
December 7, 2007

NY Times giveth; Journal Times taketh away

Why is it always outsiders who love Racine, and locals who run it down?

Just last week, the New York Times printed a love note about the city, featuring its art galleries, converted factory space, lofts and gritty charm. "A port of call for art," they called us; "the bedrock of revitalization."

So how does the local newspaper respond? With a column pointing out some things the reporter might have missed; the need for another cop house, the loss of thousands of factory jobs over the years, an attack on an 80-year-old woman. Columnist Mike Moore doesn't just write this stuff, he calls the Times' editor in charge of the Travel section that featured the piece to ask why they wrote about about us for the third time in three years.

And to suggest that perhaps the conflict between good and bad, the balance between glowing reviews and the fact "our city is pretty screwed up" could make another story next year.

Gee, thanks for nothing! Ever hear the expression, "Don't look a gift horse in the mouth?"

Ever hear the expression, "Don't foul your own nest?"

Ever wonder whether there are any stories worth covering that don't originate at the Police Station? Ever wonder why the Journal Times didn't bother covering the wonderful artists' studio open house last Saturday, involving more than a score of local artists?

Moore and the Journal Times need to reflect on their role in the community and realize they affect, perhaps more than anyone else, what people think about Racine. It's time for the new leadership at the paper to set aside their cynicism and do some soul-searching about their commitment to our community. Some days, it's hard to tell if they even care.

New York, by the way, had 579 homicides last year. Keep that in mind when you plan your next visit there. Just for balance, of course.


  1. Excellenet commentary Pete!!! You are 100% correct on this one.

  2. No worries here we just stoped to take on some ice.

  3. i'm sick of this artist crap.

    a handful in artists in racine arent going to fix all our problems.

  4. This is typical of the problem Racine has. We have too many locals that think we suck and cannot get any better - unfortunately many of them own computers and can type (sort of).

    What the hell is wrong with the local paper? A national paper says we are a great place to visit and the braintrust down at the RJT says "Wait, look at all the crap, too!"

    No one said the artist initiative will fix everything. It is one approach to fix one problem area. Other approaches are being tried in other areas. We could blanket the uptown area with police and all we would do is keep a lid on things. In order to improve, you have to change and area for the better. Creating an area populated with live-work properties and businesses that attract tourism is a good start. If we have vision to see something better and work to create it, maybe uptown can be an area that does not need constant police presence and response.

    The dollars invested in starting programs like that can mean that we do not have to spend money on increased police presence down the road.

  5. Pete, I have no problem with you criticizing me, but you may want to understand the point of the column first. It was twofold: to point out that it takes outsiders to remind us we're doing well; and to dispel the notion that positive news somehow means ignoring the negative.
    I haven't had a single other call or e-mail taking it the way you did.

  6. "No one said the artist initiative will fix everything. It is one approach to fix one problem area. Other approaches are being tried in other areas. We could blanket the uptown area with police and all we would do is keep a lid on things. In order to improve, you have to change and area for the better. Creating an area populated with live-work properties and businesses that attract tourism is a good start. If we have vision to see something better and work to create it, maybe uptown can be an area that does not need constant police presence and response."

    Where do I begin be nice to have a police force to responed we came close to losong officers and have lost officers in RFD. May not mean much to you wait unill you need a trained Fireman and there is not any able to respond. Good Luck.

    My isusse is not doing more to try to fix this City but the methed used. In a high crime area in a city with high unemplyment and massive empty store fronts in the 6th st area and galleries closing on Main St. Hello?

    Lets not forget our pals in KY are as we speak talking to Racine Companies about moving to KY for LOWWER TAXS AND CRIME.

    How about bringing what True North did for Northen Wisconsin bring companies who are building equitment for Wind Power and Bio-Fuel companies. With the small machine shops looking for work a few $$ spend promoting Racine as a place to come and have your machiney build close to rail (real rail not KRM) and I-94.
    and this marketing program could be done by local Racine Marketing/P.R. companies for a much lower cost the the Uptown art program. The Engery Machinery Marketing Plan would bring JOBS with GOOD wages to Racine vs a few art types who will run when the bullets fly.
    Help Manaufacers to bring real jobs to the city keeps good folks here fixing up buildings incresses property taxes. Wind Power and Bio Fuels help the Earth

  7. Actually Mike, as a long time reader, I was a bit taken back by your blasting of our hometown after NY comments on it. Why bother to call and complain or email. What would that change?

    I would love to see more good things about our hometown, there are good things out there you know.

  8. seems that this was no big deal until the JT reporter decided to respond here.

    and now the JT site has a blog on it from yet another reporter.

    how professional is that?

    i'm going to go watch "our town" now.

  9. Unbelievable. I have a degree in journalism and worked as a reporter for several years. Yes, it is important for a local newspaper to provide balanced coverage of a city's strengths and weaknesses. But I am stunned that a reporter from the Journal Times called the New York Times to bitch because the coverage of Racine was too glowing. Did he really think that a travel reporter from the New York Times didn't do some background research on Racine? Trust me, the reporter alread KNOWS about Racine's problems with crime, poverty, job loss. However, this was a feature travel piece on Racine's growing reputation as an artistic destination, not an article examining the economic and social problems of small Rust Belt towns. Travel sections run articles on New Orleans or Los Angeles or Philadelphia all the time without getting into detailed discussions of gangs, drugs, and crime in those cities. It was a TRAVEL feature story for goodness' sake. Sheez!

  10. found your site today and really liked it.. i bookmarked it and will be back to check it out some more later ..
