
October 24, 2007

Parking fines going up

Parking tickets will increase from $11 to $13 under Mayor Gary Becker's 2008 proposed budget. The $2 increase for expired meters will not result in a windfall for the city. The parking system projected a roughly $6,000 increase in revenues for 2008 to $1.21 million, and a $39,000 shortfall for the year.

Click here to read a PDF of the mayor's 2008 proposed budget.

1 comment:

  1. Isn't it amazing! All those quarters, dimes and nickels - still Racine loses money. From sitting in on meetings it appears the reason for this deficit is the yearly depreciation on the ramps. So the public squeeze continues. Public Works has its own free parking lots surrounding City Hall. Public Works Commissioner Rick Jones doesn't plug a meter, get tickets or understand how detrimental the lack of parking planning is for this entire city.
