
March 24, 2011

Billionaire Curt Johnson charged with sexually assaulting a teenager

Curtis Johnson, an heir of the SC Johnson fortune and one of the richest men in the world, was charged with sexual assault of a 15-year-old girl Thursday.

Johnson, a billionaire, is the former chairman of Diversey Inc. He took a leave of absence last month for an unstated reason. He appeared in court Thursday where he was formally charged. (The JT has photos.)

Johnson's sister, Helen Johnson-Leipold, runs Johnson Financial and took over as chairman of Diversey. His brother, Fisk Johnson, is head of SC Johnson.

Last year, Forbes Magazine estimated Johnson's fortune at $2.1 billion, ranking him the 463rd richest person in the world.

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  1. My prayers are for the Johnson family - and especailly Curt, and the young lady.. This family has done so much for so many in Racine, This big mistake must be faced - and hopefully the right help can be taken to lessen the hurt.

  2. The Journal Times article about local business leaders' reaction to this story was disgusting. All of them expressed great concern and sympathy for the accused and his family. Few mentioned the victim at all.

    Pedophilia runs through Racine from the very top on down. I have known about this for decades. We treat children like throwaway meat in this city. The fact that out "leaders" express so much concern for an accused pedophile and so little for his victim says it all about the filth that infects Racine, Wisconsin.

    The enabling and coddling of pedophiles in Racine will continue as long as value money more than our own children.

  3. By the way, calling the molestation of a child a "mistake" is insulting beyond belief. It demeans and degrades the very humanity of the child. Pedos do not make "mistakes" - they molest children! Already the pity train is chugging through Racine for Curt Johnson, accused pedophile, while the sex crimes he is accused of repeatedly committing are labeled a "mistake." I am nauseated by the hypocrisy and filth.

  4. Orbs -

    In total agreement with ya. BTDT, and still living with the repercussions two decades later.

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  6. I bet Curt Johnson's defense will be that he is the victim of the Johnson Family Curse, "alcoholism". He looks like he is 75 yrs old, not 55. Pretty pathetic billionaire. And, the real victim, his step-daughter, better be headed to therapy or her life will be ruined forever.

  7. Did Curt's expensive legal team hire a PR firm to lessen the seriousness of this criminal pedophile acts?
    Either this is a serious crime or a slap on the wrist mistake!
    I see nothing in this case that should show any mercy.
    Curt deserves the full 40 years and in a maximum security prison if convicted and not a club fed type facility!
    Curt is a example of why a maximum estate tax is needed also!

  8. Lighten up pontifical Orbs - a mistake is a mistake . Going into Iraq was a Bush mistake - and look at all the people killed and injured! Doing pedophile actions is also a mistake. It is difficult to forgive - not being in someone else's shoes.

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  10. Disgusting how they attempt to portray themselves as the squeeky clean family company yet they are covering up some of the most perverted dirt bags in Racine.
    Prayers with the " poor family" my ass!!

  11. Hope he gets the full penalty in a real prison - then I am sure he will get all the free sex he wants. Just let Tyrone know he is coming.

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  13. Some of these comments sound like disgruntled former employees? Looks like poor business decisions that destroyed a wonderful company carried over to this creep's personal life. Yucks!

  14. Curt's actions makes a compelling case for enforcing the estate tax. This "family business" needs to be managed by a professional team. This will never happen when these kids can treat the company as their personal cookie jar. Having stock holders to answer to would have made the company disassociate themselves from Curt long ago. They are late but it appears the family finally tossed this guy overboard?

  15. Unbelievable, there is a long history here. The public needs to have the truth uncovered and reported.

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