
February 4, 2011

Analysis: Does Mayor Dickert have a union problem?

Interesting issues came up over lunch today. A handful of local tradesmen started riffing on Mayor John Dickert. Surprisingly, the traditional Democratic voters, didn't like what they saw in City Hall.

All, who asked not to reveal their names, had a gripe over the city's Neighborhood Stabilization Program. That's the one designed to use stimulus money to buy up foreclosed homes, refurbish them, sell them back to the public, and then use the sale to fix up another home. The program was a good idea led by a mayor with a real estate background and positioned to address one of the city's big problems: a lack of quality affordable housing.

But the program has led to problems, and, if you listen to the contractors, possibly lawsuits. People are upset that the mayor brought in a bunch of union contractors for a press conference in front of Milwaukee TV cameras, but never followed through on jobs for the unions. Other contractors feel excluded by unnecessary rules, unclear guidelines, changing requirements and bickering between among city employees.

The NSP also came under fire for contractors failing to follow lead guidelines (a story we broke last fall), and it indirectly led to the dismissal of housing technician Bill Bielefeldt, who may be planning a lawsuit of his own.

Lastly, the program essentially is placing the city in competition against its own residents in the real estate market. While hundreds of local residents are trying, unsuccessfully, to sell their homes, the city is selling remodeled houses at affordable prices. That'll make it that much harder for people who need or want to move to sell their homes.

Then there's the ill-fated West Racine project. Builder Tom Tousis intended to open a gas station, grocery store and restaurant on the site, but was denied by city officials who want a larger project at the corner to pay off debt taken out to demolish buildings on the site. The problem for Dickert, who didn't fight for the project, is Tousis had promised to use union labor on the job. The city's refusal to approve the project angered unions and made Dickert, fair or not, their main target this spring.

It's easy to respond that unions don't mean much anymore in Racine, that their power is reduced and local politicians can win without their support. That may be true, but unions bring two critical elements to any campaign. 1.) Money. 2.) Volunteers.

No doubt Dickert will be the best financed of the three candidates running for mayor - Alderman Eric Marcus and Alfonso Locke are the other two - but he may be looking at an enthusiasm gap. Unions backing Marcus -  and most are - could bring energy to Marcus' outsider bid to win City Hall. Dickert has the advantages of the incumbency - namely, everyone now calls him mayor - but his record isn't strong enough to bury opponents the way Gary Becker did when he was re-elected.

A few things to watch for in the coming weeks:

1. Money. How big is Dickert's advantage over his opponents? If it's major, he'll be in good shape. If opponents can bridge the gap, he'll be in trouble.

2. Endorsements. If the unions back Marcus as strongly as some think they will, it could be a real race.

3. Campaign confidence. Dickert breezed through his first mayoral election without specifics or details. After two years on the job, he'll be able to point to specific examples of what he's accomplished and how he'll expand on them over the next four years. How will Marcus, a relative newcomer to local politics, respond? Conversely, Dickert's opponents are going to hit him on his record. How does he take the heat?

4. The primary. General thought is Dickert and Marcus move through the Feb. 15 primary, but sometimes the insiders have it wrong. We're in a time of political change, and Locke may be the true outsider voters want. More importantly, it will be a public referendum on the incumbent. We'll know Feb. 15 if Dickert cruises to another term or is up for a fight.

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  1. Dickert doesn't support the working man, just his rich pals.

  2. Watch for the lawsuits coming soon. NSP is being managed so poorly heads in City Development should fall. Rules have not been followed and this can not be covered up forever.
    We are watching you.

  3. I bid some of these jobs with the idea I had to follow lead regulations and have the proper insurance. After being out bid I am hearing that contractors being used do not have proper insurance that I was rerquired to have. Also they were not following State Lead Regulations as proven in the posts story last fall (with photos) thus reducing thier costs so they could under bid my company. Com'on Dickert how fair is this?? What favors are these contractors providing to obtain this work with false credentials and sub-standard work?

  4. Stick a fork in Dickert, he is done.

  5. Dickert is not raising money like he was 2 years ago and his volunteers are not showing up either. It is hard to have enthusiasm for a guy who promised big, but has not done a single thing as mayor.

  6. The massive snow cleanup has provided the incumbent mayor with a lot of happy contractors many of which may be union shops. Probably blew the budget on this one but that may not come out until summer!!

  7. Dickert, the Great Jobslayer!

  8. The only "union" problem Dickert has is Scott and Penny Sharp. The Sharp's have struck some kind of union deal with Eric Marcus in return for favors for DPW workers.

    Take note Tea Party crowd.

    Marcus is playing both sides with the added flavor of the Smiths. This is the same triangulation used a few years ago which caused a Gary Becker win instead of Ron Thomas.

    All union members would be well advised to remember that.

  9. Thank you for the comment from the Mayor's Office. Your statement is completely false and the true reason that unions will be supporting Marcus is because Dickert is a liar and an as****e. He has backstabbed his supporters over and over. Now it is time to reap what he has sewn.

  10. Check with city hall and ask for open records to show how many union workers got a contract with the NSP program.
    I heard one actually did one but backed out when he found out thier "NEW" insurance requirements would cost more then his profit. Thanks Dickert could we please have more oppertunities like this???

  11. Ricardo says: Please get all the facts before shooting from the hip! John Dickert is a real spokesman for Racine - he is involved in countless positive endeavors for this city. Listen to him on the weekly program on WRJN - he follows up on problems and speaks his mind! John makes countless appearances throughout the city, does positive actions. Who knows what his main opponent stands for and who he will represent. I feel confident that John Dickert, a lifelong resident of Racine, will consistently try to do what is best for Racine and its residents.

  12. If I recall Dickert is and was not rich. Dickert has a Great heart and has always looked out for friends and family and has always wanted what's best for a city he was born and raised. He could be like 50-60% of the people who get College Degrees and LEAVE Racine but he stayed to try and bring it to it's feet! I cannot handle these garbage news / blog papers just RECKING on the people who are in office that try to make a difference. The budget is a mess as a country but as a city we seem to be on target. Crime is down around the country and here. Yes, a lot of crime doesn't get reported but that has ALWAYS BEEN THE CASE. If you make a high priority call to the police they will show instantly! Unions - they had it's purpose when people were WORKING hard for 7 days a week and getting paid nothing. They no longer have a purpose other than to make the AMERICAN worker lazy. Businesses cannot fire people because they have the union backing them thus makes production down and creates bad work ethic which causes plants to close. This happened in Racine to at least a few plants that I can think of! Look at GM! They didn't have the money to reinvest into new technology and didn't innovate. They we're destroyed by every single car company when it came to new technology. They didn't have the cash to pay for this stuff because of these unions.

    All in all I cannot believe how hard you guys are on Dickert. He has been to Washington a huge number of times and is basically begging for stimulus money for our city. His goal to be a top 10 city in 10 years doesn't need all that much. All it needs is people who are willing to step up and make this a better city. Stop renting your houses to Chicago / Milwaukee scum. Start fixing up your houses. Change the education system that isn't helping our city. Change so people WANT to live here and not HEAR about what bad things go on here. Start letting economic growth in our city. Go to Chicago / Minneapolis and ask them how they got major corporation to set up shop in their cities.

  13. Another problem Dickert has is that he is still letting the UNIT run wild over the Racine residents. At first just the landlords complained about their heavy handed cite everything attitude, but now the average residents are tired of the tactics. Police need a warrant to enter property but the UNIT just walks on to property and starts citing often petty things because they need the revenue.

  14. 321 & 417
    Dickert has accomplished nothing in nearly two years. He pushed for KRM even thought the people didn't want it. His ideas are actually anti-development, hard to believe since he was a realtor. What new businesses came to town during his tenure? Eric Marcus is a brilliant leader and will take Racine to the next level.

  15. The stimulus money the Obama administration gave to Racine has put nearly 400 people to work. It has worked to enhance the most vulnerable neighborhoods and Dickert has fought to make sure those jobs went to people in Racine.

    Of course plenty of people complained about that too, because it's easy to complain.

    Dickert has been a terrific spokesperson for Racine in Washington and around the Midwest. He cares about Racine because he was raised here. He was making a difference in the St. Cats neighborhood years before he ran for office. He has supported unions and workers all along.

    Don't be fooled by one union "leader" who has grand aspirations to get his power back.

  16. Dickert has always been a supporter of Labor Unions. It is the Ignorant Hacks that run the local unions that have finished them off. They will not do what they need to do to move forward with our Mayor. Their thinking is backwards and they are a bunch of foolish liars that will perish if they don't change their ways. Just a suggestion: Make friends with the king and you will always eat well, attack him and you will become headless on the chopping block in front of your families and friends. CHOP CHOP!

  17. 9:05 Union supporter my ass. Dickert is anti-union and has always been. Becker-Dickert as anti-union as Bush-Cheney. Oh and guoesmess what Mr. Dickert? The Unions are supporting Republicans now. Doesn't suck to be you. BTW, you aren't going to be able to stop the Union Money from going to Marcus, you just aren't that powerful and I would bet you a kringle that you aren't.

  18. Can any Dickert supporters please cite WHY we should vote for Dickert? I voted for this baffoon before and have suffered with my decision ever since. Dickert is a complete failure folks and don't lose sight of his lie's and scams. The City Of Racine needs someone to bring this city back to it's rightful place. We deserve much better and should not settle for less. Marcus will lead this city in a much more fiscally responsible and sensible way.

  19. I think that we voted for him as "the best of the worst". I just wish that there would have been a more "reasonable" option other then Marcus. I probably just won't vote then; for mayor that is.

  20. Marcus is in bed with the Tea Party, the Smiths and Penny and Scott Sharp of AFSCME which should tell you a lot about the company he keeps and the high wire act of promises he's making.

    He has no history in this community and no track record of accomplishments besides talking big and pulling his vote (Park 6) when he doesn't want to get in trouble.

  21. Maybe Marcus working with unions, the tea party and various other groups shows that he knows how to work across typical lines of demarcation.
    Isn't that what everyone wants? Isn't that why the mayor's seat is non-partisan?

  22. 2:14 -

    The Tea Party and the local unions are two "my way of the highway" groups. One wants to layoff city workers and the other wants no reductions. There is no way he could honestly garner support from both of them.

    Just because Dustin had lunch with Mike Ottelein and some other wannabe players, that doesn't mean DIckert has a union problem. Even if Dickert does, it doesn't matter. The unions are nothing in this town when it comes to politics. They used to be a force, but 2/3 of their members voted with their feet and moved out of town.

    I thought the Tousis project was so wonderful that he was going to build it in another city if Racine said no. Where exactly is the new location? I'll tell you where - nowhere. The same people that couldn't make that happen are not going to make a Marcus win happen.

  23. 6;21

    What 400 jobs? Doing what? IMHO all Dickert can do is line the pockets of his cult members.
    As well what about the out of town fund raisers for what Mayor of Racine or for the first District?
    True men like Mike Ottelein, are going to move heaven and earth to remove Dickert from Office and there is nothing the Cult of Dickert can do to stop it, other then Dirty Tricks.

  24. Wannabe players? That sounds like it could be a description for any of the Dickert cronies.

  25. Historic Failures:
    1969 Chicago Cubs
    1972-73 Philadelphia 76ers 9-73
    1976 Tampa Bay Buccaneers 0-14
    2010-11 Cleveland Cavaliers-23 consecutive losses
    2011 John Dickert-our city loses as long as he is in office

  26. Dickert's cronies should be called something more like failed and bankrupt. Just like their buddy Dickert was before he landed the taxpayer job.

  27. The LED light program on city streets has saved the city almost 60% of the electric costs. The recycling bins that people went crazy over saved the city even more money in trash costs than was originally thought. Crime has gone down, house tax assessments have gone down and there were no layoffs or furloughs for 1st responders.

    The city showed some backbone in cracking down on out-of-control nightclubs while Marcus ditched the votes.

    When Marcus blustered about the budget what savings did he propose? NONE. What has Marcus done for the city in the 22 months he has been an Aldermen?

  28. LED may have saved them money, law suit after lawsuit has cost the city our tax dollars..There's one being filed for $400,000

  29. 11:15
    The city raised the property tax assesment ratio this to 101.62% from 100.26%, my tax bill increased, as I am sure many others did as well. Why dont you talk about the mill rate (11.46 per 1,000 assessed value) which is double or nearly double that of Caledonia(5.72)and Mt Pleasant (5.83)? Not exactly a very business friendly climate here in town.

  30. Right, and the mil rate doubled under Dickert? Up until him it was reasonably the same as the suburbs? Not.

    Why doesn't Marcus have a campaign office? One reason is everyone would see the Smith's and the Sharp's planning his next "I'll do whatever you want for a vote" move.

    These are the same people who orchestrated Jim Smith's write-in campaign that cost the election of (union friend) Ron Thomas and gave us Gary Becker instead.

    They don't care what happens to Racine at all. We got Becker directly because of them. Marcus keeps some great company.

    What has Marcus done besides prove he needs an anger management class?

  31. The LED lights were done by Rick Jones he will be missed, Dickert will not.

  32. What 400 jobs did Dickert create??? We know his cousin and other friends got jobs not 400 other people.

  33. Dickert must be a very close friend to Becker considering the fact that Becker told people that he was in Brookfield to meet John Dickert and not the underage girl he was planning to rape. Birds of a feather flock together.

  34. I know many folks who lost jobs and continue to do so thank You John Dickert.

  35. Mike Ottelien2/06/2011 4:05 PM

    Anonymous 7:42,

    I have had lunch, on many occasions with Dustin Block, it seems that by your angst filled blog that you may have something to hide? Dustin is a friend of mine and yes we do discuss political issies as they affect Racine. That being said, Dustin and I are on oppisite sides of the political fence, we agree though that Racine needs a change to happen at City Hall. I have no problem blogging under my name, why don't you? Scared, or just hidding something from the rest of us! I have seen "The Good Ole Boys Club" continue to ignore problems, pass political favors and city contracts to friends and family for far to many years. As for the "wanna be players" they are simply city residents that have seen what our local incumbants have or have not done for Racine. The Tousis project, was in our minds a success, we gathered support from the neighbors only to have politicians say what was right and not the constituents. Even your fearless leader Mayor Dickert was given the chance to knock on doors, any door of his choice, in West Racine to ask what the people that lived there felt. The Mayor choose not to take us up on the offer, I guess he was planning his next vaction with Barrak! The unions may not be the force they once were, but they still play a major roll in the political landscape of Racine. I have to give Eric Marcus credit, he has done what many before him have not, united Dems and Repubs in his race for Mayor. As for the TEA Party group, I can not speek on their behalf but I am sure they have not been promissed any administration jobs at city hall like Freidel was. I encourage you to contact me, lets sit down, have a cup of coffee and futher discuss this issue. I can be reached through Dustin at anytime, call me, or are you simply, as I thought, a spineless coward hiding behind anonymity?

  36. Dickert has not brought a single job to Racine, except the ones he has given his family and his political cronies. What is this, Chicago?

  37. Eric Marcus may be chumming around with the Smiths and the Sharps, but he is not a member of the Tea Party Group.

  38. Mike, you are a big jughead. Learn how to spell.

  39. Mike Ottelien2/06/2011 5:38 PM

    Anon 5:01,

    It sucks not having spellcheck, because you are right when it comes to spelling I am the ultimate "JUG HEAD"

  40. Eric Marcus hasn't united Democrats and Republicans, he can have the Sharps! They are toxic and unbalanced and don't even live in Racine.

    Their participation is the embarrassment of the Democratic Party...please take them and keep 'em.

    Scott Sharp was supposed to be some kind of friend to Ron Thomas and instead stabbed him in the back with Jim Smith.

    All Marcus has united is the losers club. They can't win an election and they're disloyal. Dickert may not be perfect, but he's a damn site better than this crew.

    He'll tell the Tea Party anything they want to hear.

  41. Dickert to be is I think a lying cheat a slug who is only out for himself. More then willing to see his friends destroyed in order to obtain power for himself. His cult followers should see what he has done vs what he said he will do.

  42. John Dickert has done plenty for this community before and after he became Mayor. Racine doesn't need some guy from California who swoops in and thinks he knows what is good for us after 20 months as an Alderman.

  43. We don't believe the lies anymore. Bottom line, Dickert is a complete failure. The guy can't even return phone calls.

  44. Dickert is so bad as a Mayor as a human he would I think sacrifice anyone even his closes friends if he thought He could get ahead. Shame is some are willing to let him.
    John Dicker Mayor of Rat-city is I believe only out for him and his pocketbook. Truly I feel Stalin would be a better Mayor and Human.

  45. Looks like the Dickert's cronies realize how much trouble he is in. If they spent as much energy on bringing jobs to Racine as they do trying to tear down the people who oppose him then we would not have 15% unemployment.

  46. Wow, you guys are seriously desperate. Your way over the top slams on Stalin, I mean Dickert show how very little you have to say about what your candidate offers.

    By the way, what was it that Marcus has done? Oh right nothing.

  47. Wait! I get the joke here.

    Yo, John Dickert is so ugly he made a blind man cry!

    Yo, John Dickert is so dumb when he threw a rock at the ground he missed!

    This is fun. Let's try...Yo, Eric Marcus is so fat...wait, I've never seen Eric Marcus because he's only been in office for a few months.

    Dang, I can't even make a joke about him because he hasn't done anything.

  48. Dickert = Failure

  49. i wouldnt call dickhert the job slayer, it's the city government that does the job. and they're good at it

  50. Marcus grabs his bullhorn and protests the Humane Society and demands the contract be renegotiated. No one even applies for the job. Fail.

    Marcus appointed to Public Safety and Licensing and in 3 vote opportunities to vote on Park 6 after assaults and a shooting fails to vote either way. Fail.

    Marcus blusters that the city budget contains too much fat. When presented with the opportunity to name a cut to the budget, he offers none. Fail again.

    In 21 months Marcus has neither been a leader nor accomplished anything other than drawing attention to himself.

  51. @ 8:55, are you a Dickerts campaign worker?

  52. Yes 8:55 is one of the top ones too.

  53. Just because a campaign worker said it doesn't make it any less true. Also, who do you think all the pro-Marcus people are? Or, do you believe all that "grass-roots" BS he is peddling?

  54. @ 10:43 they are all idiots, just think our mayor is the biggest of all 3

  55. So much for Dickerts clean campaign pledge

  56. Anon 7:42
    Is that you Jean? I can’t tell because the glare off you head is starting to blind me. Afraid your beau is going to loose and your protection will evaporate? You should be.

  57. 10:09
    No, I'm not a campaign worker. I can read a paper and I haven't noticed anything particularly impressive about Marcus other than his ability to make himself seem important without actually accomplishing anything.

  58. All of Dickert's lofty promises and what has he done? Absolutely nothing. Unless of course you count chasing out businesses and development, giving jobs and no-bid contracts to his family and campaign cronies, and having crime and unemployment go up (fiddling with the numbers is not fooling anyone Fibbing John).

  59. Ricardo says: Some are making much ado about nothing! The MANY things John Dickert has done for Racine far out weigh the few issues that some bring up and want to grind an ax about. John is a life time resident of Racine raising a family here, and he cares about doing what he can to make Racine a grat city.

  60. Dickert = Failure

  61. A Dunn Bros. closed in San Antonio too! Dickert did it, he even ruins things in Texas...except for the Super Bowl which Eric Marcus won single handed!

  62. Tim the Shrubber2/07/2011 3:21 PM

    "and unemployment go up (fiddling with the numbers is not fooling anyone Fibbing John)."

    Ummmm...instead of posting as anonymous, might I suggest the name "Batsheet-Crazy Racine Resident"?

    To make the claim that Dickert had any influence at all on the the BLS local unemployment estimates demostrates that you are a leading member of the tinfoil hat brigade.

  63. Wow, it didn't take long for commenters to jump back in. I was kind of hoping we were forgotten about! The interesting part of the story isn't whether Mayor Dickert is doing a good or bad job. Voters will decide that in the upcoming elections. I'm more interested in the movements around the mayor. At least some unions are upset with the Mayor's office, and it's interesting to explore why that is. We did the same thing when Gary Becker angered the city's African-American community.

    In Dickert's favor, he's the guy right now and being the guy wins you a lot of votes. But it also puts your record under scrutiny, something Marcus and Locke don't have to worry about. It's hard to call anyone a "job-slayer" in a national economy with 9% unemployment, but it's safe to say Dickert had loftier goals for his first two years in office. I don't doubt he's trying, but are voters happy with his results? We'll find out soon enough.

  64. Tim the Shrubber2/07/2011 3:31 PM

    "I can read a paper and I haven't noticed anything particularly impressive about Marcus other than his ability to make himself seem important without actually accomplishing anything."

    I would second that. While Marcus has not been on the City Council long, it has been long enough that he should have something significant to show for it since he is basically the second coming of Christ (well, at least his supporters act like he is the Messiah). But when I look at his list of accomplishments since elected it looks rather empty. I am unimpressed.

  65. Tim the Shrubber2/07/2011 3:33 PM

    "I was kind of hoping we were forgotten about!"


  66. Marcus is failure

  67. I see Marcus as at least honest and wants more over site over the city action with our money.

  68. Marcus has had chances to make his mark and then he fumbled. He still hasn't pointed to one single thing he'd cut in the budget which he says has at least 100k of fat. HE said that.

    He said he's ask City Hall workers to take a 5% cut in salary. He is so massively unliked already there he won't get one taker. Meet the new Mayor he'd like to punish you for your hard work with a pay cut.

    Marcus is courting Scott Sharp from Afscme and no doubt made a promise that the Tea Party will hate, he's courted the GOP with promises the unions will no doubt hate.

    He's playing up the middle with Pete Karas and his fantasy for a public owned power utility-that isn't gonna happen either.

    It's smoke and mirrors. Dickert has been out there working hard against a lot of competition from other cities. I'm voting for Dickert.

  69. How interesting that Dickert's Dirty Trick team is so after Marcus. What has The Mayor promised to get them to be so active for his campaign? Will they think the trade with be worth what they will be giving up? Then when Dickert loses ....

  70. Dickert supporters have absoultly NOTHING to hang their hats on as far as success. They will never speak to what Dickert has accomplished because it's either not true or a complete bunch of BS! People who pay attention in this city or have had the misfortune of doing ANY kind of business with Dickert know the truth, and the truth is Dickert has failed us!

  71. Tim the Realtor2/07/2011 10:32 PM

    Dickert has everything to do with unemployment numbers. He promised to bring jobs to Racine and to bring businesses to Racine. He has done neither. If we cannot hold the mayor for his false promises than why even hold elections?

  72. Tim the Shrubber2/08/2011 8:52 AM

    Tim the Realtor, I think you are making what is known as a straw man argument. You are tearing down an argument that I never made. Pretty easy, eh? You are right that Dickert has not been successful at bringing a bunch of jobs to Racine. I would agree with you 100% on that. What might be a bit more challenging is to stay on the topic that was being discussed.

    The topic on hand is the claim that thew 11.2% local unemployment rate reported by the BLS has been manipulated by the John Dickert. I believe that exact claim by the Anon poster was that the year-to-year rate had actually gone up (instead of down as reported by the BLS) and that Dickert was "fiddling with the numbers".

    Now, if you want to explain how Dickert could alter those number, go right ahead. I for one think that Dickert does not wield any sort of influence at the BLS, and that they create their estimates with no regard for his political career.

  73. I have heard plenty of good things about John Dickert on this thread:

    -The savings from the LED lights
    -The waste cost savings from the recycling bins
    -The city used stimulus money to rehab houses and put around 400 people to work
    -The push to hire Racine workers first
    -Getting the downtown fountain up and working with the grant from jwax
    -No layoffs of police and first responders
    -The river clean up initiative
    just to name some.

    Jobs are a continuing problem, I have read about a number of companies the Mayor has pursued, some with success and some not. But I also know he is in tough competition.

    What I have not heard from Marcus is:
    -Where is that $100k of budget fat going to come from?
    -How many city employees will take a 5% pay cut? You must have talked to a few by now.
    -How many businesses have YOU talked to about moving to Racine?
    -Why do you want to take Racine off the energy grid? What possible savings can that realize and what would the start up cost be?
    -How will you pay for a conference center downtown you say you want?
    -How many Aldermen are endorsing you? Enough to pass any legislation or will you enter the job as a lame duck?

    Really just a few answers please...

  74. "Then when Dickert loses ...."

    OK. I get you don't like the guy. I also get you have to put on a happy face for the campaign, such as it is. But, seriously, you really think Dickert will lose to Marcus? Can I have some of what you are smoking?

  75. Are you kidding? LED lights= Rick Jones (not dickert) REcycling Bins= Rick Jones. The push to hire Racine first in his failed program was illegal, 400 people to work is an outright lie and a scam. Downtown fountain was all SCJ....Listen people, If you want to vote for Dickert at least have the facts, those above are NOT facts. Dickert has proven himself a liar and a cheat. And by the way, when DIckert preaches about bringing jobs to this city, the reality is that businesses are closing up shop left and right in Racine, it only proves how out of touch this moron truly is!

  76. All Dickert knows is real estate, that is why it is time to let him do what he does best-be a realtor again.

    His decision making is terrible, why spend the money on fixing these houses when there are plenty on the market already and few buyers given the lack of jobs here. Plus hiring a PIO who did little and his cousin at 100k? For what?

    Is he still trying to get KRM?

  77. How Desperate the Dicker Dirty Tricks team have become perhaps its time for another fake Email. Now that's a story The Post might want to look into!
    Racine the home of dirty politics and corrupt politicos

  78. Dickert = Failure

  79. Dickert = Failure = Marcus

  80. Tim, do you have a view of the Main St. Bridge from your office? John Dickert might want to rename your area Bridgeview.

  81. Tim the Shrubber2/08/2011 1:48 PM

    "Tim, do you have a view of the Main St. Bridge from your office?"

    Er, no...I cannot see the Main Street Bridge from North Chicagoland. My eyes are not that good.

  82. There are not 400 contractors on the NSP bidding list. And only a handful of these contractors got any work. Where did the 400 jobs figure come from anyway? The siding and trim on the Thurston St. job is already blowing off, how mush better the other jobs will turn out. Don't want these contractors siding my home. 400 jobs what a lie.

  83. I am suporting Mayor Jon Dikert for mayor. He is a good christain boy that will fight the non blasphemers from our towns just like my aldermaen. Two bad he will not run again, he will missed. Can't waite to spred the gospel of Mayor Dikert to my neibors from door to door.

  84. Who is suing the City now? More hanky panky at City Hall?

  85. the chair of the local dem party bragged to many people about how he was going to get a special job from dickert and then it fell through. now dickert is promising him another one. chair of dem party is the IBEW president for the city of racine and the only union backing dickert. can dickert get support from anyone withuot making promises of jobs?

  86. Big announcement of an aviation engine company coming to Racine. Good news for the city.

  87. what did Dickert do in the research and development of this new engine? nothing!!!
    did he find the financing? no!!!
    DeltaHawk started years ago and it has nothing to do with dickert at all!!!!!!

  88. 9:8 very true The Mayor did NOTHING (that is what he does best) IMHO he will claim he did everything up to inventing the airplane as he was talking to Obama.

  89. Everything bad that happens in Racine is Dickert's fault and everything good had nothing to do with Dickert. Interesting.

    Still waiting to hear from Marcus supporters where that $100k of fat is coming from.

  90. Jeff is a buddy of Dickert and trying to get a plush city job with bennies. The last job offered to him did not have the bennies maybe Dickert can do better for him next time. Why do you think he is backing Dickert? Lets stop this type of thing from happening.
    Vote for Marcus.

  91. He already has a job. This is a ploy to detract from whatever deal Marcus has cut with DPW and Afscme chief, Scott Sharp. The teapartiers are gonna be REALLY unhappy!

  92. Dickert, you aren't going to get the nomination from the Racine County Dems either. Another promise that Jeff made to you that will not be delivered. You can't cut the money off either like you have been telling everyone.

  93. 11:57 There is no nomination, it's a non-partisan race. But the nearly universal dislike for the Sharp's within the party guarantee Dems will come out strongly for Dickert. That they have teamed up with the Smith's is seen as political poison.

    When the deal Marcus has struck with Scott Sharp is revealed, his house of cards will implode big time with conservatives.

  94. I love the Dickert Ad, calling him out on all his screw ups. There are more they could have listed but can't afford the phone book the listing would become.

  95. Here is some of the statements that Eric made when asked about Crime, I would say for his short time in office he's done a hell of a lot more than walking around with armed guards and a cup of coffee like Dickert did on Jacato asking "What should we do?"

    “In my first month as alderman I was faced with two drug houses and a man facing his neighbors with an AK-47. Only a month before I took office, Mohammed (“Mo”) Shehadeh was shot and killed in his store on Racine Street. Gangs continue to spray graffiti in alleys and on garages. Community Oriented Policing (COP) and active and involved neighborhood watch programs have made it more difficult for criminals.
    According to a recent press release from the Racine Police Department, the crime rate in the City of Racine in 2010 was lower than 2009, but even more dramatically is that the crime rate for 2010 is lower than that of 1970. Violent crimes are down 28% and property crimes are down 37% when compared with 1970. This is a 40 year low in our crime rate in the City of Racine. These statistics are encouraging, but not if you are a victim. I would also like to work jointly with the County educating victims regarding the services that may be available thru the Victim Witness Program at the state and any other programs/resources that could reduce potentially lifelong psychological affects that victims of crime experience.

    My constituents have been affected by crime in the City of Racine. One of my constituents was mugged in the evening on their way home from a local neighborhoodstore. Another was attacked while repairing his own home. These two activities are part of a person’s normal day and my expectation is that the law abiding citizen’s of Racine should not have to change their daily activities out of fear.

    When the MACC center opened at the former site of Winslow School our neighbors were harassed by students and they fell victim to petty acts of violence. I stood by my neighbors and constituents and helped them put a meeting together with Racine Unified School District’s Superintendent Jim Shaw ,Principal of the MACC Center, the Racine Police and other interested parties. It was a first step where concrete actions were laid out and we began what will be an ongoing continuous dialog.

    I contacted the parole office assigned to the Second District and reached a joint agreement for people under direct onsite supervision to provide free labor and paint to make said properties whole from spray painted symbols and other graffiti. I also worked with the building department to change the content of all future letters the City would send to victims because their letter made the victims of graffiti and other petty crime the criminal by making demands to repair damages etc.

    Here's the link for the whole article

  96. It seems to me that Penny Sharp has a few people out to trash her and they are using this mayoral race to do it.
    I remember people trashing Sandra Tingle right up until Becker got busted.
    Maybe it's time to learn from the past and focus on the actual candidates so we don't let another few years of downward spiraling to occur while trash talking people.

  97. This comment has been removed by the author.

  98. Good job, Racine Uncovered, for keeping on topic and without malice.
    I look forward to more posts where people are focused on actual issues and not name calling or dragging others into the fray.

  99. Racine Uncovered is the epitomy of name calling!

  100. Dickert IMHO likes the fact we have a higher infant mortality rate then Botswana. Less nonwhites to bother his Downtown

  101. The owners of Delta Hawk had all sorts of thank-yous for the Mayor at the press conference yesterday. Wayne "IMHO" Clingman should really do his homework.

  102. Hell after a million+ I would too. A small price to pay. Maybe if your a good troll you will get some too.
    How does the Mayor like The Tea Party Ad on the Radio?

  103. $95,000.00 + 60 days sick pay + vacation pay, free car and other benifits for an administrator, why do we even need a lame mayor??? When and if Delta goes belly up that money will be lost also. Marcus should look into other loans that went belly up. Thousands of dollars have been lost that taxpayers do not even know about.

  104. Marcus would cut mayors salary by 10% and eliminate the admin position, saving the taxpayers approx 150k in the first day of taking office! Vote Marcus!


    You can help send John Dickert a message.

  106. After tonight, Dickert will have a re-election problem. This reminds me of when Jim Smith ran for re-election only to be soundly defeated.

  107. Did anyone see the legal notice for property at 1016 Augusta. Everyone will be laughing at the city if this one sells.
