
December 1, 2009

American Tire and Recycling seeking subsidies from two governments

American Tire and Recycling has a busy week.

The company has meetings with governments on opposite ends of the state - including a Racine city committee - to discuss economic incentives to bring jobs to the communities.

American Tire officials will meet with the City of Niagara tonight to discuss leasing a portion of a former paper plant. Niagara is located on the border of Michigan and Wisconsin.

The company will then have business before Racine's Redevelopment Authority on Wednesday. The RDA will consider a rent subsidy to help the company open at 2301 S. Memorial Drive. The subsidy is expected to be about $40,000.

In June, American Recycling & Tire received a $200,000 loan from Marinette County to start its recycling program.


  1. The company is obviously a "Bottom Feeder" Why not start our own, municipally owned, recycling company?

  2. Actually, it seems like this company is an "up-and-comer." They're aggressively expanding at a time when everyone else is contracting.

  3. And crowed souring gave The Post the story.
    IMHO ATR is a scam I wonder how much this will cost Racine WI?

  4. This happens all the time. The company is playing two communities against each other in order to get the best deal possible. There are plans to expand in only one city.

    Will Racine up the incentives with more money or will the recycling company expand in Niagra?

  5. That's not the case. It appears the company is expanding in both communities.

  6. Racine should be the highest bidder for this company. We have money to burn and a mayor with a gas can and a Zippo.

  7. And one phone call from Obama!

  8. 11:29 - You are an idiot. Do you want your taxes increased to cover the intial capital and then operating expenses?

  9. How does a company that does not have the money to buy a building nor pay rent have the ability to expand in two cities. I doubt it, they are seeing which gives the better deal.

  10. Jeremy Motiff12/01/2009 4:28 PM

    One has to wonder, as a taxpayer, if giving money to companies involved in this industry is justifiable. Why? 1. ATR charges customers for the tires comming in and the fuel customer(the Niagra Plant)for the tires going out, which will give them plenty of revenue fast. 2. In the area market there are already other qualified and licensed tire recycling and processing companies in operation that are not at full capacity, and giving government monies to ATR allows them to go out and undercut all the existing companies rates. I just can't see the viability of subsidised industry in the open market that we Americans have fought so hard to sustain. As a producer of old tires, I have been approached by this company with rates that didn't make sense until reading more about their approash to obtaining other revenue streams... to bad one of their streams seems to be all of us taxpayers..... As much as I hate to agree with someone who won't state their name, annonymous must have worked in the waste industry because some of the observations are dead-on.

  11. Remove and Recycle Dickert12/01/2009 8:09 PM

    Would you expect anything different from the Dickert vetting team?

  12. I posted this earlier under the previous headline concerning this company:

    "This is getting out of hand. If this company can't afford to open its business here, how in the heak are they going to afford to pay the salaries, benefits and taxes necessary to operate? There's a big difference between offering tax incentives to lure a business here and (outright) paying for its setup and operating expenses. This is stupid. How much in taxpayer dollars is it going to cost for these 88 jobs? ... Why can't this company afford to pay its own setup and operating expenses. CITY COUNCIL, QUIT SPENDING MONEY WE HAVEN'T GOT ! ! ! !"

    It is not the place of government to spend taxpayer dollars to subsidize a businesses operating expenses, no matter how many jobs it is bringing to the community. Here's Dickert and his cronies handing a "bail-out" to a company that doesn't even exist yet! Maybe we can invent a new term here; let's call it "bail-in." Dickert, you are SO fired!

  13. Better get here qiuck wisconsin is right behind calfornia in DEPT!Maybe they want this company here to employ all the city workers that will lose there jobs soon.

  14. We need money to come here, we're going to hire some people, we need more money to hire more people, we need more money to keep the people we hired and to hire more people, see ya.
