the $810 million in funds allocated to the Madison-Milwaukee project will be used for construction of track, passenger stations, signaling and other infrastructure improvements to extend the existing Amtrak Hiawatha service between Chicago and Milwaukee to Madison. The project will result in increased ridership and improved on-time performance. The $12 million in funds directed to the Milwaukee-Chicago project will be used for the installation of crossovers between Chicago and Milwaukee to improve on-time performance for the Amtrak Hiawatha and Empire Builder services, and for construction to extend the platform at the Milwaukee Airport Station, which will reduce travel times on the Amtrak Hiawatha and Empire Builder services by allowing trains longer than the current platform to board and deboard faster.

Wisconsin applied for funding under the Federal Railroad Administration’s High-Speed Intercity Passenger Rail Program. According to the State’s application, this would create thousands of jobs in the state, along with clearing congestion on highways and airports and providing an environmentally friendly transportation alternative.

Last November, Feingold and Kohl sent a letter to Department of Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood in support of the Wisconsin Department of Transportation’s application to the Federal Railroad Administration for funding under the ARRA rail program. In April, 2009, Kohl and Feingold and a group of 11 other Midwestern Senators signed a letter to President Obama asking that Midwestern rail corridors be considered for ARRA rail funding.

Kohl called Secretary LaHood on Jan. 21 when officials at the Department of Transportation indicated that decisions were being made about how to allocate the funding, which must be obligated by Feb. 17. Feingold spoke with Secretary LaHood in December 2009 to highlight how Wisconsin has been a leader on passenger rail issues under Governor Doyle and WisDOT Secretary Busalacchi and voice support for funding for Wisconsin’s proposal.


  1. Cool, 2016, just in time for the olympic bike race in Madison!....Thats right we didn't get the olympics... another Obama failure.

  2. Will $400 million of that go to one consultant for six months' work or will two split it?

  3. Liberals must have all had toy trains to play with when they were little.

  4. John and Cory can now deduct $810 million on their income taxes for travel expenses.


  5. HiAwatha to Madison - who wants to go to Madison?

  6. HEY, here's an idea sure to be ignored... why not run a spur line from downtown Racine, to the Sturdevant station? Smaller train, less cost, oh well, like I said.......

  7. What a disgrace and a boondoggle. Talk about something not needed. The stimulus projects just get sillier.

  8. That comes out to about $10 million per mile. The KRM was only $5 million per mile, but I suppose the KRM idiots still want that too!

  9. Hey - this will allow me to "drink" and "ride" to the Badger football games!

  10. How will the normal rail shortfall be funded after the fed money is gone? These things never turn a profit, just a loss. After watching a year of failed stimulus spending the term should be bubble spending. These programs create a short bubble of spending and fake results. When the money is gone so is the economic bubble. I hope that there is no more money approved for stimulus because the benefit just isn't there. The only thing that will be left after all this spending is long-term debt to be paid for by my grand kids who have yet to be born.

    The federal debt now sits at over $100,000 per house hold in the US. Congress is talking about going deeper in debt this year.

  11. With this much money going into the Madison - Chicago line all KRM work should stop. The fed project includes the KRM destinations as far as Racine is concerned. Stop KRM process until we see if the new fed project has any impact on rail travel.

    I know there will be those who will talk about cost and convenience for downtown people. If people really want to get to Sturtevant there are cost effective ways if it means a job. Besides, Racine people are really only going to want to get to Chicago or Milwaukee if the studies are correct.

    To spend any money on KRM right now when we will have to pay for the federal program just announced down the line too is not good government to tax us for both trains in the future. Remember, right now this looks like free money, but it will need to be paid back once adults get control of congress. The only ones left to pay all this money back will be the taxpayers and our kids.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Why doesn't Obama care about jobs? All he wants is healthcare....

    We are creating jobs and infrastructure with rail.

    This is a boondoggle. What a waste of money. Government is wasteful.....

    We create Middle Class tax cuts and government freeze.

    Obama not doing emough. We need Jobs. (Continue Loop)

  14. $800 million. Haw, haw, haw, 800 million of our dollars thrown out the window. And we'll need 800 mill more for KRM. And another mil for Mr. Racine to lie to us about it. And a few million here and there for art and roundabouts and green helicopter rides over Lake Michigan. And a trolley to Fortaleza Haul. Choo-choo! Woo-woo! Liars and thieves - that's our representation in government.

  15. Capitalism seemed to work much better. Why don't we go back to that.

  16. Maybe Obama should funnel some of that stimulus to Chicago to keep the CTA from having to make cuts in rail and bus service?
    travel information service changes

    Wondering how these cuts would affect connecting service with KRM? Oh wait, who cares, just as long as we have KRM!

  17. I agree with Anon. 8:53am We need to immediately cease any further expansion of the taxing authority of RTA. Gov. Doyle called for Half-Cent sales tax increase to pay for a regional transport Tax. This is the very thing that has been so hard for the Greater Chicago area to deal with. It's never enough, the Metra system and the Bus system never has enough money. Why should expand an RTA to cover Racine, Kenosha and Milwaukee. EVERY TIME they need to make cuts it will be Kenosha and Racine routes that will be cut. Simply based on ridership. the tax burden will stay the services will be cut. Racine will lose every time under this scenario. Anyone who cares needs to call the Mayor and tell him to instruct his representative (Jody Karls), to watch out for Racine tax-payers by opposing any new taxes, or any expansion of RTA until we know more about the upcoming High Speed Rail service.

  18. $810 million from Milwaukee to Madison. $12 million from Milwaukee to Chicago. That won't be enough to walk the tracks and clean the garbage from them. Thank God that it's free money too!

  19. How much will it cost us to figure out a way to get from/to Sturtevant and downtown (anywhere ) Racine ??

  20. Anon 12:32 The cost to get to Sturtevant is a few bucks on a Bus, (which already runs), or you can take your car and park out at the Station in Sturtevant. We could certainly add the Trolley in the Summer, since it's mostly empty anyway. At least it won't be pouring money into an empty hole.

  21. Anon do you get to/from the game after you get off the train???

  22. 3:01 - That's an easy one, cab, bus, many of the bars shuttle people or walk, stopping at bars along the way. Go Badgers!,

  23. Rep. Robin Vos, D-Caledonia, is quoted by the Wisconsin State Journal today saying, ""If we have to invest money in rail, high-speed rail is much more likely to have a positive economic impact than commuter rail."

    If I'm not mistaken, Robin is a REPUBLICAN... just sayin'!

  24. People will always want the convienece of their cars. Rail failed years ago and will fail again. Far too many trains, taxi's and time involved to get to your destination. Dickert, Doyle are both clueless, inept leaders.

  25. People will always want the convienece of their cars. Rail failed years ago and will fail again. Far too many trains, taxi's and time involved to get to your destination. Dickert, Doyle are both clueless, inept leaders.

  26. Oh look. Once again, a huge group of people who don't understand the "public" part of "public transit."

    This happens every time anything related to rail is posted on the Racine Post. Oh well.

  27. 7:33

    There was train tracks running from Sturtevant right to downtown.

    Instead of being Progressive, Racine has taken a regressive stance. Which they continue follow each day.

  28. Reminder:

    One should always consider the source of a "comment" when reading Racine Post. Even more so when the source of the content is from someone Anonymous. Even this comment if you so choose.

    This comment is still valid, however, as it refers to no subject other than this reminder.

  29. There are some crazy people out there. Do you think I am stupid enough to put my contact info out there? Get real.

  30. Pete or Justin - more crap to delete. Where is this stuff coming from and what is it as I will not open any of the sights.

  31. Anon 10:38 -- Wish I knew what it was, or how to stop it. Some from Russia, some China, some just spam. I would suggest never opening any of the links.

    All I can say is this: the NEW site will have protections in place. Soon (hopefully).

  32. chicago to milwaukee, milwaukee to madison. how long will that take as opposed to driving from chicago to mad city? was this an idea from geo petak?

  33. Dustin/Pete - what is all this crap out here? Isn't there a way of filtering it out?
