
March 4, 2011

Or else, or else, or else, damnit!

This image -- borrowed from the iconic 1973 National Lampoon -- came to mind Thursday night during Gov. Scott Walker's press conference.

As CNN later reported:
Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker on Thursday warned 14 absent lawmakers trying to stall his controversial budget bill to return to the state Capitol immediately to vote on the measure, or layoff notices will be sent to 1,500 public employees before the weekend.
"Unfortunately, if we don't have action by tomorrow we have a legal and moral obligation to start forewarning people," Walker said.
I know, it's just the governor and Republican senators' latest "negotiating" tactic -- following a virtual lockdown of the State Capitol, a takeover of Democratic senators' staffers, threatened fines of $100 a day, border guards threatening incarceration, the end of direct deposit and a declaration that the senators are in contempt, or something.

But it definitely makes you wish you had a union to protect you, eh? Even union-haters are coming around, as every nationwide poll in the last few weeks has shown. The latest Rasmussen poll in Wisconsin gave Walker a 52% to 44% drubbing.

Walker's layoff threat is hardly idle, since his budget cuts state aid to municipalities and school districts by more than $1 billion, while at the same time prohibiting them from raising taxes to cover the shortfall. Without new revenue, it's clear that many governing bodies -- just as the private sector has done for the past few years -- will have to shrink their workforce. But Walker's attempt to lay the blame on the 14 Democrats is unnecessarily heavy-handed.

What's next: take their wives and children hostage? (Damn! I didn't mean to give him any ideas...)

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  1. the whole situation just makes me sick, we need to get him out and NOW

  2. I stand with Walker and I'm a proud Union member.

  3. I have an answer for Wisconsin and for America!! !st we know teachers enable our children to have a future by educating them and opening up their minds to dreams and possibility's.. 2nd.. we know politicians steal our kids future by lies, dissemination of the facts, out right theft, and propaganda laws designed to make the Kocks brothers and billionaires even more wealthy at our expense. 3 politicians garner free medical, self voted raises, cushy pay checks with extra spending allowances and special interest perks and privileges.. Seems to me the best way to save the most money is to either out source our government to the private sector(since we the people are supposed to be their bosses anyway) or pas a law forcing them to pay medical, remove special interest funding (who works for the people when they owe a few billion to some Kocks) and force all government wage increases to be approved by vote threw the American people. If you agree with this cut and paste this and keep it rolling. Make the politicians see that we are fed up with them, and say it a million people with 1 voice. !!

  4. Governor Walker is sending public education dollars to private schools. Governor Walker wants no debt, but he wants dumb children. Gov. Walker chooses Koch over children. Walker targets school children as sacrificial lambs. Before Scott Walker closes every public school by cutting their funding, he would like a chance to kick each and every one of the children personally. The only tool Walker needs is a pen to sign his letter of resignation.

  5. I am stunned by what this man has done to our state in just a few weeks. He has crushed any hope of solving problems and working together, I saw a video of a Rep being thrown to the ground by Capitol police just last night. Guess what party he belonged to?

    He has ruined our state and he's only just started!

  6. Dear 3/4/2011 9:15 AM, You're absolutely right about Walker and his oligarchic masters. The Kochs, the Bradleys, the Johnsons and the rest of their crass class brothers are the successors of the Victorian industrialists who opposed public education. (In order to pacify the predators, Horace Mann had to reassure them that public schools would supply them with a docile labor force.) Here in the Carnauba Court's fiefdom (Wretch-Scene), it's clear that the money mutts scorn public education. Whenever they can or may, the ceraceous slickers weasel out of property taxes which fund RUSD and pour mega-moolah into a posh private institution for their upper-middle class retainers. The sooner the corporate predators' bought-and-paid-for political puppet Walker resigns, the better!

  7. Don't put the Johnsons and Bradleys in the same category as the Koch's. These two families contribute to WI, Koch's just take.

  8. Oligarchy!

  9. It would be great if I could classify the Bradleys and the Johnsons as members of a less vicious breed of corporate predators than the Kochs and their kin. Unfortunately, the Bradleys' record of opposing social programs through their foundation is all-too-well documented. (Without the Bradley Foundation, the so-called Welfare Reform, which threw millions of disadvantaged people to the economic wolf, wouldn't exist.) As for the Johnsons, they've been notorious opponents of organized labor for five generations. Regarding the Bradley and Johnson families' philanthropy, very little of it has been the genuine humanitarian article. Instead of helping the poor, the Bradleys and the Johnsons blow millions on non-essentials such as avant garde architecture, modern art, classical music, ballet, museums and elitist, socially-divisive private schools. None of the above nonsense benefits paupers, wage slaves and lower-middle class people struggling to survive under capitalism. To most of Wisconsin's oppressed working class, the Bradley or Johnson brand of philanthropy is irrelevant at best and insulting at worst. (Here in Wretch-Scene, the Bradley clan's tendency to dote on and subsidize foreign-born pianists while neglecting native-born American college students is notorious. Although the Bradleys could find and fund a faux-ivory banger from Eastern Europe and splurge on her higher education, they couldn't locate and help deserving American kids. The same situation prevails chez Johnson, where big bucks, which could assist the poor, go to maintain the RSO , RAM and other useless entities.)

  10. By and large, the stuff funded by the Bradleys and the Johnsons benefits no one except the oligarchy and its elitist retainer class. When ordinary people need food, shelter, health care and basic education,promoting classical music is ridiculous. (In view of the pandemic poverty in Wretch-Scene, supporting a symphony is downright immoral. Given Wretch-Scene's calamitous unemployment and minority infant mortality rates, the overclass ought to reconsider its priorities.)

  11. If the corporate oligarchs and their lackeys don't wish to join Marie Antoinette in history's Hall of Shame, they'd better learn to do unglamorous but necessary charity work. Heart must trump art. (Don't worry, art fans--as long as there are fools addicted to eye candy and ear treacle, your hobbies will survive.)

  12. The money being poured into the campaign chests of the democrats is far more than the Koch's. The Koch noise is just noise to cover the role the unions are playing in this whole issue. This week the Journal Sentinel did a story about the 100's of millions of dollars they lose if Walker is successful. When you follow the money it is clear this isn't a fight about worker's right or teaching kids. It is all about the unions losing their money train and power over the state dems in the legislature. The Koch money is nothing compared to what the dems fear they lose from the unions. Sadly, it always comes down to money.


  14. Dear 3/5/2011 3:39 PM, Compared with the Kochs' multi-billion-dollar fortune, union moolah is miniscule. Also, let's not forget the Kochs' crass class brothers and sisters, who can't wait to reduce our middle class to Third World servile status and subsistence existence.

  15. Governor Walker is sending public education dollars to private schools. Governor Walker wants no debt, but he wants dumb children. Gov. Walker chooses Koch over children. Walker targets school children as sacrificial lambs. Before Scott Walker closes every public school by cutting their funding, he would like a chance to kick each and every one of the children personally. The only tool Walker needs is a pen to sign his letter of resignation.

    Are you serious? Get a life buddy and maybe read something besides this so-called news site that serves as a nothing more than a liberal blog. Its people like you who spread ridiculous lies and rhetoric and blame everything on the "CORPORATIONS", who are truly ruining this country. This sense of entitlement and idea that everyone is out to get you has gone too far. The idea that the Johnson family has not done anything for Racine is beyond ridiculous. For all that lavish architecture that you speak of, someone had to build it and those people are the middle class workers that you think everyone and their mother is out to get. Not to mention the THOUSANDS of jobs that they provide in our city. With out the Johnson family I'm pretty sure Racine would be solidified as the worst city in the United States.

  16. The ignorance of the left knows no end.

    Union giving dwarfs that of the Kochs? You people have you heads so far up the butts of your union bosses you can't even do simple math.

    Governor Walker is trying to empower parents to get their kids out of a horrible MPS. You must all be racists as you want to keep these kids in a cycle of failure.

    Keep up that objectivity Pete....

  17. I'm not a union member, but I don't like what Walker is doing. People that voted for Walker feel tricked since Walker never talked about this during the campaign.
    Recall Walker!

  18. I'm an optimist just like Scotty.
    Only 300 days until we recall Walker!

  19. What a brave patriot Governor Walker is. If this country does not stand up to Unions the American taxpayer will be squeezed to the point of bankruptcy. It is disgraceful that the public sector employees think they are better than the rest of us and do not have to contribute to their pensions and health care.

  20. Dear Atlanta Roofing, Why shouldn't ALL employees receive the benefits enjoyed by public sector employees? Instead of lowering public workers' wages and benefits, we should be demanding the same goodies for ALL toilers. (Don't worry--the fat cats in corporate America could afford to pay their drudges much more than they deign to give them. Far from being job creators, our corporate criminals are nothing but boardroom bullies who exploit people who have nothing but their labor to sell in a rigged market. The sooner a socialist system replaces capitalism, the better!)

  21. Walker is no patriot--rather, he's a venal political puppet owned by the Kochs, the Bradleys, the Leipolds and the Johnsons. All four of the above oligarchic clans have opposed unions and socio-economic equity for generations. Their concept of liberty is the license to abuse any vulnerable people in their path.

  22. Since Walker likes billionaires so much, he ought to move into their servants' quarters. He'd look cute in a butler suit serving Hell-Loon Lipoff her caviar.

  23. Someday we'll have a government which will divest the oligarchs of everything they own. Then the Koch brothers will be the BROKE brothers.


  25. Wisconsin ISN'T broke. Once Walker's moolah masters are made to pay their fair share, the state treasury will be in fine shape. (Here in Wretch-Scene, we have a cash-cadging clan which dodges property taxes on its Frank Llloyd Wright buildings and other status symbols. If that corporate crime family would pick up the tab for its toys, Wretch-Scene could solve some of its budgetary problems.)

  26. Don't forget wangaard and vos. What a pair. Wangaard was on the radion acting like he had a major part in the budget bill - just like him. When he talked about collective bargaining it was a joke. Like "oh they can still bargain for wages.." duh, with no union who is going to bargain, get the information, get the demands written, etc. He KNOWS this. As for Robin, he totally sucks off of the ALEC. Totally pompous jerk.

  27. The democrats squandered their 2008 gains by whisting while the economy burned. No focus on jobs or holding the thieves who cause the mess accountabl­e. A very scared and angry public ran to the republican­s in a blind panic.
    Now the republican­s are squanderin­g their gains by focusing on union busting and giving out buckets of gold to the filthy rich while paying for it on the backs of kids, the poor and middle class workers.
    Vos and Wangaard are ignoring the middle class while giving handjobs to the super rich. Its a disgusting spectacle.

  28. Where were those of you who are complaining Walker is heavy handed when Doyle did similar things that many of us disagreed with during his term? Doyle's heavy handed actions will cost Wisconsin tens of millions of dollars for years to come. Where were those of you angry with how the GOP pushed through recent legislation when the dems were doing the same thing a few months back. There seems to be a double standard in the story and blogs. Doyle and the dems just finished up 8 years of pushing through bad budgets, budget gimicks and bad legislation that left Walker and the GOP with a huge budget hole. Anyone with an open mind can see that this has been how things have been done in this state for years. When you disagree with the actions it is bad and when you agree with the actions its OK. Walker's moves were not as drastic as those in other states. Every level of government is in real financial trouble due to not controlling spending. Now difficult actions are being taken. It is called leadership when you agree and corrupt when you disagree.

  29. Alas, Doyle was anything but a true Democrat. Let's never forget that he exempted two Frank Lloyd Wright buildings from property taxes simply because a billionaire (Risk Waxtrash) requested the privilege and treated him to a fine meal. Then Doyle granted Risk Waxtrash a partial property tax exemption on a hideous Foster and Partners building housing a replica Sick-orsky seaplane. Alas, billionaires and their evil influence can corrupt ANY politician regardless of his party affiliation. The problem isn't Doyle and it isn't Walker. Rather, the source of our trouble is the oligarchy and its misuse of money to manipulate public officials and the electoral process.

  30. Needed: The People's Government! The sooner we elect a regime capable of seizing mega-wealth and reining in the rich blight trash, the better!

  31. There is zero moral justification for individual fortunes exceeding ten million dollars. WEALTH CAPS NOW!

  32. Won't the kooky Kochs look cute wearing their new wealth caps? Seriously, once we take big money out of politics, the corruption problem will take care of itself.

  33. If you want to see corporate corruption, come to Wretch-Scene and take a gander at the Waxtrash Dollar-Sign Dullard-Swine Dynasty, the Corney-Hell yuppies and the bought-and-paid-for political puppets who run (and ruin) the place. Pay close attention to the moribund downtown, where vacant storefronts outnumber functioning businesses. Behold the devastated uptown, aka Hell-Loon Waxtrash Lipoff's art colony. If your heart can bear the pain, take a tragical misery tour of the neighborhoods where the John-Swine Scam-ily's victims rot in poverty while the ceraceous slickers cadge and stash ill-gotten gains galore. Remember that Wretch-Scene represents the future which the wealthy wish to inflict on the rest of us through Scott-the-Snot Walker and his felow Rich-pig-licans. If you want something better for our children, VOTE THE STRAIGHT DEMOCRATIC TICKET!

  34. Yes, I know that the Democrats aren't perfect. Even so, they're the people's party, the only group capable of using government to help rank-and-file citizens survive in an oligarchic economic system. Look at their track record: it was Democrats--NOT Republicans--who brought us Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid and Headstart. (All the Republicans have given us is unjustifiable foreign wars and depressions. When they assist someone, it's always a richie-poo oppressor who doesn't need the lovely tax cut they give him in the name of promoting "job creation." Nope. The wealthy twit takes the dough, stashes it in an offshore tax haven and howls for more moolah. As for "job creation," he outsources Americans' jobs to Third World hell pits jammed with dumb, docile dime-an-hour wage slaves.)

  35. As bad as the Democrats are, they're better than the GOP (Guardians of Privilege). Only the Democrats can roll back the "Reagan Revolution" and restore economic security plus human dignity to our working class.

  36. Speaking as a victim of The System, I'd rather have a modest guaranteed annual income derived from a government job than all the private sector "opportunities" in the universe. As my Irish-American Dad said, the private sector is like private parts: low down, dirty and bound to cause trouble.

  37. Needed: Real Democrats who'll bring back great programs like the WPA. (With an accurate unemployment rate around 20%, WPA jobs and paychecks would benefit our people.)


  39. As a senior citizen who's had nothing but bad experiences with "free enterprise," I work and pray for the day when America will join the rest of the civilized SOCIALIST world. All the other First World nations protect their rank-and-file citizens from the corporate predator class. It's time for America to grow up and rein in its rich blight trash!

  40. Tax the Wax!

  41. Perhaps we should revise our laws to exclude donations to arty causes and socially-divisive private education from tax-deductible status. If the rich knew that CHARITY WORK instead of frills would get them tax deductions, they'd do more for their victims.

  42. In the meantime (and it IS a MEAN TIME), let's send a message to the Koch brothers--although Wisconsin may be open for business, it is NOT for sale!

  43. Since the kooky, cash-cadging Kochs like impressive residences, let's send them to a really BIG HOUSE--LEAVENWORTH!
