
February 8, 2011

Trucks on North Beach ...

Anyone know what's going on with the trucks on and around North Beach? One reader wrote to say he thought the trucks may be dumping snow into the water. We haven't checked it out yet. Anyone know if this true?

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  1. Looks like Danny Oakes got a big city contract. WINK WINK.

  2. Why don't you ask the Journal Times Glad You Asked column?

  3. The DNR may be interested in this.

  4. The City seems to be overdoing it a little with the snow removal on so many streets. This stuff will eventually melt, folks....

  5. Try driving down mine, oh that's right I live in the inner city I do not count.
    Note DPW came back today after Q.A. raised hell Good job Q.A Thank you

  6. Oakes was still working yesterday behind Gateway dumping snow. The question is why now isnt the city doing this themselves? How long will major roads like Douglas and Rapids Drive be one lane?

  7. Douglas Ave and Rapids Dr are not one lane.

  8. Initial source on this story had it wrong. The city (and Oakes) aren't hauling snow to North Beach. Apparently, they're hauling snow to Pritchard Park. A few people are wondering why they're not dumping on North Beach, but given all of the contaminants in snow it seems environmentally sound to use Pritchard Park as a collection point.

  9. Dickert & Oakes sitting in a tree k-i-s-s-i-n-g. You get the rest, right?

  10. Dickert only believes it's a 10 problem solve...

  11. They are dumping snow on North Beach. Go watch all the dump trucks.

  12. People, where do you think melted snow goes? Whether it melts in the street or it melts at Pershing Park, it eventually ends up in the lake. And guess what? This happened even before Becker was mayor.

  13. Brown and Marcus sitting in a forest. Reason they cannot see the forest from the trees.

  14. This is not true. Snow has been dumped in the north beach parking lot, but not on the beach itself.

  15. Re:2/9 739 am

    As of Fri eve 2/11 Douglas Ave near Douglas Park heading north is still not two full lanes each way. Hard to believe since this is supposed to be a highway.
