
October 24, 2007

City budget includes $50 sewer fee for all homeowners

Mayor Gary Becker's 2008 proposed budget includes a new $50 fee for every property owner to improve the city's sewer system.

The fee would create a $1.1 million special revenue account in the Public Works Department. The money would be used to hire a plumbing inspector to oversee the repair and replacement of failed sanity sewer laterals.

Property owners would be required to pay $50 per lateral connection to fund the position, which will be paid $90,000 in salary and fringe benefits. In all, $800,000 of the fees would go to repairs on the city's sewer system.

Click here to read a PDF of the mayor's 2008 proposed budget.

1 comment:

  1. How about a $50 fee to keep the police and fire dept where they need to be?
    Police Good
    Fire Dept Good
    Grant Writer Very Bad

