
March 31, 2009

Cynthia McKinney endorses Karas for mayor

The Green Party's presidential candidate for 2008, former Georgia Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney, has endorsed Pete Karas for mayor.

This should come as no surprise to anyone: Karas is a member of the Green Party who campaigned on McKinney's behalf.

On the Green Party Watch website, McKinney is quoted today as saying:
Racine is lucky to have Pete Karas as a candidate for mayor and will be even luckier when he becomes mayor. Now that’s the kind of change we can believe in.

Secure that kind of future for Racine. Let Racine become the beacon for sustainability and community that we so desperately need in these times.

I know Pete Karas and trust him. Please donate what you can to Pete now.


  1. If one needs an out-of-state endorsement to get recognition, what does that indicate?

  2. Wasn't McKinney the U.S. rep that accused Bush of having planned 9-11 or something along those lines, then tried to backtrack when she was ridiculed? Yeah, this is an endorsement I'd want if I was running for office!

  3. downtown_racine3/31/2009 9:17 PM

    The endorsement from a far out kook is just another reason NOT to vote for pete karas.
    I find another good reason NOT to vote for pete is his the fact that he's linked up with deadbeat homeless voter taker keith fair.

    GO !!! Other non good old boys network and yes men clowncil member candidates.

  4. Let's not forget one of the city's favorites too; J. Ghuarri endorsing him, right?

  5. Pete can win on the issues, but the nuts and crooks backing he could do without.
    Mc Kinney


  6. Talk about a toxic endorsement.

  7. What about the Turner exppress who is riding on that train. Or John Bickert nice smile but more of the same game change yea right.Racine needs new energy!Pete Karas for mayor Someone you can trust not bust.
