
December 6, 2007

New principal for Gilmore Middle School

Starting Monday, there will be a new principal at Gilmore Middle School, and new assistant principals at McKinley Middle School and Wadewitz Elementary School.

Gilmore's new directing principal will be Dr. Gary Jackson, who has been one of the school's two assistant principals.

Gilmore's current principal, Dr. Richard Larson, will move to McKinley Middle School as the assistant principal.

And Rebecca Zahn, currently an assistant principal at Gilmore, will move to the same position at Wadewitz.

RUSD offered no explanation for the assignment changes.


  1. Pete: Investigate this further, then you will know why Unified is not offering explanations for the changes.

  2. This is a sexual harrassment complaint!! Investigate this crap now!!! 100% inside info....all the teachers are buzzing!!!

  3. If this were a firefighter, cop, or J-Wax executive this stuff would be blasted all over the front page of the urinal times!! Why do teachers get a free pass on scandals in this city??? Break this story to make the JT look foolish!!

  4. Seriously, JT...INVESTIGATE THIS CRUD! Zahn put forward a bogus charge against Larson and he paid the price by getting his hands slapped and, then, moved over to a different school. (She's out for a settlement both here and over her "injured foot".) Meanwhile, the entire school has been in disarray (even now) because we have NO REAL LEADER!! INVESTIGATE THIS!!

  5. Why is it that everywhere Larson goes, there is trouble?

  6. WHY is it that Zahn felt the need to make false accusations?!

  7. Furthermore, WHY was Zahn made a principal without having completed her degree? Heck! She wasn't even 1/2 way thru her program and RUSD made her a's no wonder she went on a power trip!! Beware...she's out the cash. She has another case (outside of RUSD) in progress. And her husband was supposedly her and using crutches over at Horlick only to come over to Gilmore later in the day to run Lighted Schoolhouse and....guess what? He's running around and the crutches are gone. Hmm.....the Zahn family needs to be watched!

  8. If Zahn's accusation was bogus, why was Larson demoted? And why doesn't RUSD get rid of incompetent people? When she and Thielen left, this place went right down the toilet. It's better this year, and it's not because of who they put in charge after this all went down.
