
March 31, 2009

Imagine a grocery bag with 30,000 pounds of food...

More than 30,000 pounds of food were donated to the Racine County Food Bank during two recent food- and fund-raisers.

The Boy Scouts' Scouting for Food drive last Saturday collected 26,601 pounds of food -- an increase of 14% over last year.

Thoughts for Food, the musical benefit held on March 6 and 7 (our pictures are here), collected 3,483 pounds of food (along with $16,000). The amount of food collected was nearly identical to last year; the cash proceeds were down by 23%, a decline attributed to the organizers' decision to lower the admission price from $15 to $10 in light of the difficult economic times.

In an after-event celebration held at George’s Tavern on March 22, Dan Taivalkoski, the Racine County Food Bank’s executive director, called the events "a huge success.”

The Racine County Food Bank distributes over a half million pounds of food, free of charge, to food pantries, emergency shelters, community meal programs and social service agencies throughout Racine County every year.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks to the Scouts for making the effort involved! That's a lot of tonnage.
