
February 19, 2011

Watch out, the robots are coming!

Watch out, the robots are coming!

With visions, perhaps, of the Terminator in their dreams, Wisconsin's missing State Senators had better keep a sharp lookout.  It's not just the police seeking the fugitives -- as it was Friday when a Wisconsin State Trooper and the Senate Sergeant at Arms were sent to the home of Senate Minority Leader Mark Miller. (Miller wasn't home, or at least nobody answered the door.)

The state has upped the ante, seeking to make vigilantes of us all. Can "Wanted: Dead or Alive!" posters be far behind?

We received this note from a reader this morning:
Kenosha residents got phone calls last night from police that if they spot Bob Wirch to turn him in to the police!
Robo calls, donchaknow! Weapon of choice in modern political disputes. 

Wirch, D-Kenosha, is just one of 14 Democratic senators who went on the lam Thursday, to prevent the State Senate from having a quorum. Their departure left the Senate unable to rush through passage of Gov. Scott Walker's "budget repair" or union-busting (depending upon your point of view) bill. The senators fled to Illinois, and are still in hiding. At first they were in Rockford, but soon cooler heads prevailed and some apparently went to Chicago, where there are better restaurants and the Miracle Mile for shopping.

Meanwhile, CNN has a fascinating historical story, recapping other instances of AWOL U.S. legislators.  Among those who have tried this maneuver in the past: Abraham Lincoln! 
In 1839, a young Abraham Lincoln, serving as a Whig in the Illinois House, jumped out of the building in a futile bid to prevent Democrats from getting a quorum to vote on a banks bill.
Others cited in the story: members of the Florida Senate in 1981, the Killer Ds and the Texas 11 in 2003 and Republican California Assembly members in 1994.

The Associated Press reported this morning that the missing Democrats could stay away for weeks. Or at least as long as their credit cards hold out; somehow, we don't expect to see the cost of this mid-Winter "vacation" on their state expense accounts...

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  1. With IBM's Watson beating the champs on Jeopardy, perhaps it is time to consider electing computers to represent us.

  2. Actually, I hear there is a number of people who want to donate to the dem senators for their expenses. I say yes! if it wasn't for them, the seniors would have been ripped apart with this budge repair bill.

  3. God forbid these elected representatives should, ya know, come to work.

    Recall every damn one of the cowards.

  4. The fabulous 14 are heroes. I applaud them for standing up for the thousands who have begged Shameggaard to kill the bill.

  5. Bob Wirch is a spineless piece of shit, he never has had any balls. Nothing but a yes man for the union. Fuck Him!

  6. Pete, those are "robots" comoing, they are people sick of paying for everyone else!

  7. Oct. 6, 1995: At 5 a.m., after an all-night session of the Wisconsin Senate, Sen. George Petak, R-Racine, switches his vote, enabling the plan to use taxpayer money to build a retractable-roof stadium for the Brewers to pass by a 16-15 margin. (The switch costs Petak his seat in the Senate: On June 4, 1996, he loses to Rep. Kim Plache, D-Racine, in a recall election.)

  8. Dems, all talk no action their politcal way!!!!

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