
March 27, 2009

What others are saying about us...

We're not sure whether to get angry or not, after noticing today that we're the lead story on Milwaukee Decider's website.

Here's the gist of their coverage:
Racine is a dirty little metropolis where the pizza is cheap.
Wait. It gets worse, as they review our most esteemed pizzerias:
The decor is decidedly no-frills, and the waitresses are heavily hairsprayed and embittered. Since you might not head to Racine for any other reason...
Ah, but then Decider gets to the meat (and cheese) of their review, and well, it's almost dinnertime and we'd better get to our favorite pizzeria early to beat the out-of-towners...

(Feel free to fill the comments with your own pizzeria reviews.)


  1. Well, I am from Chicago. I wouldn't go to Milwaukee or Racine for good pizza. The best one I have found is the Pizza Chef on main St. (although, it is hit or miss with them) What does Milwaukee have to be snobby about? The few times I have eaten there I could have been in Racine. (no difference)

  2. I grew up on pizza from the old DeRango's on High St. Now it's called Chubbies, but the pizza is still great. (However, they recently stopped the Racine tradition of cutting it into little squares and have opted for the pie-like slices - which doesn't work very well with the vast amounts of cheese they pile on the pizza.)

    Salute's downtown also has a great pizza.

  3. Know what my favorite pizza in Racine is? The one that's in front of me. They're ALL good-

  4. Good now maybe they will stay home and we can forget that stadium tax. Their only taste is in their mouth.

  5. Da Pizza Chef is pretty good.

    Try it with jalapenos.

  6. Chicago native moved to Racine, found the best thin crust pizza in Racine. Wells Brother's by far is the best that I have ever had.

  7. Racine IS a dirty little metropolis. I'm still searching for a decent pizza. They all think i'm nuts when i say "no red sauce please".

  8. I'm from the east coast and lived in Chicago for a while. When we moved here we heard that Wells Brothers pizza was next to Nirvana and the hype only increased. We went and quite honestly wished we had asked for the side order of taste. It wasn't bad, it just wasn't good either. The restaurants in Racine are truly pathetic, with the exception of Waves but that litle place gets so smoky (hint) that we avoid it as well. At least the older folks who own Salutes are nice -

  9. I would have to agree, Racine IS a dirty little metropolis....With crooked politicians from the alder persons on up.

  10. if you want a good pizza with no red sauce, go to bueno vita on durand! the best no sauce pizza ever!!

  11. racine is a craphole
    but for pizza get infusino's

  12. I have lived in Racine my whole life. I would say that my favorite pizza would be Well's Brothers. I love their crispy crust.

  13. Wells Brothers is the best by far..I heard the food network is interested in them.

  14. I have a problem with taking any publication seriously who's homepage shows a mock newspaper headline exclaiming, "Holy Sh*t! Man Walks On F**king Moon!" (without the asterisks). It's a cycling ad so you may have to wait a bit to see it. They are pathetic.

    Agreed, Racine is a dirty little hole (politically), and both Dickert and Turner are going to make it even moreso (the word on the street being that Dickert was fired from a real estate sales position for ethics violations and Turner being a totally ineffective government drone interested only in two paychecks, two pensions and who needs an interpreter to make a speach), but the Decider is slamming every resident of the city. I think the Racine population should boycott the Decider and flood them with negative e-mail.

  15. Apparently their writer doesn't realize that while DeRango's is not a chain, all of the owners are related.

  16. The best pizza in Racine is Wells Brothers. Also, as for Racine being a diry little metropolis, every city in the north is one!
