
December 1, 2009

For the third time, city to take up option for West Racine grocery store, restaurant and gas station

Officials are expected to meet this week on a $5 million commercial development that will create jobs and bring a long-desired service to the city.

The proposal is supported by surrounding residents, fits the long-range business plan for the neighborhood and appears to have the support of the mayor and several City Council members. It now just needs city approval to allow the developer, who has a solid track record on construction projects, to proceed.

Seems like a no-brainer for a city that's only landed a handful of new commercial construction projects in the past year. But, no.

The project described above is Tom Tousis's proposal to build a grocery store, restaurant and gas station at the corner of Washington Avenue and West Boulevard in West Racine. The $5 million project is now before the city's Redevelopment Authority, which is negotiating an option with Tousis to buy the land. (The RDA, which was created by the city, is the owner of the property.)

The problem for Tousis is Alderman Jim Spangenberg, who represents a portion of West Racine. Spangenberg has made no secret about his opposition to Tousis's project, largely because it includes a gas station. Spangenberg is the lone City Council member on the RDA and has an influential voice in all West Racine discussions.

The key issue is whether the grocery store and sit-down restaurant in Tousis's proposal make the gas station acceptable. Tousis argues the gas station is an important component of the plan because it will draw people to the site (and to West Racine).

But opponents, many turned off by Tousis's aggressive approach, are focused on the gas station. Dick Hinsman, who owns a business next to the proposed site, offers a glimpse of this one-track mind in a letter to the editor in today's JT. Hinsman wrote:

Also, recently, the City of Racine had put together a committee of local business people and people from the neighborhood. The committee was referred to as a Neighborhood Work Group. This committee came up with some recommendations as to what should be built on the site. The findings were that a business such as a gas station and a tattoo parlor were unacceptable/undesirable uses. Preferred uses include a full service grocery, and a table service restaurant.

Let's keep West Racine as a special area. A gas station will not be a destination business, nor will it be a business that will compliment West Racine.

Lost in this email is that Tousis is proposing a grocery store and restaurant, as well as a gas station. But Tousis's proposal is stuck with entrenched beliefs and hurt feelings.

It's now going around that Tousis' team didn't fill out the proper paperwork when submitting its plans to the RDA. Tousis disagrees, but let's assume it's true. If the fate of a $5 million development - that's $1.5 million more than the much celebrated $3.5 million "Treasures" warehouse proposed for the Southside industrial park - hinged on paperwork, you'd think someone would go out of their way to help the developer get things straightened out.

Maybe that's happening here. But the RDA is going on its third month of discussing Tousis's request for an option, and this is far from the last step for the project. It still needs to pass the Plan Commission, Access Corridor Review (which Spangenberg sits on) and needs a liquor license from the Public Safety and Licensing Committee, plus full City Council approval.

If every step takes three meetings, it could take Tousis another year to get a shovel in the ground. It raises questions of whether Racine is developer friendly, and what could be done to streamline the approval process for new construction.


  1. Tousis (and his "PR GUY" Zac Williams) got a lot of proponents fired up and failed to control the message. Many of his supporters made extraordinarily negative comments about an alderman who will influence his fate. Not smart. He wants free land and free hookups and many other demands. Negotiations continue. Tousis is no angel. Assuming it doesn't break the bank, Spangenberg should get this though, even if that means we get a much reviled gas station. The stakes are high and in the end we all could lose this poker game.

  2. "The proposal is supported by surrounding residents, fits the long-range business plan for the neighborhood and appears to have the support of the mayor and several City Council members. It now just needs city approval to allow the developer, who has a solid track record on construction projects, to proceed."

    The post should really list this as what it is an editorial or perhaps a paid ad. It is NOT news

  3. Approve it and get on with it. We could use fewer alderman if they didn't have to dink around with every proposal months on end.

  4. Last time I checked, there's an abandoned BP gas station a number of blocks up from this site, on Washington Avenue, in West Racine. Yeah, what a destination! Another empty storefront in West Racine. Did that BP bring new, thriving business into the area? No.



  5. If the gas station goes bust as so many do (just look up the road) will the City of Racine get to pay for that clean up?

  6. a gas station to attract buisness? i know i won't be driving across town just for gas. wouldn't a decent restaurant and store do that?

  7. This is an editorial in favor of the project. You should have the professionalism to label it as such.

  8. I mean, if you are a "news source." If this is just Dustin and Pete's blog, OK, but please clarify the matter.

  9. Take Spangenberg and his old buddy Hinsman and run them out of West Racine to an old peoples home. I've been a home owner in West Racine for almost 35 years and we need something on that corner and Tousis is willing to give us what we want!

  10. Hinsman is a whiner. Spangenberg has a vested interest in the outcome and should be excluded from the decision making process, other than providing input like any other West Racine business owner. This is a good project that will benefit the area. It is time to get it going. Most residents that I have talked with are supportive!

  11. Pizzaman

    I know Slot Machines! What else is worth all the money he is dumping on this.
    Gas makes little money, fast food make little money, Stop and robs make little money what makes lots of cash slot machines!
    New name for West Racine, Vegas of the North!
    He I think could have up to 15 slot machines all cash business. Some say Tom will not do that. I think he needs to put that in writing

  12. I'm not entirely sold on the project, but I do favor anything that will bring jobs to Racine. It's odd to see officials getting excited about one project that will create jobs, and then wring their hands about another.

    Orbs- The news here is the RDA is meeting tomorrow. If they put off a decision again, it will be three straight meetings they've delayed action on Tousis's proposal. After seeing how the RDA sent away developer Brent Oglesby, there are legitimate questions about how the city handles proposed new developments.

    Lastly, Hinsman's letter in the JT distorts the issue. Yes, Tousis wants to build a gas station. But he also wants to build a grocery store and restaurant - the very things Hinsman himself says the city needs. It's hard to let that slide, even if it's just in a letter to the editor.

  13. "But he also wants to build a grocery store and restaurant -"

    Do the math those business are hard to make money on. IMHO its all about the cash to be made in slot machines.

    Read pay out see how much money one could make.

  14. Dustin, you don't have to justify what you think is newsworthy it's your website. A lot of people in West Racine think it's very important.

    "The Great and Powerful Orbs"and his friends would criticize no matter what you and Pete reported.

    Anon 10:52 made an interesting comment about message control from the Tousis side. They played their hand badly and polarized the debate. Spangenberg also should have seemed more open and squandered his credibility as a business owner and neighbor and came off as a know-it-all.

  15. The story is newsworthy, yes, but contains comments like the project is a "no brainer" for the city and opponents have a "one-track mind." I believe that Dustin responded because he still has some journalistic integrity. If Pete had written the story, I wouldn't even bother to comment.

    I have my own opinion of Mr. Tousis, but I have stated repeatedly that I do not live in West Racine and therefore should have no say in the matter. I am commenting on the manner in which the story is written, not on the subject matter.

  16. You should hide your writing style12/01/2009 12:22 PM

    Anon 10:52 is Monte Osterman.

  17. Monte, I mean anon 10:52, does your sugar daddy AKA Mayor Dickert, know that you are busy blogging about city dealings while he leaves you home alone when he's busy at work?

  18. Hey Hinsman - didn't there use to me a gas station on Washington and Blaine? So what's your beef!

  19. Dick, you are old enough remember that there also used to be a gas station next to Derango's on Washington & West. Why don't you buy it and make it what ever you want.

  20. Anon 1:08 I don't think there was a station at Washington and West, the old North Shore tracks were there.

  21. Wright Ave for life12/01/2009 1:13 PM

    What is fact and what is fiction?

    I have been able to attend a few of the meetings regarding this project and don't see the big deal with the gas pumps! (Heck I buy gas) I have seen Mr. Spangenburg verbally attack a young ladies character at a church. I have heard Mr. Hinsmann speack as if he lives in his building on West Blvd.. All in an attempt, to what I believe is to discourage Mr. Tousis from moving on.

    I have lived in my home on Wright Ave for 61 years, I purchased the home from my mother 10 years ago when she fell ill and stayed with her until she passed. I have no intentions of leaving West Racine, I was raised here I will grow old here. That all being said as Mr. Hinsmann may know or not know at one time not so long ago we had 4 Gas Stations/Service Stations in our neighborhood. I believe all of which were operating while he was building and operating in West Racine.

    Many of the resident such as myself that support this project feel all of West Racine should be heard on this issue. Does a business owner have more say than a homeowner? Are we going to let a viable development slip away because it does not satisfy 100% of the people? To the business owners that do not reside in our neighborhood please let us be heard and don't attempt to speak on our behalf!

  22. I'm not from West Racine, but this sounds like a going venture. I don't know why it should be stopped. An entrepreneur is willing to risk his money on a business that many neighbors say they want, and one that will provide at least a modicum of jobs in a depressed economy. So, what's the problem here?

  23. Do you mean that Hinsman has been making all this up? Why would he do something like this? If he built in West Racine while some of these station were open, he is a blatant liar. It is sad that Dick would make such an ill effort to stop a businessman to expand in his hometown. Dick you should be ashamed of yourself! Your actions and words are dispicable.

  24. Business owners do not have more say than others. Mr. Spangenberg has a business and he lives one block from the proposal. The residents have been heard and heeded. Most don't want the gas station, but will tolerate it for the sake of the rest of it. Tousis has made many demands and some concessions and has stated he may move forward even if the gas is disallowed. I, for one, am glad the city is being cautious. I want the project to be built AND prefer no gas. Maybe those 4 gas stations closed because the market changed. We used to have a train through West Racine too, but no one is suggesting we rebuild that on the North Shore tracks. Don't care if we had 4 at one time, don't want one now.

  25. How can I sign up to be a troll on this?

  26. Anon 1:30, How can you say that most residents dont want the gas station i signed a pettition about 6 months ago and it seemed to me many are for the pumps?

  27. If Dick is such a real estate expert. He should not have built next to a bunch buildings that had tatoo parlors and drug addicts living upstairs. Maybe he built there because the land was cheap because of its location.

  28. I can say that because the petition 6 mos ago was paid for by Tousis and conducted by a woman who opposed the 55 unit housing development. When asked isn't a grocery store and restaurant (oh, and a gas station)better than way too many housing units, of course you signed right up. Since then, few say they WANT a gas station, many say it isn't great but tolerable, and quite a few say "No way!" Your information is biased and dated. I've been to all the meetings since you signed.

  29. Is this really a grocery store or a convenience store(like those so often associated with a gas station)? How will officials make the distinction?

  30. The land was cheap for Hinsman, it was the old North Shore right-away.

  31. It is a real grocery store. It is much larger than any convenience store would be. If you look at the previous article in the Racine Post the supplier is going to be a grocery store supplier:

    The article also talks about how it is a trend in the industry to build smaller neighborhood style grocery stores (10-15k square feet) and stores with fuel pumps attached.

  32. Tousis is not asking the city to subsidize his operation like some developers. Other than a few West Racine home owners, most are supportive of the entire project. It is time to move on and address bigger issues the city is facing.

  33. We should give him free rent too.

  34. He's asked for lots more than free rent. When his requests come to light, I wonder if he will be seen as the alter boy he is portrayed to be.

  35. Dustin- You mention that the mayor supports this project. Are you sure about that? It seems with all the delays he is not. Did you hear it from him or someone else?

  36. Mike from West Racine12/01/2009 3:11 PM

    Anon 2:05,

    I also have been to all of the meetings, and you need to get a few facts straight:
    1. The petitions were not paid for by Mr. Tousis (ok he paid for the ink to print them) I can say that because I and two others were distributing them, we were not paid or promised any monetary reimbursement we did it because we feel the project is good for the area. As far as conducted by a woman that was opposed to the 55 unit once again you are wrong, as it was conducted by those mentioned above.
    2. I continue to discuss this project with residents of West Racine (my neighbors and yours) and gas pumps are not a major concern. Yes some people think that we should leave it green space, create a park, or plant gardens. Myself along with 300 residents of west racine want gas not a garden.
    3.You make it seem that when we presented the petitions we gave people a choice of Low Income Housing or a Grocery store. That is far from the truth we made it very clear to all by showing them the plans and discussing it in detail if needed before signatures were gathered.

    You have accused a blogger of being biased, is it biased to have or form your own opinion? From what I have read that individual was seemingly for this project 100% and because you are not, you are attempting to chastise him or her, Why is that?

    Anon 2:05, you and I are on different side of this issue, but I can say that I greatly respect your opinion, I just wish you and the three others that oppose it would respect mine.

  37. We may be talking about more than one poll then because the woman I am referring to mentioned publicly she conducted the survey and that she was recruited by Tousis due to her opposition to the 55 units. In speaking to multiple neighbors who spoke to her on their front porch, when they found out the rest of what she failed to mention, their opinion changed. Once they learned the details of hours, all night pumps, etc it wasn't as advertised. That may have changed again since then.

  38. West Racinian12/01/2009 4:14 PM

    I do not know what you signed, but the woman who put the petition in front of me had the project printed on the back and a list of questions with the aspects of the project (do you want a grocery store, restaurant, fuel pumps, bank, etc).







  40. Jim's People12/01/2009 5:13 PM

    Mr. Tousis does not stand a chance in hell to get that corner. I know for sure and have been talkign to a very high up city politician every sunday. The officals that run this city are already having their mind made up it will never happen. Maybe if Tom would become a Christian and practice our believes then he would be successfful and be wanted in this strong christian part of the city.I also thank our alderman for trying to stop a bunch of illegal alliens from trying to open a "christian church" in our neighborhood. First they must understand that they must follow our American laws and get out of our country and aplie to come here legally than they can open their "church" in our neighborhood.

  41. Dustin,
    Can you or Pete hunt this wak-job Jims People down and break their fingers to stop them from posting? If it is a legal issue find out who they are and I will do it!

  42. Jim's People12/01/2009 5:33 PM

    Anonymous 5:17- Your just one of them and Jesus is watching.

  43. peopleperson12/01/2009 6:08 PM

    This IS America isn't it? Everyone has a right to their opionion. Yes i get that, however, we have property laws in place that were started just to cover these issues. Our zoning laws were in part created to address property owners both residential and commercial concerns over neighboring properties infringing on their property rights or devalueing their properties. Thus zoning laws set property aside for certain uses. If in fact a proposal for a property is submitted, the developer should be subjected to complying with the zoning and conditional uses of that parcel per its zoning. When someone buys property and wants to improve it, they should only be restricted by the zoning and conditional uses set by laws. ITS MY LAND< THIS IS AMERICA> WOW!!!

  44. Peopleperson lay off the pipe!!!!

  45. I think an expanded convenience store and restaurant are good ideas for the space, however I am against the gas station portion of the proposal.

    I have seen the Fresh and Easy and Wall Mart type convenience stores on the East Cost and I think they are great ideas, especially in areas that are not large enough for a real grocery store, like a Pick N Save. They do carry more of a selection then a regular convenience store but it is far from a place you would go to for your weekly shopping and fill your cart up.

    Either way best of luck, looks like you're going to need it.

  46. I want a Keno game and high class hookers. If we are going Vegas lets go all the way.

  47. PeoplePerson12/01/2009 6:34 PM

    Anon 6:13
    What the heck does that mean?

    Why should you or anyone else tell someone what they can do with their own property? If the zoning laws, and occupancy requirements are met, that should be it. Now we are supposed to get the acceptance or every property owner in the area?
    Our fore fathers are turning in their graves.....

  48. Time 4 U 2 Retire12/01/2009 6:44 PM

    Anon 6:19 Then you must consider Steinhafel's furniture store a real furniture store not like the antique shop in West Racine. Maybe if the mayor gets a wood mulch company to come to Racine, they can recycle up all that ugly grandma furniture that's been parked forever in that worn out old storefront on Washington Ave. I am sure he's doing real well in today's economy. Let's let the old guys like Dick Hinsman and Spangenberg chase out all the young talent from Racine so when the old timers pass away there will be nobody left in Racine and then you will see a city with a financial crisis. Racine a great place to be from!

  49. How are the gas tanker trucks going to get on the property? Turn right of of hwy 20 on to West Blvd? Yea, right.

  50. People person, I think 6:13 would rather have the government run everything as opposed to the private sector. History shows us how that has worked out.

  51. Seriously, I think someone should go to Walgreen's, buy a set of crayola markers, a 1 ft. x 1 ft. piece of red card stock. They should tape it to a yard stick, and post the sign in the middle of that vacant West Racine lot, and not take it down until there's an actual development there. In winter, they should place a plastic baggy on it so it doesn't get wet, and shovel around it so snow doesn't build up on it. They can run an electrical cord over from a nearby business and set up one of those nine dollar shop lights near the sign so everyone can see it at night. And the word on that sign will be:


  52. 9:26

    And all,started because of Garry Becker and the lap dogs on council. Now we have Dickert and most of the same lap dogs.

  53. There have been heavy handed comments for and against this project. I personally don't live in the neighborhood, but I was a customer of Mr. Tousis in the past, and I do live near his Douglas Ave. location.

    If Mr. T really wants to show he's serious, why can't he submit an alternate plan without the gas station to prove he's serious about the other parts of his plan?

    I don't think that it will happen because Mr. T wants it his way or no way at all. Proponents of his plan claim a lot of things, just as opponents do. We will never have the real story on these 'facts' as there are no real clear indicators anymore.

    (I happen to know several business owners in the area that aren't Alderman Spangenberg and they are against it as well, but as an opponent of this plan, that statement would be flagged as false by supporters, thus making my point)

    The BP up the road has had a lot of activity as of late, so it looks like it may re-open soon.

    My main problem with Mr. T mainly deals with his business practices, which, in my 'old fogie' frame of mind, are poor. But this frame of mind is useless in today's capitalistic society, and my complaints are viewed as outdated and invalid, especially by the JT editorial staff.

    It seems like Mr. T wants the city to work for him, and refuses to budge to help himself. But that is my opinion and not that of the Post.

    (and yes, this is an opinion piece that does directly attack Ald. Spangenberg for his opposition.)

  54. Spangenberg and his friend Hinsman are small minded individuals that make judgements against people without judging themselves. In all reality, what have they done for West Racine? Jim Spangenberg inherited a furniture business from his fathere and what does he have half a century later? A furniture business that sells the same old products and the same building that could use a remodeling and for sure, a paint job. He has rested on his laurels his whole life and is greatly criticizing Tom for doing the opposite. Maybe it is time for some to head to a Sunny Acres retirement center to make room for the next generation to improvise, create and hopefully pay some taxes so we can fund the latter years of care for the previously mentioned. Without creation of new, there will be nobody to care for the old. So please make room for the young to create, for that is just the natural cycle of life.

    Tom, I wish you well and can honestly say that Racine could use more young vigor to take us where we need it to go.

  55. 12:44

    Tom should try his luck in Vegas, more his type of town.
    West Racine is too small for a man of his vision.

  56. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  57. Vegas? It has one of the highest foreclosure rates in the country as well as a new $11B CityCenter (a near bankrupt project between Dubai World and MGM) set to open this month. And you think Tom should go there? You seemed like a supporter?

    As for the guy who hasn't noticed a store after 18 years of driving by: Someone as unaware as you should drive passed the voting booth too. If you are that clueless, please don't vote nor blog.

  58. Dick Hinsman is a liar. I think that Dick's car burns potatoes from the farmer's market for fuel. Old hypocrite.

  59. Leave aside the personal attacks all the way around and lets focus on the simple matter at hand.
    1. A business man wants to develop a 5 million dollar project in an oppressed neighborhood in a oppressed city.
    2. He is willing to invest his own money without asking the tax payers to fund his business.
    3. The majority of the neighborhood is willing to tolerate the gas station to get the rest of the project they do want.
    4. Unemployment is at a staggering 17 percent in the city of Racine and this new business will bring jobs to the neighborhood.
    5. The property is not collecting taxes while our home taxes continue to increase. Thanks Dick.
    6. Having an opinion of how some one should spend their money is usually given by those who don't have any of their own. There are reasons for that.
    7. Free enterprise and Capitalism is why this country has grown and lasted 233 years. I would like to see it last another 233 years by keeping government that has many more failures than success's with the private sector to refrain from destroying another business.
    Racine can't afford a local government that feels a need to control private sector in order to build their self-esteem.

  60. Anon 11:41, what planet have you been on? It has been stated several times that Tom has said there will be no gambling machines in the project. He was asked this question outright at the meeting for West Racine residences a couple of months ago. Also, article after article have made it clear, it is not a fast food restaurant, it is a sit-down table restaurant. Also, article after article have made it clear, it is not a convenience store, it is a regular grocery store with meats and produce.

    To you others, of course the gas station is not a "destination" business. I don't know of one that is anywhere on the planet, unless it provides benefits other than just gas. Would I drive across town to buy gas there? I think not. Would I drive across town to eat at the restaurant? Probably, and then I'd take advantage of the fact that I can gas up while I'm there.

    At the meeting for the neighborhood at the church, Spangenberg showed everyone just what a complete idiot he is. He lamblasted the entire audience over he and (he says) his family being threatened, and stated that he knew who was doing it. So, instead of screaming at everyone in the church about it, why doesn't he go confront the one he thinks is doing it? Then he made one short statement that he was against the gas station; but he offered absolutely no explanation for the remark. Just like Dickert, Spangenberg should be SO fired in the next election.

  61. In addition:

    Let's see, first it has to get by the Racine Development Authority, then, "It still needs to pass the Plan Commission, Access Corridor Review ... the Public Safety and Licensing Committee, plus full City Council approval."

    Folks, I think we have too damned many councils, boards, commissions and authorities to get anything passed in this city. No wonder nothing gets done except the approval for more and more bars.

    We need to clean house at City Hall in the next election, from the joke posing as the mayor all the way down to the jokes posing as aldermen and any other elected official. Then, review all of these boards and combine the ones we need and eliminate the ones we don't. This government needs streamlining and with aldermen and council members that listen to what the majority of the citizens tell them and then to act on that.

  62. ...and where is all this type of scrutiny on the used tire recycling place that our Mayor wants so bad? This is across the street from homes, stores waste, noise, etc.

  63. Watching Graham12/02/2009 11:02 AM

    hey grahm cracker put you money where your big mouth is and run! My prediction-incumbent alderman are swept into office unopposed.

  64. The mayor wasn't unopposed. I think there was 11 candidates and Dickert was elected. Complain all you want, that is what the people wanted. If you don't like that, be the first to file papers to run. You won't see it here, but Spangenberg remains popular with his constituents.

  65. 11:17

    I do hope that we have many file and run, if Dickert gets back in we will have only us to blame

  66. That's why Spangenberg couldn't even take his district when he ran for mayor, because he's so popular with his constituents. I believe he came in third. The truth is very painful for mentally ill people. A good script from a doctor might help him out.

  67. Less than 20% of the electorate votes. If we have a lot of candidates running again, it will just water down the opposition. We need a strong independent who cares about the people of Racine more than political affiliations, cronies, and greedy developers and corporations. Most likely, though, we'll just get the same old oinkers again.

    Party on!

  68. Orbscorbs, you seem to hate everything and every public servant we have. Why don't you take your own advice and run? Do you want to be part of the solution or continue to disrespect every one with the courage to stand up and try, even when it is unpopular to do so?

  69. Orbs, Graham, and all you other hot headed jerks - time to sack up and run for office.

  70. 10 year plan.

  71. Spangenberg is nothing but a spoiled little child in his sixties. He was a spoiled brat as a kid and spoiled rat as an adult.
