
March 27, 2009

Flynn runs as write-in for Caledonia Village Trustee

Caledonia resident Patrick Flynn today announced a write-in candidacy for Village Board of Trustee Seat 1.

“After watching the Caledonia Village Board’s interaction with the community over the last few months, I felt I could have a significant impact by becoming a member of the board” said Flynn. “I decided to run because I think we are headed down the wrong path. We need to limit our commercial and residential growth to maintain the quality of life that so many residents currently enjoy. We need to be more self-sustainable and help make sure our community continues to be a great place to live and raise a family.”

Flynn has been involved in franchise development for most of his career, helping hundreds start their own businesses. He is also the owner of AD-vantage Promotions, which provides custom corporate apparel, and franchise consulting services.

Since becoming a village, Caledonia’s elected officials have been focused on developing commercial growth in the community, Flynn says, adding that he wants to be a part of insuring that the village maintains an adequate balance of growth and development along with a high quality of life.

“We need to look at alternative ways to make our community more self-sustainable. The days of large commercial developments are gone. If we continue to focus on that, we are headed down the wrong path. We need less government, less overhead, and more self-sustainable efforts to make sure that our community can live within its own means. Families won’t be able to afford to live here if we don’t make efforts to lower property taxes,” Flynn said.

Flynn wants to preserve Caledonia's rural setting for future generations. “We live along the Root River in a very country-like setting. I would hate this to be destroyed by excessive commercial and residential development. There are numerous areas in Caledonia we need to preserve and protect and I do not believe our current board has that same vision.”

“I have a very difficult task ahead of me. No one has ever won an election as a “write-in” candidate. But if I can get the current board to change their way of thinking, just a little bit, then the effort is worth it, win or lose.” he said.

Flynn is a member of Young Professionals of Racine, St. Paul’s Catholic Church and the Franchise Brokers Association. He and his wife, Mindy, have two children Katelyn 15, Collin 11.

Flynn is running against Kathy Burton.


  1. Chickens are not a reason to be on the Village Board. Anyone really interested in serving the community would have filed the proper paperwork at the beginning of the process and actually run for office. This is the "chicken" way out of running for office.

  2. Submitted by: Patrick Flynn

    The Chicken Ordinance is what exposed me to the problems with our current Village Board. It is not the "Reason" for running.

    I decided to run for trustee because politics as usual just isn't good enough anymore. I feel it is time for change. I decided if I was unhappy about how things were being done and how decisions were being made in my community, I needed to be active and try to bring change, and one of the ways to do that is to run for office.

    By the time I discovered Stacey was not running again and there was no opposition to Kathy Burton, (Who seems to have the same views as some of our current leaders) it was too late to file nomination papers.

    The only alternative was to file as a write-in candidate or wait another year. However I would have no reason to run against the incumbents in 2010 as I currently endorse them.

    I do have reason to run 2009 as I believe I am a better choice and I can make a difference. I bring a different perspective on how a community can sustain itself, fresh ideas and a business background. If nothing else I will set my self up to run again should one of our current board members decide not run in 2010.

    It will be next to impossible to win this election as a "write-in". It has NEVER been done before. But if it helps expose some of the problems in our community and it allows me to demonstrate ways we can become more self-sustainable as a community, then it is a "win" no matter what happens.

    Please review my complete profile at for more details

  3. Hey Anonymous- isn't it kind of ironic that your bashing someone for taking the "chicken" way out, yet you won't sign your name?

    And since I'm not accusing Mr. Flynn of being a chicken, I will remain anonymous myself....


  4. I stand 100% behind Mr. Flynn run for office. a write in is just as good as anything else.
    8:26 is just worried that the Caledonia Good old boys club is going down

  5. I am writing this comment with full disclosure that I am Kathy Burton’s husband, and by the way very proud to be her husband. Kathy got involved in Caledonia politics about 3 years ago. She has been to countless board meetings and has an attendance record better than some of our trustees.

    Kathy has made it a point to meet with various departments and members of the community in an effort to understand the issues that Caledonia faces. She’s concerned about Caledonia’s projected budget shortfall and its financial future. She understands the need to establish commercial development to help the citizens of Caledonia stave off huge tax increases, and provide job opportunities for our community; while protecting the open space areas designated in the Land Use Plan (The Land Use Plan that cost Caledonia hundreds of thousands of dollars, a lot of time to develop, and adopted by the Village years ago). Aside from the meetings she attends, she has been appointed by the Village Board to serve as a member on Caledonia’s Open Space Management Oversight Committee, and as a citizen she has attended meetings and is a member of Caledonia’s School District Steering Committee.

    Kathy understands what it means to be a “public” servant. Public service is not one issue. Its not attending the 2 or 3 meetings that contain “Your” issue. (By the way, I attended one of the meetings that you abruptly left after the Board addressed your issue. You didn’t even care enough to stay and listen to the other issues on the agenda. Now you want us to believe that you suddenly care about all of Caledonia’s issues?!)

    If you were truly involved, you would have known that Mr. Stacey was not running. Kathy had no problem turning in her paperwork and the maximum 100 signatures to run her race (20 required). Please do not cheapen the hard work and dedication that it takes to be a true public servant with your “personal agenda”.

    No matter how you may respond to this comment, I would like all of Caledonia to know that Kathy respects the work that the board members have to face and the burden of how the decisions that they/she will make affect EVERY citizen of this village. “Actions speak louder than words”, and Kathy’s actions have proven her devotion and passion for “public” not “personal” service.

    Joel Burton

  6. Perhaps some of Caledonia good old boys are women

  7. Submitted by : Patrick Flynn

    Mr. Burton, I value your opinions. Should she win, please recognize that there are many ways to reduce our budget and manage the Village. Please have an open mind and look at alternative ways to reduce expenses and maintain our rural setting.

    Perhaps if our Village board embraced our rural character rather than trying to commercialize what we hold so dear, they will find we can keep taxes down through alternative methods. It's time to march to the beat of a different drummer.

    Good Luck.

  8. Mr. Burton, maybe Mr. Flynn left the meeting abruptly to work at the soup kitchen or to mentor a child in algebra or help with Habitat for Humanity. Your unfair assumption is that Mr. Flynn doesn't care about anything else. I applaud your wife's attendance at meetings and her effort to contribute to her community, but has any of that resulted in savings for the town? Attendance is one thing, results are another. You seem put out that your wife must withstand the scrutiny of democracy and annoying tradition of American competition. She's the incumbent, tell us what she's achieved....

  9. Carol in Caledonia3/28/2009 11:00 PM

    To Anon 8:21,

    Mrs. Burton is NOT an incumbent. Mr. Stacey is the incumbent that decided not to run. Kathy Burton is an involved citizen that did the work to run for Mr. Stacey's open seat.

    To Mr. Flynn,

    You stated in your post, "We need to look at alternative ways to make our community more self-sustainable. The days of large commercial developments are gone. If we continue to focus on that, we are headed down the wrong path. We need less government, less overhead, and more self-sustainable efforts to make sure that our community can live within its own means.Families won't be able to afford to live here if we don't make efforts to lower property taxes."

    With our Village in dire financial straits, how exactly do you intend to accomplish this? I'm looking for specifics here, not feel-good wishful dreams. Could you please elaborate?

  10. Carol - I posted a few thoughts on, but I will be happy to share more with you.

    Could you ask Kathy to do the same?


  11. From Patrick Flynn: (In response to question above...)

    My candidacy would be focused on working toward economic and ecological sustainability for Caledonia.

    I would like to see us create a sustainability or environmental management offices that will supervise everything from climate change policies and green building standards and renewable energy. This includes renewable energy generation (wind, solar, hydrogen, biomass, biogas, tidal, wave, etc.), distributed energy generation, small-scale hydroelectric energy, and energy transmission. Supply-side and demand-side programs, incentives and awareness campaigns. Energy efficiency programs, policies and incentives, education and awareness campaigns as they pertain to buildings and other sources of stationary energy use.

    Our community needs people who are willing to start the process and keep it going.

    The creation of a CALEDONIA Village Square:

    Mirrored after a community in Southlake Texas at 1400 Main St # 250, Southlake, TX‎ . This supports an abundance of local business centered around a new Village Hall & Civic Center.
    Live Search Maps

    In addition:
    Require all new homes to have southeast facing roof lines so they can take advantage of solar power or require new homes to incorporate some portion of solar, wind, and geo thermal technologies.

    Encourage the adoption of residential wind power on lots of 1 or more acres.

    Require new commercial properties to incorporate solar and wind as an additional source of energy

    Require all new construction to use AFCI circuit breakers: This will lessen the demand on our fire and police departments by helping prevent electrical fires.

    Consult with our fire departments and police departments to determine other steps that we can incorporate into future construction that will create less demands on our safety resources.

    Encourage more roundabouts at intersections - This requires no street lights and reduces the amount of fuels expended by vehicles. This helps reduces our demands on our electrical grid.

    Do an energy audit on all public buildings to determine what is the best way to reduce costs
    Invest in solar and wind on public buildings though grant programs and donations.

    Eliminate our community contribution to fossil fuel dependence and to wasteful use of scarce metals and minerals. Transit and pedestrian-oriented development; development heated and powered by renewable energy; alternatively fueled municipal fleets; incentives for organic agriculture that minimize phosphorus and petrochemical fertilizers and herbicides.

    Eliminate our communities contribution to dependence upon persistent chemical and wasteful use of synthetic substances. Healthy building design and construction that reduces or eliminates use of toxic building materials; landscape design and park maintenance that uses alternatives to chemical pesticides and herbicides; municipal purchasing guidelines that encourage low- or non-chemical product use.

    Eliminate our communities contribution to encroachment upon nature (e.g., land, water, wildlife, forest, soil, ecosystems). Redevelopment of existing sites and buildings before building new ones; open space, forest and habitat preservation; reduced water use and recycling of wash water.
    Meet human needs fairly and efficiently. Affordable housing for a diversity of residents; locally based business and food production; using waste as a resource; eco-industrial development; participatory community planning and decision making.

    Focus on local food system development, planning and incentives. Farmers markets, on-farm marketing, organic agriculture, biodynamic agriculture, community and school gardens, school and community nutrition, and urban-rural linkages are included, as are educational, awareness and outreach programs.

  12. I have known Kathy Burton for many years. She has been an upstanding citizen of Caledonia all her life.
    She is a very dedicated mother & hardworking individual. She deeply cares for this community & it's youth.
    She is aware of the issues in the community. I know she will do all that she can to ensure that our community stays strong.

  13. Michael Kroes3/29/2009 1:05 PM

    I'm suprised that Mr. Flynn did not pursue a candidacy through normal channels (i.e. the nomination process). Why not run against an incumbent if you have a point to make? I respect Mr. Flynn's descision to run as a write-in, but I'm more apt to vote for someone who stays on top of the situation and gets in via the normal nomination process.

  14. I think Mr Flynn has every right to run should he chose to.
    I think that Caledonia like Racine is run by a Good Old Boys club. That being said I think Mr. Flynn will not win due to his platform. This is Wisconsin not San Frasco

  15. Yes Colt, this is not SF, but if you always do what you always did, you will end up with the budget strains Caledonia and every other town in America has. If Mr. Flynn were able to implement a fraction of his ideas, wouldn't we (and our children!) be better off? I bet the Caledonia Conservancy movement agrees with his direction. (I am not affiliated with that group). Running as a write-in may be unorthodox, but didn't America just vote for change?

  16. Open response to Michael Kroes... I hope this brings light to your concern above. I had to take a step back after reading your comments. Since when was a “Write-In” not considered normal? It has been part of the democratic process for as long as I can remember.

    You have always come across as a very intelligent person. I have to question your reasoning for voting for someone based simply on following what you consider a “normal” process. So many of us want change, but when someone comes along who is ready to do something different, people like yourself are afraid to make that step. If we take your approach it could discourage some very qualified people from running for office in the future. I’m happy this process exist, it allows people a choice and s completely “normal”. If you want Caledonia to stay on its current path, then a vote for Kathy will secure that for another two years. If you’re not happy, then maybe it’s time we try something new.

    Shouldn't Caledonia be allowed the freedom to have a choice? Why ridicule someone for stepping forward? Having been involved in the political process before, you should be encouraging people to serve this community regardless of how they go about doing it. When most would praise people for stepping forward to serve the community, you choose to do otherwise. Perhaps you would like to rethink your comment?

    You ask why I’m not running against an incumbent. For one, Bob Bradley is well qualified to be on the board and he is a personal friend. Two, Wanggard is probably the most valuable person on our Village Board. I may disagree with the decisions Wanggard makes from time to time, but that is no reason to try and unseat him. 3rd. He is an asset to our community. It would be an honor to serve beside him.

    It was only a week or two ago that I discovered Burton was running. I called Caledonia, Racine County and the Library in attempt to find out who was running for Trustee #1. That discovery process was very time consuming. No offense to Kathy, I’m sure she is a great person; I just felt that I was better qualified and that she would not bring anything new to our village board.

    I fully anticipated it would be a year before I would take a stab at serving on the Village board, but this appeared to be an opportune time. There is no reason she can’t continue to serve in the same capacity she is, but what real difference will she make to our community by serving on the board?

    I’m not the silver bullet that is going to turn things around, but serving on this board will provide me an opportunity to better our community and make a difference. If there is anyone out there that is not happy with the way our Village leaders are conducting themselves, there is still time to declare your candidacy as a “write-in”. If anyone out there thinks they can make a difference, I personally encourage you to join the process! I for one will not stand by and watch our community decay.

    At least I’m offering some fresh ideas.

  17. The America that voted for Obama is now waking up to what they got.
    Huge tax increases
    Coming Hyper Inflation
    Coming 10%+ Unemployment
    Much larger Government
    With Cap/trade huge increases in energy costs
    Civil unrest as the Middle Class starts the Tax Revolt

    Mind you I think Flynn has some good ideas and would be not one of the good old boys. That too is worth something.
    However some of his ideas are just nuts (not however the Chickens)

  18. Stop the Presses! Colt was wrong after talking to many folks of like mind as Colt.
    Colt now is of the belief that many of Flynn's ideas he (colt) thought was wrong is the right thing to do.
    Of course Colt still thinks that KRM is just wrong. Lt rail for people does not work

  19. I appreciate thatyou want to make Caledonia more energy efficient, Patrick. However, if we do not get any new businesses in this comunity, Caledonia will go Bankrupt. I am not saying I want it to look like the southside of Racine, but we do need more businesses for our tax base.
    Not to mention, where in your plan is there anything for our kids? I would like to see an ice skating rink or maybe a pool for this community. I really think you are wrong in saying Kathy is unqualified. Kathy has realistic goals & ideas. She is so different from Wendy McCalvy, Howard Stacey & the rest of the Board. Kathy has drive & dedication. Not to mention she is a mother with school age children. This community right now is younger & we all relate to her.

  20. Angie... Sorry it took so long for me to respond. But I had to go through my comments. I never said she was unqualified. I said I was more qualified. I think whe would be a fine representative for Caledonia, but all I know is that she is a good mother and good wife.

    You asked me to share my visoon, in return, I asked you to do the same with Kathy. Has she responded yet. Where is she putting the swimming pool?

  21. Sorry - A couple typos on there:
    CORRECTED VERSION and additional comments.

    Angie... Sorry it took so long for me to respond. But I had to go through my comments. I never said she was unqualified. I think she would be a fine representative for Caledonia, but all I know is that she is a good mother and good wife.

    You asked me to share my vision, in return, I asked you to do the same with Kathy. What exactly are her goals and ideas, how will she implement them? Where is she putting the swimming pool?


    While we are waiting for our economy to turn around, How much time, energy and money will Caledonia exhaust trying to attract industry to the community? How much of our tax payer money is she willing to spend before we attract a single business here and in this economy?

    How many 50 Million dollar companies will our board turn away because they don't like the way the design looks? Do you know about Camping World? They use the same design all over the country, and we wanted to tell them it was not appropriate for Caledonia. They were a perfect fit for us!

    We need to encourage Small and Medium business first, the larger ones will come over time. Go back and look at my profile at . You will see I do encourage business development. But not haphazardly. Take a look at what South Lake Texas did. Do you think something like this could attract business to the community?

    It could incorporate an indoor fitness facility and numerous other resources that I'm sure your kids would enjoy.

    The bottom line is there are a TON of things for our children to do here. A community swimming pool may sound nice, but it sure is not practical. We have an abundance of resources available to our kids now, and I'm sure we will have more.

    By the way... I too have children and we have no problem finding things for them to do. There is North Beach, Quarry Lake Park, Haban Field, Caledonia Sports, RASA, SEA-Y, Riverbend... do you want me to go on? Tell these kids to pick up a book for an hour a day, I'm sure you'll find ways to fill the rest. They might even want to try raising chickens!

  22. Michael Kroes3/29/2009 8:17 PM


    If you think that my comments were ridiculing you, then I'd have to conclude you are very sensitive. You've used my few statements of opinion as a basis for an infomercial of sorts (a mountain out of a mole hill). My comment regarding running against an incumbent was meant in the contest of "why wait to discover that an incumbent is not running prior to throwing your hat in the ring". If you were a supporter of Mr. Stacey and would not want to run against him, I understand where you are coming from. Otherwise, I think that a person that goes through the process (taht most people go through) of getting signatures to secure a nomination is, initially, "sticking their neck out a little more" versus someone that goes the write-in route. I do not (and never said I did) object to people going the write-in route. I never said that Caledonia should not have freedom of choice. The more candidates, the merrier. Choice is great! Please do not construe my statements as ridicule. In addition, I'd encourage you to not twist my words (or anyone else's) into something totally different for your benefit... then again, that is up to you. Good luck with your campaign.

  23. If Mr. Flynn really wanted to unseat the board members he disagreed with, then I'm not sure why he decided to run for an open seat when there are other incumbents up for election.

    He may not have known Mr. Stacey wasn't running again, but then what about Mr Wanggaard? If he were serious about unseating an opponent he disagreed with then why didn't he file papers to run against him? Mr. Wanggaard is currently running unopposed.

    Seems to me that there's some sort of agenda behind this sudden announcement. Mr Flynn would have known that Mrs. Burton was running unopposed by the first week of January, but he waited until the end of March to do anything. That doesn't make any sense.

    The truth is most candidates are recruited to run by someone else, someone involved in politics already. Mr Flynn, won't you tell us who encouraged you to run at such a late date, and against this specific candidate?

  24. FOR ANGIE -

    Do you know how much Caledonia spends annually to attract new business to the community?

    Do you have any idea how many businesses, and what type of businesses would have to move to Caledonia before they actually increase our tax base? Even if theses new businesses increase our tax base, we will have a cost involved to service them. At what point will the taxes generated exceed the cost to bring them here and service them.

    More business means more police, more fire, more inspectors.... it all comes at a cost.

    Here is an interesting FACT.... with all the development in Mt. Pleasant and the construction of subdivisions, why haven't they experienced lower taxes?

    We need to live within our means first. We need to prepare for the worst and plan for the best.

    It's time to change our way of thinking.... The old school of thought is no longer the right way to build a sustainable community.

    Are you voting for Kathy because she is the best choice for YOUR community, or are you voting for her just because you like her?

    Life is full of tough choices, sometimes voting for someone just because you like them or because they have passion to get involved, doesn't mean they are the better choice for our community. If you want to make an impact get involved, but for the sake of our community make the RIGHT choice because it is RIGHT for Caledonia, not because a person is your friend. Kathy could be the better choice, I just haven't seen anything that contradicts my thoughts... but you have time. Surprise Me!!!

  25. FOR MIKE - Believe me, I have the tougher battle here. Unless you know something I don't.

    Let me know what words I twisted, I would like to offer an apology to anyone that I misinterpreted. I'll start with you. But put yourself on the other side, How would you have interpreted the comments you made if the table was turned? Maybe I read too far into it, but it sounded like "bashing" the write-in candidate to me.

  26. Anonymous.... - see response stamped "3/29/2009 3:45 PM" - does this answer your questions?

  27. Patrick Flynn3/29/2009 8:53 PM

    FOR MIKE - I have 8 brothers and sisters, it tends to make a person pretty thick skinned. I can take a lot of ridicule before it gets under my skin.

  28. KROES... It sounded like bashing to me too, if that was not your intent why did you write it. Mr. Flynn was dead on on his interpretation.

  29. For Mr. Flynn -
    You are spending too much time campaigning on this blog. Go out and knock on some doors if you really want to get elected.

    As had already been stated, if you were an informed citizen, you would have known who was running and who was not. It seems to me that after you did not get your way with the Village Board, that you now see this as a way to advance your agenda. Voters are already seeing that you are a one-issue candidate.

    Could it be that the Caledonia Conservancy is courting you as a candidate now because they could not locate anyone else to run against Ms. Burton?

    Your good ol' boys charge is typical rhetoric that an outsider always utilizes.

    Your restrict development approach will do nothing to help this village diversify its tax base.

    I could go on, but then you might take these as personal attacks.

  30. Your good ol' boys charge is typical rhetoric that an outsider always utilizes.

    11:49 PM

    Thanks for proving my point.

    Note Colt is not Flynn

    Who is John Galt?

  31. To Anonymous: Or is it Burton? Once again, start from the top and work your way down.

    Never have I used the term: "good ol' boys". I also have a clear plan for moving forward but have yet to see something form Kathy.

    It's easy for people to twist my words and sling comments in this type of forum, I'm doing my best to work through those comments, including yours. I also don't expect everyone to agree with my proposals, but I do hope it provides food for thought. Perhaps you could stop using "Anonymous" and tell us who you really are?

    And as long as people are reading and entering questions on this blog, I'll continue to answer their questions. Communication is important to me. People have a right to know where I stand. You ask me to go door to door... that would be hypocritical for me to do. I don't want politicians knocking at my front door, so I will not do the same. I will however be happy to join any forum, public debate or online chat to discuss the issues.

    My vision is posted on

    Many of us are still waiting to hear what Kathy Burton has to say. What is her agenda? Now that you know where I stand, and if you really want to do what is right for Caledonia why don't you start asking Kathy Burton what she will do? I noticed she has been deleting questions from people on her personal blog. Why wont she answer them?

    Like I said in the beginning, if I can get our board to think about alternative ways of sustaining a community, I win no matter what happens... it appears that is happening.

    Let's stick with the issues and what is important. It does not matter how or who asked me to run, what is important is what is RIGHT for our village.

  32. For Colt: Thanks for the chuckle, I needed that.

  33. Your welcome, Mr Flynn.
    Best of luck in the Race

    Who is John Galt

  34. "It does not matter how or who asked me to run, what is important is what is RIGHT for our village."

    So someone did ask you to run? Because in your earlier statements you made it sound like it was your idea to run. It's important to know because it reveals your motives for running.

    So which is it? Did you decide to do this on your own or were you recruited?

  35. The decision to run was completely my own and influenced by many.

    I have no idea who you are, but perhaps this forum is not working for you. Would you like to get together for a cup of coffee? Maybe lunch? One on one, bring your friends, family, whoever. But let me share with you my thoughts and ideas and express them properly. You'll need to pay your own tab, but I am very happy to sit down and talk about your concerns. You are even welcome to my home. And your welcome to bring Kathy Burton along too. She is the most likely candidate to win and maybe some of my ideas will bounce onto her and stick.

    My personal eMail is:

  36. Patrick Flynn3/30/2009 11:00 AM

    Thus, the latest question, posed by blogger Colt: "who is John Galt?”

    John Galt, the central figure of Ayn Rand’s classic “Atlas Shrugged,” was a brilliant inventor who, along with other high-producing entrepreneurs like him, dropped out of society. Galt created “Galt’s Gulch,” a hidden place where he and other “strikers” began their own capitalist society. "Stopped the motor of the world," to starve out those who lived off their achievements.

    Perhaps the partisan politics we are dealing with now is really just a struggle between those of us who believe in productivity, personal responsibility, and keeping government interference to a minimum, and those who believe in the socialistic policies of taking from others, using the government as a watchdog, and rewarding those who overspend, underwork, or are just plain unproductive.


  38. Mr Flynn,
    When you state your canidacy, you should really site your sources. I don't think the Swedish Doctor Karl Hendrik Robert would appreciate it ( Neither would the website it has a copyright on the bottom. Nor would Dr.Helen Smith regarding John Galt.

  39. Good to see your doing some homework. I am a member of Sustainlane, I hope other members of our board go to that site, Join it and take advantage of their resources. That is exactly what they want you to do.

    I have no idea who is but I'll look it up, and the John Galt was in Response to Colt, and was found on Charles Sykes web site. It has nothing to do with my campaign by the way, I just looked it up as he asked the question.


    Limited Permitted Use of Information and Services.

    2.1. Unless otherwise specified on the Site, you may use the downloaded or printed Information solely for your own personal benefit and use.

  41. Here's the scoop people. I will no longer be responding to anyone who uses "Anonymous" to hide behind. If you want a response state your name.

    All other's bash away...

  42. Mr. Flynn,
    -It is not

    -Why didn't you say it was from Charle Sykes?

    -Regarding if they want you to go to their website then why not promote the website instead of cutting and pasting from it as though it is you own words and ideas. website
    it states:
    Limited Permitted Use of Information and Services.

    2.1.Unless otherwise specified on the Site, you may use the downloaded or printed Information solely for your own personal benefit and use. You must retain all trademark, copyright and other proprietary notices on downloaded or printed Information, and any such downloads or copies are subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement and shall remain the property of SustainableCircles and/or its licensors and/or suppliers (as further provided below). Although SustainableCircles may use the information and materials that you may submit to the Site, please note that SustainableCircles’ standard practice is to purge such information and materials within 1 year. You acknowledge and agree that SustainableCircles reserves the right to, and may, retain or delete such information at any time (whether before or after the end of such 1-year period), in its sole discretion.

  43. Oops I'm sorry...
    Mr. Flynn,
    -It is not

    -Why didn't you say it was from Charle Sykes?

    -Regarding if they want you to go to their website then why not promote the website instead of cutting and pasting from it as though it is you own words and ideas. website
    it states:
    Limited Permitted Use of Information and Services.

    2.1.Unless otherwise specified on the Site, you may use the downloaded or printed Information solely for your own personal benefit and use. You must retain all trademark, copyright and other proprietary notices on downloaded or printed Information, and any such downloads or copies are subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement and shall remain the property of SustainableCircles and/or its licensors and/or suppliers (as further provided below). Although SustainableCircles may use the information and materials that you may submit to the Site, please note that SustainableCircles’ standard practice is to purge such information and materials within 1 year. You acknowledge and agree that SustainableCircles reserves the right to, and may, retain or delete such information at any time (whether before or after the end of such 1-year period), in its sole discretion.

  44. One question...Are you Sales, Patrick Flynn or anonymous?
    You have posted as all of the above.

  45. So, you are the choice of the Conservancy. Why not just admit it? (if communication is sooooo important to you).

    And if you truly want to answer voter questions, then why do you refuse to come to my door? Why do I have to come to your house or go out for coffee with you? As a candidate, is your time really that much more important than mine?

    If you're going to be so inaccessible as a candidate, why should I believe that you would be accesible as my representative in village government?

    Your write-in campaign will not be won in the blogosphere, sorry.

    Voters expect more from their elected officials, Mr. Flynn.

  46. Get the facts... ignore the bloggers...

    Complete Candidate Profiles can be found at

  47. "Get the facts... ignore the bloggers..."

    Complete Candidate Propaganda can be found at

    (Patrick, I thought you weren't going to continue to respond to Anonymous posts - - so now you post "anonymously"???)

  48. Mr. Flynn, anonymous, or Sales,
    Didn't you start this website
    before you announced your canidacy? Don't you host it too?
    Who owns this site ? There are two requirements that you need to take before you start a nonprofit organization. Have you completed these requirements? Is it registered as a nonprofit organization? Has you filed the proper paper work to make it a nonprofit organization (501c3)? Have you gotten a federal tax id number so that you can legally take donations? You should visit the following website for more information.

  49. Hey Patrick, don't forget to call your opponent tonight to concede the race. That call can be placed at 8:01 p.m.

    You can always run against Gale Morgan or Wendy McCalvy next year.

    But please get an earlier start so that you look like a credible candidate. Nomination papers are available to pass on December 1st.

  50. I think this article is a bit outdated.

  51. Even more outdated now.
